
Thirsty Royals.

FORBIDDEN LOVE +DESPERATE ROYALS +MAGIC =CHAOS!!! This story is an epic tale of the evolution of the male and female lead in a troubled fantasy world, with kings, kingdoms, magic, romance, action, royal politics, lots of drama, and a hot forbidden love theme. **Many cool characters and awesome scenes. It's set in a fantasy world much like Earth in its ancient times, called The Old World, where everyone is of one colour, but divided into 5 races by hair colour – Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, and Silver. Inter-racial marriage is forbidden and people of mixed blood are hunted and killed or enslaved, but the male and female lead both get tangled in a forbidden love plot. Can they overcome the troubles that stand in their way? Furthermore, a dark and powerful being threatens the Old World. He and his forces toy with the 5 kingdoms, including the lives of the male and female lead. The female lead is fated to stop him, but can she harness her great powers to defeat the darkness and restore peace to the Old World? N/B: Book Cover Credit: ArtStation - n.Mengpo, Tea Me https://pin.it/P4dupHu Edited by Me Here’s a spicy excerpt for you. Enjoy. ************ Soft noise broke his meditation. He slowly opened his eyes, only to find the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, stark naked, walking straight into the pool, towards him! Her long blonde hair fluttered in the dry wind. He watched her, frozen. His mind unconsciously scanning her. Her red eyes sparkled, more priceless than the most treasured blood-red ruby one could have. And those lashes...; they suddenly fluttered; his heart skipped a beat... Her pink lips were just right. Full enough, too enticing... Her skin glowed in the sun! Oga knew he should stop looking, but who could? His eyes moved lower taking in the voluptuous bosoms before him. His heart skipped two beats – one for each. At this point, he knew something was definitely wrong with him. Never had this cold, aloof adopted Prince, and great General of the Red Armies ever been attracted to a woman. But he found this blonde so enchanting, he was – the gods forbid, obviously smitten! He swallowed. The beauty progressed further into the crystal clear pool. Her bosom bouncing to every slight motion. Her broad, perfectly curved hips swaying as she strode in. She reached her favourite part of the pool and squatted. Her round, glossy butt cheeks smacked the water as she dipped herself in a shallow part of the Oases, soaking her super sexy body, as if in a tub. ... ‘What the hell am I thinking?’ Oga frowned at his idiocy. ‘Doing anything with her, even thinking of this is forbidden. You know this!’, his mind scolded. ‘She just had to be Yellow-haired.’, he thought to himself, a little sad. Suddenly, a flying dart broke his reverie. It was aimed at his heart, and so fast, it could almost not be seen. In a flash, Oga caught it between his fingers right before it hit. He didn’t even have enough time to examine the weapon of pure zinari or trace the direction from which the dart flew before 2 others followed, coming at him with intense killing intent. He dodged swiftly, startled by the feisty beauty. Her attack only served to intensify his curiosity and attraction to her. And why not? An attack like that would definitely have killed even the best soldier of the great Red Empire. But he was on a whole different class. ‘Come out! I know you’re in there!’ Anwu called out. ... “As you wish" Oga replied. He came out of his concealed relaxation spot with both hands and a 3rd leg up in surrender... Anwu was stunned by the chiselled perfection before her, and even more so by his... ‘OMG! Ummm...’ She was completely flushed. She looked away. One hand covered her eyes immediately, whilst the other still pointed a dart at him. Then she remembered she was naked too. Check out my story. I appreciate your feedback. Please be kind. Thanks. *Available on RoyalRoad.com*

Dee_author · Fantasy
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Tales of the Old World.

The sweet music of forbidden love echoed in the icy mountains of the Northern Red Kingdom as a lovely couple 'played' in the snow.

The couple, a young and perfectly handsome Red-haired man and his aqua Blue-haired heartthrob lay naked and entangled in fur coats they had spread out upon the snowy ground, making out in the open air.

Their enchanting figure was surrounded by the most beautiful autumn coloured, snow-covered trees and thousands of shiny snowflakes magically suspended in the atmosphere. The scenery was as breathtaking as their actions.

Lolo, the blue-haired woman was breathless. The feel of Marc's hot kisses on her bare skin,... the heat from their sensual activity against the cool breeze... It was all mind-blowing.

Marc's heart raced as he watched Lolo's reactions to his fervent stimuli. She was so beautiful. Her long blue hair was scattered all over the fur. Her siena coloured skin glowed lightly under the setting sun. Her sparkling eyes were shut, eyelashes flickering in the euphoria of pleasure. Her lush red lips parted ever so sexily, inviting his tongue...

"Mmm...", Marc claimed her mouth again, ravaging her tongue as he squeezed her soft curves.

He too was a beautiful sight. His chiselled perfection of a body stood out in the magical sunset of this fantasy world.

Marc and Lolo were obviously smitten with each other, but their love was forbidden. They knew they would be killed or enslaved if they were ever caught. So they ran far away from glow-being society, far from the great towns, the fantastic castles and forts of the Red Kingdom to these picturesque mountains. Here they were free. Safe. Happy.

Fwoosh... Ssshhuck!

A flying arrow stabbed Marc's naked back in the heat of his passionate act!

"Ahhhh!", Marc yelled, contorting in pain. His blood gushed, spilling all over his beloved.

"Marc?!... Wha...", Lolo opened her eyes to stare at him in confusion, then she noticed the large arrow painfully sticking out of his back and the thick, red blood running down his body, spilling unto hers. She stiffened from shock, suddenly realizing what had just happened.

"No! Noo!", Lolo whispered with her hand over her mouth, trembling in horror under Marc. Hot tears welled up in her eyes.

Marc slowly got off her. "They've found us! Run Lo! Run!", he said, struggling to cover her with his previously discarded cloak and get on his feet.

"No! I won't leave you.", she said wrapping the cloak around herself, tears running down her eyes.

She helped him up. They both tried to run.

Fwoo...Ssshhuck! Another arrow hit Marc's leg!

Aaaaah!! He screamed in pain, falling flat in the bloody snow. He could now clearly hear the sound of galloping horses drawing nearer every second.

"Go! Go now, Lo! Run! Please! I can't let you die!", he said, crying.

"No! Marc!! You have to come with me...", Lolo cried as well, pulling her love off the ground with all her might and throwing his arm over her shoulder to support him. They pushed on, leaving a bloody trail in the snow, fighting to move forward, to get to a hiding place as quickly as possible.

The attacking archers on swift horses came into full view. It was the Palace Watch of the Red Kingdom. Their leader, Fushi aimed his arrows. Fwoosh! he released.

Ssshhuch! shhuck! shhuck!

Three arrows hit Marc's back again, this time piercing his heart and breaking out through his chest! He crashed face down into the snow with Lolo.

"Nooo... No! Marc! Marc!!!", she cried, rushing to her knees to check on him. He was lying in a steadily increasing pool of his own blood! His vital organs had been blasted through. His body, punctured and destroyed. "Aaahh! aah!", he cried, twitching and gasping from excruciating pain.

Lolo's heart tore.

She attempted to gather him up again, but he couldn't move anymore.

"S... stop Lo... I can't...", he said, breathing heavily and rapidly losing consciousness. "I... I love y...", He flopped down to the red snow. Dead.

"No! Noooooooo!", Lolo wailed, losing her mind to anguish. She held unto Marc's lifeless body, crying her eyes out.


The Palace Watch officers came to a stop in front of the crushing scene. They approached Lolo with sinister smiles.

"Oh! What a beauty! It's a shame to just sell her off. We ought to take a couple rounds first."

"Aishh, it'll be great to chain her to a bed and just go on and on for weeks. Slut!"

"Look! She's bare. Only got a cloak on. All eager and ready for us aren't you now?"

"Filthy whore! I'll tell you what, if you let us all have what he was having without struggling, then maybe we'll have something left of you to deliver to the slave markets. Hahaha!"

The officers mocked her.

They cornered Lolo with lecherous and murderous intent. She didn't run. Her heart was dead. Besides, she couldn't run even if she wanted to. They had blocked every escape route, and there was a huge icy lake behind her. The lake was frozen over with just a thin coat of ice; a slippery death trap. There was nowhere to run.

The officers closed in on her.

Lolo took one last look at her beloved in the distance through blurry, teary eyes...

"I love you too", she whispered.

She jumped off the shore and unto the icy lake!

The thin ice shattered, plunging Lolo into the watery depths.



This is the horror that my perfect fantasy world has become.

Hi. I'm "The Author", an all-powerful celestial being and creator of the 'Old World', the beautiful fantasy world where this insanity above just took place!

I formed the Old World in a galaxy within a sea of stars. My masterpiece. It exists in the Universe of Thought, the home of innumerable worlds of tangible fantasy. (The Universe of Thought is the 61st Universe in the Unseen Realm; a part of space completely hidden from human sight).

I made the planet like Earth, only more magical and without continents. It was a lovely fantasy with lush vegetation, rich atmosphere, inexhaustible resources and everything anyone could ever want.

It was perfect!

I even covered its people in stardust from the billions of stars that surround them. They glowed naturally, so I called them Glow-beings.

They were so beautiful. They had a glowing golden siena shade of skin and pretty hair: red, yellow, green, blue, silver; soft and silky. They glittered like diamonds in the sun.

I made them look like freaking gods!

I put an invisible protective bubble around their planet to ward off evil.

I even gave them the free will to make their own choices. Free will is like a country's sovereignty on steroids. That was my biggest mistake because then, they did whatever the hell they liked and threw my perfect world into chaos!

They divided into 5 races by hair colour and chose separate territories by race, limiting their own growth, ignorant of the fact that they would literally be greater and stronger together.

The five glow-being races are:

- The Red-haired Mountain Dwellers up North,

- The Yellow-haired Desert Dwellers down South,

- The Green-haired Mangrove Dwellers to the East,

- The Blue-haired Sea-side Dwellers to the West, and

- The Silver-haired Utopia in the centre.

Furthermore, the selfish kings and sages of these glow-being races made laws that forbid love and inter-marriage amongst the races. They claimed that they were keeping the glow-beings 'pureblooded and sacred for the Author'. But that was a cruel lie.

I designed the glow-beings to mix!

A glow-being of mixed blood would be a genius, marked by a distinct stripe of hair coloured differently from his race. Those damn glow-being leaders now hunt down and kill or enslave all striped glow-beings and forbidden lovers out of envy and a desire to retain full control of the Old World.

But love is a tough thing to control.

And forbidden love burns with an addictive thrill.

Like moths to fire, more glow-beings are drawn into the flame, even the great and mighty...



In the snow-white paradise of the Northern Red Kingdom.

In a small Red-haired village...

A 30-year-old Green-haired man, handsome and vibrant, visited a quaint, snow-covered stone house. He stood on the front porch with a smile on his usually stern face, exuding genuine excitement. He held a dignified aura, like Marvel's Dr Strange. He was the * 'Old Soul'; the most powerful glow-being and protector of the Old World. But today, he was in disguise. For love.

If only his Disciples could see him now...

He knocked on the small door of the house. A gorgeous Red-haired woman opened the door. The moment she set eyes on him, she flew into his arms with a high-pitched scream of joy and they both crashed into the snow-covered floor. She rained down kisses upon him, excited to have her secret love in her arms again. They rolled in the snow, their hearts speaking more than their mouths could.

Oh! the ecstasy of forbidden love.

"Why aren't you in disguise? Your green hair is out for all to see! Do you desire death that much?", the woman asked, worried.

"As if anyone here could kill me", Zee chuckled and returned her kisses. "But... see this?", he held up his pointer (finger). It was adorned with a magical ring. "Only you can see the real me. You and little Lee. Everyone else sees a regular Red-haired man groping his flame. Being the Old Soul does have its... advantages." He kissed Celine's giggling lips passionately.

**(Please Note: The Old Soul is the most powerful glow-being in the Old World. I choose an Old Soul once every century and gift him/her enormous powers to protect the Old World).


Hi everyone. We may be bugged and glitched out of our lvl 5 wn account; We may have lost comments, views, coll, reviews etc; but WE ARE BACK BABY!!!

This story is gonna be the bomb, so keep reading ok? Please VOTE, COMMENT, ADD TO LIBRARY.

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Right now your author is an all-powerful celestial being who is actually quite vulnerable and needs your support. Haha {(^ - ^)}

Thank you for your love and support so far.

You guys are incredible!<3<3

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