
Thirty Days The Complete Series

Set in London and Brighton, Thirty Days is a fabulously provocative romance series that gives you a very steamy love affair between a hot guy and an unsure heroine, baked goods and some rather unexpected twists and turns along the way. Shy and unassuming, Abigail James loves to bake. She dreams of opening her own dessert café but instead she spends her days working as a data analyst and sneaking in her cakes as the company’s ‘diet assassin’ on the side. Taylor Hudson, the enigmatic owner of Hudson International, has been captivated by Abby’s innocence and quiet charm since the day she started working for the company. However, his history with women is marred by personal circumstances and he has vowed to stay away. A chance meeting sees Abby’s world turned upside down when, drawn in by Taylor’s chocolate-coloured eyes and unexpected kindness, she starts on a journey of attraction that will see her heart and soul laid bare. While their attraction is mutual, both Abby and Taylor have their own inner demons that they need to overcome if their relationship can move forward for them to find their own ‘happily ever after’.

BibiPaterson · Urban
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10 Chs


My heart pounds as Taylor kisses my neck, his lips making their way from my earlobe down to the dip in my throat. He glances into my eyes with a wicked look before swooping down and capturing one of my nipples in his mouth. I find myself starting to writhe under his touch as he first laves my sensitive nib with his tongue, the swirling motion causing me to moan as arousal spikes through me.

A hand reaches between my thighs. My breath catches as I feel first one and then two fingers slipping through my bush and exploring my folds until they find my sweet, sweet spot. Slowly Taylor starts mirroring the motion of his tongue with his finger, and it is all I can do to grip on to his shoulders as he hovers above me. The warmth in my pelvis spreads and becomes more intense by the minute as both his tongue and fingers continue their relentless assault on my senses.

"Please, Taylor," I beg, "I need you in me."

"In a moment, my sweet," he reassures. Before I have a chance to respond, his mouth finds my nipple and his teeth suddenly bite down hard. I yelp at the unexpected pain, but the corresponding jolt I feel between my thighs leaves me panting for more.

"Hmm, you like this?" he queries, taking my other breast in his hand. He tweaks my nipple hard, and I find myself gasping again, my arousal ramping up again as the pain sparks a riot of pleasure. I groan loudly, not sure I can take much more.

"Urgh," I moan. "Please…I can't take any more."

"Yes, yes, you can," Taylor assures me, simultaneously biting down on my lower lip and plunging his fingers into my wet depths. I come undone, the pressure inside of me from Taylor's fingers tipping me over the edge into a sublime climax.


I wake from my dream with my hand between my thighs, gasping for breath. Confused, it takes me a few moments to realise what has just happened. I have just had a wet dream. Seriously, I thought this kind of thing only happened to prepubescent boys! And here I am, having masturbated for the first time in my life, and it was in my sleep. I take a few deep breaths to steady myself and realise my alarm is ringing shrilly in my ear. With a sense of irritation of having been interrupted, I slam my hand on the snooze button and make an effort to stand on my shaky legs.

I heave myself into the shower, all the while giving myself a stern lecture to get myself together. The warm water finally calms the tension radiating through my body, and it is with great reluctance that I finally climb out when my alarm goes off again. I dress quickly in my favourite dark-navy jeans and an emerald-green chunky knit cardigan that I found in a charity shop in Brighton during one of my visits with Nonna. She always says that the colour suits me, bringing out the jade in my eyes, and I have to admit that my dream has definitely brought some colour to my cheeks, giving me a glow that I don't normally have. The weather looks decidedly grey outside, so I add a scarf and hat to my 'Paddington Bear' duffel coat before making my way down the road to catch the bus to the office.

I find myself remembering my dream in glorious Technicolor several times, squirming in my seat as arousal sparks through me once again. I find that I have to berate myself and eventually I plug myself into my music player in an effort to drown out my disturbing thoughts.

As I round the corner with my bagel and latte in hand, I find my heart beating a rapid crescendo as I near the office. Please don't let him be in. Please don't let him be in. My desperate mantra accompanies me through security, up the lift and across to my desk. Despite the relief at not running into Taylor, I can't help but acknowledge the stab of disappointment that has seared through me.

The morning passes in a blur of data, and by the time my stomach starts to signal that it is time for lunch, I feel that I have made good headway with Eddy's report. A couple of more hours is all I need and then I can head on home. I make my way to the kitchen to grab a drink and heat up the soup I have brought with me. I am just pulling back from the fridge when I suddenly become aware of a presence behind me. I gasp and whirl around with fright.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you," Taylor says with a lazy smile.

"Bloody hell! You shouldn't sneak up on people," I retort, my blood pumping through my veins.

"Um, I didn't know anyone was in. I was out of milk upstairs and popped down to grab some. If anything, you shouldn't hide in the fridge and jump out at unsuspecting people."

"Oh, hardy ha. You nearly gave me a heart attack." My indignation starts to melt as his unique scent catches me. Without warning the images from my dream come flooding back, and I feel the heat rise up my neck and my cheeks flush pink.

The tension becomes palpable in the small area, and once again I feel the electricity surging through my veins as I look into Taylor's deep-brown eyes.

"Look, sorry about the way I left you last night." Taylor's apology comes out of left field, the kiss having been eclipsed by my dream. I can feel the blush deepen across my cheeks, and I curse my colouring for always making it so easy to read my emotions. My breath hitches as Taylor takes a step towards me so that our hips are almost touching and I am forced to look up to read his expression.

With agonising slowness, Taylor reaches up to caress my face. "I don't know what it is about you, Abby, but I can't seem to think clearly when I am round you. All my control just…just disappears." With that, his grip tightens on the back of my head, bringing my lips up to his. As the kiss deepens and his tongue begins to explore my mouth with passion, I find myself being pushed against the counter.

Taylor's body melds to mine, and I can feel his erection digging into my hip. Letting go, I wind my hands up over his shoulders and into Taylor's silky hair. Arousal courses through my body, and unconsciously I find myself grinding my hips against him. With a moan, Taylor lifts me onto the countertop, pulling my legs up and wrapping them around his waist. Slipping a hand into my cardigan, he starts to massage first one breast and then the other.

"Perfect," whispers Taylor, almost in reverence. My body aches and my nipples peak into hard nubs begging for attention. As Taylor tweaks one through my bra, I gasp as sensation floods my pelvis. Panting, I gasp, "More!"

"Ah, fuck!" Taylor exclaims, pushing himself away, the sudden movement catching me unawares.

"Sorry, Abby, I shouldn't be doing this." Taylor's voice is unexpectedly harsh, and I feel like I have been slapped in the face.

"Um, okay," I whisper, unable to meet his eyes.

"Aw shit, Abby. Don't look at me like I just shot Bambi. I am your boss. This is completely inappropriate." Taylor shifts his weight back on his heels and pushes his hands through his hair in agitation.

I don't know how to respond, so feeling utterly rejected, I walk away back to my desk. I have barely walked a couple of metres when Taylor grabs my arm and pulls me into his chest in a firm embrace.

"It's not you. It's me, Abby. It's…complicated," he murmurs.

"Ah, that old chestnut," I reply. I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself, knowing that I am on the brink of tears. With an unexpected gentleness, Taylor moves back, placing a kiss on my forehead. Slowly I turn and walk away. When I glance around a few moments later, Taylor has disappeared.

With a curse, I feel the tears start to make their way down my face. I try to wipe them away with angry swipes, but still, they continue to fall. Frustrated and hurt, I throw myself back into my work, mindless that I still haven't eaten, in an effort to push aside my misery.

At last, I am able to hit Send on the report to Eddy. Despite everything that has gone on with Taylor, I feel a sense of accomplishment at the work that I have done. As I pack away my computer and tidy my desk, I realise that I am hungry. Vowing to treat myself on the way home to something hideously calorific, I head out the door.