

THIS BOOK IS DEAD AND WILL NOT BE UPDATED ANY TIME IN THE FUTURE!!!!!! ~~~~~ this is a Fanfiction I'm writing for fun, if you're expecting a complex, over the top, plot twisting story, this is not for you. Again, this is for fun, there will not be any stable releases unless this becomes really popular for some reason or another, thank you~~~~~ Now then for the real synopsis, basically this dude dies, because I'm not original, and meets this god guy whoever the hell he is - gets transported into the Naruto universe and does some well uh... experimenting? Again this is purely for fun, may be dropped for some reason, or it may not. And for that reason I will be putting whatever the hell I want in here, as long as its paced correctly.. I hate stories paced like crap. So harem? sure, but only 2 per universe if I get that far, as long as I know the story then our boy'll go there. Might as well pick up a few girls around the cosmic blob that is space and time - the Naruto Universe pairings are already decided though. System? sure. systems are the only way to grow without being either really lucky or really evil.. or both Another disclaimer this will be a Gary Sue fic so if you dont like horribly OP MC's then this also is not for you If you read this far into here and still want to read then well.. Welcome aboard **********Also this will probably have a LOT of plot holes. and I mean a LOT. so like if I mess something up feel free to inform me. I may or may not fix it depending on how it looks. Thank you*******

Faveryy · Others
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57 Chs

Preparation for the big escape

After Nagato finished his sob session, he calmed down and we finished up our introductions

"My name is Uzumaki Nagato, Orphan just like everyone here. I like my dog Chibi and Jack Nii-san" I looked slightly surprised at that, I hadn't expected Nagato to see me as a brother "My hobbies are playing with Chibi and watching the sunsets, I dislike those who judge other people because of things they cannot control and people who take advantage of powerless people" I thought about his parents when he said that. They were killed in self defense but they were still trying to protect what belonged to them. "I dream to be able to become strong enough to protect those close to me" he finished it off with a large smile

"Alright, now that that's out of the way, lets go train" I told them, a sadistic grin on my face, to which they paled

I dragged them off by their collars while laughing maniacally "HEHEHEHHEEEHEHEHE"

The only words going through the trio's minds were 'We're screwed'

~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 Years Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

'System, show me my stats please'

[Name ; Jack Uzumaki

Affinities ; Lightning(Low-High), Wind(High-Mid), Water(Mid-High), Earth(Mid-High), Fire (Mid)

CP ; 5000/5000

CC ; 55%

HP ; 7550/7550

STR ; 600

PER ; 500

END ; 600

CHR ; 500

INT ; 450

AGL ; 600

LUK ; 50

Techniques ; Fire Release : Great Fireball ( LvMax ), Wind Release : Great Breakthrough ( LvMax ), Thunderbolt 1 ( Lv5 ), Fire Release : Phoenix Flower Technique ( Lv4 ), Fire Release : Fire Bullet ( Lv1 )

Bloodlines ; Modified Uchiha (3-Tomoe) , Uzumaki (M-Mid), Senju (High-Mid)

Skills ; Strong Fist (Lv10), Leaf Exercise ( LvMax ), Tree Walking ( Lv 2 ) Armament Haki ( Lv20 ) , Observation Haki ( Lv12 ), Sealing ( Lv3 )

Weapon Skills ; Swordsmanship ( Low-Mid )

Items ; One-Piece Subsystem, Bomu-Bomu no Mi, Random Summon, Sealing Book levels 1-5, Wado Ichimonji, Hiraishin Kunai, Summon Alpha Series, x1 Random Bloodline

x100 Kunai, x250 Shuriken, 50M Nin-Wire, 10 Food Pills, 10 Water Pills, 7 Chakra Pills. 10 Body Enhancement Pills

MP ; 50,000]

[ Leaf Exercise Lv 10/10

Using your chakra, you stick a leaf on a part of your body to increase control

Passive +5% CC

+1% Every Level ]

[ Tree Walking Exercise Lv 2/5

Similar to the Leaf exercise, Use chakra to tick to a vertical or perpendicular surface

Passive +5% CC

+ 5 Every Level ]

'Damn, Only that much stronger in 2 years? I guess I am only 9 but I thought I'd have more than that' I thought while looking in the mirror

After about 9 years of training my Chakra, and an extra 6 Training my body along side, I have grown like a weed, and have become quite handsome too

I stood at 5'2" with deep, dark, cherry-wood hair, almost forest green eyes, and a body that isn't to laugh at. It seems that training your Chakra has the same effect on your body as something like swimming would do. I would be surprised if I had any sort of body fat left on my body. I was lean, and filled with springy pink muscle - no bulkiness to slow me down.

I was wearing a green-black haori with a blood red Uzumaki swirl on the back, a black flak jacket was strapped to my chest over a mesh shirt that hugged my body closely. I was also wearing standard ANBU pants, bracers, and gloves, all in a deep black color, with my kunai and shuriken holsters strapped to my legs. My hair was short and combed to the side while there was no forehead protector in sight even though Shinji, Nanami, and I graduated a year before. That is because we threw them away last night in a secret location

Yeah, today is going to be the day that we escape

I have stayed out of Hanzo's radar long enough, and I'm pretty sure he's suspecting something with us three. I don't know why he would, we've been taking only D and C-ranks for the past year with our No-Name Jonin Sensei. He's been sending us out with other teams and Jonin, I'm pretty sure I can feel Ame ANBU following us too, but I cant really be sure.

Yesterday was announced that there was a squad of Konoha Shinobi heading this way, scouting from the east, which was the main reason we threw away the metal slabs, Hanzo told everyone he'd go out himself to take care of them and send a message

Perfect opportunity

Besides that, our group of six have been training like madmen

Shinji is right behind me at about a 450 stat average. He can give me a really hard time whenever we spar just because of how ruthless he is, though I am still in the lead at 234 / 230 wins

Nanami is the third in our group at about a 425 stat average. She still focuses on her research more than training, which I love, but if she focused solely on training I'm pretty sure she'd be Chunin level by now

Nagato and Yahiko are tied for the 4th place spot at a 400 stat average. Yahiko trains more than all of us just to catch up to Nagato who has a natural advantage because of the Rinnegan. Speaking of which, Nagato still can't use the Animal, Asura, nor Deva path comfortably just because of the chakra consumption. Nagato is an Uzumaki but I've looked and even one Shinra Tensei took about 1000 CP, which Nagato only has about 2500 with a 75% CC.

Konan is in last place with a 390 stat average, though she has been training nearly as much as Yahiko, she will always have a disadvantage just for being a girl. She has, however, begun to learn how to control her Paper Techniques, which was pretty cool. Me and Nanami have tried figuring out how they worked but we came up with nothing. Seems like you really do need a Yin or Yang affinity to utilize Sub-Elements or Unusual Techniques, such as paper.

Konan though, developed a huge crush on me about six months ago when I saved her from being kidnapped by slavers out in an alleyway in the slums when she went to find homeless orphans to help. She had done this many times before so I knew the time it took for her to do her rounds, and she was about 15 minutes late with no sign of her returning. I had set out to look for her, and found that she was fighting a group of 7 slavers and was exhausted. She had already taken out three of them though. I had snuck up from behind them on the roofs above and did a leap of faith from assassins creed down onto what looked like their leader. The rest froze up seeing me come out of nowhere and slaughtering their boss, and that gave me the opening I needed to decimate each and every one of them with my sword.

It really wasn't even a fight. Every time one of them died, they would freeze up again, so it was a never ending cycle of Slash, freeze, charge, slash...

Though apparently that was enough for her to start to like me. I'm not complaining, she's very beautiful in the future, but I'm not going to take advantage of what could just be puppy love of a 7 year old girl.

Right now I'm debating whether or not I should use my random summon or not.

'On one hand, I could summon someone like Esdeath or Thanos and they could murder me in seconds, or I could pull a Care-Bear or something and they be utterly useless in a fight. On the other hand, I could also summon someone like Hashirama Senju or Goku and I could have a teacher and a fighter willing to protect me' I was snapped out of my thoughts by the system

[ Host, you need not worry about having summons kill you. When summoned, they can not attack the host knowingly without having massive repercussions to the summon as well. They are informed about this before being summoned into your universe and are given a scan to see if they have any sort of bad intention. If they still intend to harm you host, we send them back and select another randomly ]

Oh. Well that was simple. I probably could have done this years ago without worry. I'm stupid

'Well then system, use the Random Summon'

[ Affirmative Host ]

[ Drawing Random Summon ]

[ Alert! Host has summoned... ]

Extra chapter for you guys because i love you

Yeah yeah, I know I changed the Devil fruit Jack got but they are both similar so...

I'm kind of scared writing fight scenes since I have no clue how to put one together, but I will try my best when we get to that point

You guys probably already know who he summons so I'm not telling. heheh

As always thank you for reading

Faveryycreators' thoughts