this existed back in the day
Finally, it's time to find out my status.
[Name: ?????]
[Level: 1]
[Race: 99% human, 1% ?????]
Health: 95/100
Mana: 100/100
[free skill points: 0]
[Titles (passive abilities)]
Anti-hero MAX
Cold-blooded D-
Analytic thinking F+
What did I do to deserve the anti-hero title?
Weren't I supposed to be a hero in the first place? Alright, alright, I just have to think about this positively. Maybe that title is actually very useful. There is a chance that it will actually be a good title, so let's not get put down too much by the name.
Okay, I'm gonna read the description, there is a chance that it's actually super overpowered, because it's related to heroes.
Anti-hero MAX
<how to obtain>
•{given to a person who is hated by more than 10 heroes at once}
•{the said person has to be a hero to obtain this title}
•{two people cannot have this title at the same time}
(even if the heroes lose their hatred towards the Anti-hero, the title still remains)
The rules of this ability sure are specific, huh. Well then, let's see what benefits it gives.
•{sets the experience cap to 9001}
•{allows the Anti-hero to communicate with demons}
"Fucking hell!" I shouted and punched the wall.
And I can't even lose this title, no matter how much I try. It's bloody permanent, isn't that just great.
Hold on, I need to control myself. Take a deep breath.
"Haaa." I let out a long sigh, in an attempt to calm down.
Alright, I need to look at the positives, and keep a Positive Mental Attitude. A PMA.
So, at least I can talk to demons, but how useful is that really? Don't get me wrong, it's a great ability to have, but, does that outweigh the 9001 experience requirement, that is the real question. Also, by demons, does it mean all monsters, or just the proper demons?
Hmm, I want to read the description of both effects again, just in case.
•{sets the experience cap to 9001}
•{allows the Anti-hero to communicate with demons}
Sets the level cap to 9001. Sets. The level cap is set to 9001. Wait, no way.
Sets should mean that it makes the experience cap 9001, right? It doesn't say that the experience cap is increased by 9001, but rather, the experience cap is set to be the same number.
In this world, everyone's experience cap increases by 100 each time they level up. So at level 10 your experience cap would be 1 000. At level 50 the cap would have increased to 5 000.
I think you know where this is heading.
If you were to, in theory, reach level 100, then your cap will be 10 000. And mine, well, it's set to be 9001, so it would..
That's way too overpowered, is it not? It's can't possibly be that overpowered of an ability. Can it?
In actuality, only one person at a time in the entire world could have this title, so it's gotta be real. The description wouldn't lie.
Haha, I have the most overpowered title I could possibly think of.
Yes, that's right. It allows me to level up forever. I get stronger with each level, and the enemies I can fight become stronger as well. That how it works. But there is a limiting factor that everyone has. Even the heroes, who get double experience, have it.
If you were to, say, reach level 300, you would have to find monsters that are strong enough to give you so much experience, and to be frank, there are almost none of those. Or rather, they are really hard to find. So this supposedly level 300 hero would have almost no chance to level up, because he would have to find 30 000 experience.
I, on the other hand, can be of any level.
Let's say, 1000. And I would still need the same 9001 experience, just like I do now, where as the other people would need 100 000 experience points for a single level.
Well, it's official.
"I'm overpowered!!" I say as a squeeze my fist and raise it in the air.
Of course, I'm doing this just to motivate myself, because however strong this ability may make me in the future, as of now, it makes me absolutely useless.
Alrighty then, time to check what the other titles do.
Cold-blooded D-
<how to obtain>
•{given to a person who killed more than 10 living creatures in a minute}
•{whole doing so, the person has to show no sympathy towards the targets}
•{allows the user to keep a clearer mind}
•{increases the recovery speed, in case the the user becomes mentally unstable}
Okay, so I got this one for killing the trapped kobolds. It's pretty easy to obtain so I would assume that a lot of people have it.
I don't have a lot to add about this one, it's just a handy ability to have.
And now the last one.
Analytic thinking F+
<how to obtain>
•{given to those who analyze or read their target's movements}
���{the user also has to do the same for their own actions}
•{allows the user to process and analyze the battle quicker}
•{makes it easier to see through your target's actions}
Okay, so this one is very straightforward and useful. By the looks of things, most good warriors would have this one, however leveling it seems a lot harder than obtaining it.
With all this information, operation «farming humans» should become a whole lot easier.
I did it again. I overused the word «experience» again.
I’d like to say that I’m sorry, and also add that I will do my absolute best to avoid the same mistake in the following chapters.