
Codename "Merchant"

  Presidential Palace, Paris, France.

  "Did the thorn snake do it?" Piter nervously asked Boris, "Why did our intelligence services in Germany lose contact with us?" "

  "Judging from the sudden state of emergency in Germany, it should be a success." Boris wiped the sweat from his forehead, "As for the disappearance of the intelligence service, I think it should be Germany's retaliation." "

  "Yes?" Pier was ecstatic, "Hahaha, Leon, you're finally dead!" Hahaha! Boris, you did a great job! "

  "It is the president, your leadership, coupled with the efforts of the thorn snake, that can successfully send the hellish Leon to hell!" Boris flattered.

  "By the way, what about the thorn snake? Is the stinging snake exposed? Pier asked.

  "Probably not, after all, the stinging snake is too close to Leon, and the only intelligence officer who has seen the thorny snake is hiding in our consulate at the moment, under close protection." Boris said, "There is a Chinese saying that the closer you get to the lamp, the darker it gets. I think this is a good fit for the current situation of the spiny snake. "

  "Oh? Are you also fluent in Chinese? Pier looked very happy at the moment because he "got rid of" Leon's opponent, "Haha, don't say it, let's go have a drink and celebrate that we have one less strong opponent." "

  After that, Pier pulled Boris to drink.

  What they didn't know, however, was that Leon was not dead, but also directed Ludwig to start looking for the nearest person.

  Even foreigners know that "it is dark under the lamp", how could Leon, who was a Chinese in his previous life, not know?

  More than ten days later, Berlin, Germany, SS barracks.

  "Long live the Fuhrer!" An SS captain stood in front of Ludwig and gave a German salute, "General Ludwig, the troops have been assembled!" "

  Ludwig nodded, then stood at the front of the line, and said with a gloomy face: "Everyone, half a month has passed since the Fuhrer was assassinated. In the past half a month, we have launched retaliatory operations across the country, destroyed 21 spy organizations in other countries, and found 977 spies, of which 324 were killed on the spot, 650 were arrested, and 3 escaped. But, tell me, are you happy about this?! "

  "Not happy!" The soldiers roared.

  "Tell me, why?!"

  "Because the bastard who assassinated the Fuhrer has not yet gone to hell!" The soldiers had red eyes.

  Their spiritual leader was assassinated under their close protection, which made them feel ashamed and ashamed of the Fuhrer, ashamed of the "SS" on the armband.

  In their hearts, only the blood of the messenger can wash away their shame.

  "Good!" Ludwig's cold voice sounded again, "The Gestapo has dug out the information we need from the mouths of other French spies, and the spy codenamed 'Merchant' is hiding in the French consulate, and this 'merchant' is the bastard who hired assassins to assassinate the Fuhrer!" He knows who the inner ghost among us, the one who arranged for the killer to be close to the Fuhrer! What should we do, lad? "

  "Grab him, put the muzzle in his mouth and shoot!"

  "I like the offer." Ludwig smiled coldly, "But we can't kill him, we must catch him alive!" Everyone, get on board! "

  Neat footsteps sounded, and 300 SS soldiers rushed quickly and orderly to 15 Mercedes Benz personnel carriers parked behind them.

  A few minutes later, 15 troop trucks left the camp in turn and hurried towards the French consulate in the distance.

  "Bastian, when exactly did you arrange for someone to send me home?" The spy, codenamed "Businessman," urged, "I have been missing from our intelligence headquarters in Germany for more than two weeks, and if I drag on, I will definitely be discovered!" "

  "I've told you many times, and now the entire German border is blocked, and I can't send you home." Bastian was helpless.

  "What then? Just let me wait to be caught by them? "The businessman was furious.

  "Don't worry, this is the French consulate, it's French territory!" Bastian was confident, "Even if they know you're here, they don't dare to come in and arrest people." "

  "Damn, I guess if they knew I was here, even if this was Paris, they would dare to rush in with a gun." The merchant muttered in a low voice.

  "Hey, what the hell did you do? Can you make Germany jump all over the world? Bastian joked, "Every time I ask you, you are vague, don't you assassinate Leon, right?" Haha,"

  "You guessed it." The merchant said in a low and inaudible voice.

  Bastian didn't hear the merchant whisper, and just as he was about to open his mouth to continue teasing him, the servant downstairs ran up.

  "Consul Bastian, General Ludwig, commander-in-chief of the SS of the German People's Volition, is waiting for you downstairs, he, no, they are a little unfriendly." The servant said in a panic.

  "Ludwig?! They! They're coming! When the merchant heard the name Ludwig, his eyes suddenly widened, and he shouted in fear, "No! No! They found me, I have to go, I have to go! "

  With that, the merchant jumped up from the sofa and stumbled out.

  Bastian frowned, pulled the merchant back, pressed him on the sofa, and said, "Don't worry! I said, this is the French consulate, let alone Ludwig, even if Lyon comes, don't try to take people from here! "

  "You don't understand, you don't understand!" The merchant's face turned pale with fright, "Leon can't come!" He can't come! "

  "Neuropathy." Bastian gave the merchant a strange look, and with his rank he was not qualified to know about the assassination, so he thought the merchant was crazy, and he turned and walked downstairs, while saying to the servant, "You look at him, I'll go to meet Ludwig." "

  A moment later, Bastian came downstairs to the living room.

  "Hey, General Ludwig." Bastian grinned at Ludwig and said, "How did you think of visiting me here today?" "

  "Visiting you?" Ludwig said contemptuously, "You are not qualified yet!" What about 'merchants'? Where is he? "

  Bastian's face turned white as he was blocked by Ludwig, and the comer was not kind, he thought.

  "What businessman? Where do I have merchants here? Basti asked, confused, "Did you find the wrong place?" Looking for businessmen, why do you go to the Kudam Street, come to the French consulate? "

  Ludwig was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, he rushed up and kicked Bastian to the ground, gritting his teeth and saying: "Don't play the fool, the reason why I didn't order a direct search is to give you French face, but you don't give face." Very good, since you are so uncooperative, then don't blame me for being unkind! All of Search for me! "

  As soon as Ludwig's voice fell, hundreds of people rushed in at the entrance of the consulate, and the originally wide hall suddenly became crowded.

  And this group of SS soldiers was clearly not a guest, as soon as they rushed in they began to smash, as if they wanted to turn the entire consulate over.

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