
Third Gen Tales

It's a fresh new start for the Third Generation of Kids Next Door. Learning the value of friendship, fighting dangerous villains, and having fun adventures, they train to better their selves as they continue their parents' legacy! This is a series of one-shots and short stories that introduce and follow the adventures of the Third Gen KND. These one-shots can be enjoyed without extensive knowledge of the Gameverse lore. Most of the one-shots are episodic and have no strict order, but it's recommended you read the introduction chapters first. Almost every chapter or arc focuses on a new crossover and a KND sector interacting with them. (NOTE: newly added chapters may be rearranged before other ones, depending what I think the order of reading should be.)

Gamen_Watch · Anime & Comics
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96 Chs

Emma's Quest, Part 1: Map Hunter

This arc stars Emma, originally the protagonist of The Promised Neverland, but she's not tied to her canon self at all. Emma initially appears in the "Dead Man's Race" arc, but I'm not gonna make that required reading for this. This story will, for the most part, be a crossover of Hunter x Hunter and Zelda, for reasons that will become apparent in this first part.


Part 1: Map Hunter 


Hyrule mornings were treasured no matter where on the planet-wide kingdom one lived, but on the crisp Windy Sea, it was a blessing to watch the golden glow glitter the surface of the vast blue. His home island cast a shadow as his boat drew close to its shore. His arms rose with the dawn, and with them the newborn in his hands. "Wake up, Emma… We're home."

A pair of young emerald eyes woke to meet the dawn. Young Emma Freecss sat up from her bed, eyes at the window. The 4-year-old had lost count of how many times she woke to that dawn… but she could swear it was the first thing burned into her memory.

Emma could hear her great-aunt still asleep upstairs. The cooking pot was still messy from last night's dinner. Emma pulled a step-stool beside the sink, hauled the cooking pot up into it, doused a scrubber with soap, and washed it clean. The chore made her nightgown messy, so she changed into her white daytime dress. Afterwards, she went to wash the nightgown along with whatever else was in the laundry, then hanging it outside to dry.

By the time she was finished, Great-aunt Mito came downstairs. She was in her late forties, but was a lovely woman of orange hair, wearing a red blouse over a cream-colored dress. "Morning, Emma. …Huh?"

The child had slipped on a pair of brown sandals and picked up a fishing rod leaned in the corner, as well as a small bag. "Morning, Auntie Mito! I'm going fishing! Bye!"

She jumped out of the doorway on that note. Mito saw the cleaned pot in the kitchen and the hanging clothes outside. "Sigh…" Kids grew up too fast, Mito thought.

Emma's orange-gold hair, messy and nearly spiked, graced Outset Island like a tiny sun walking the surface. Her pure, vibrant, youthful expression would only compliment it. Outset was a small and humble island village of wood homes and limited modern technology. The island was divided in two, linked by a bridge. Small mountains towered above the village with a higher bridge linking them, in which a forest grew atop the west mountain.

Emma crossed the lower bridge to a flat-topped rock platform in the center. From there, the child leapt across other rock footholds until she reached the furthest one. Once there, the child took a seat and pulled a single red pellet out of the small bag. She stuck it to the hook, held the fishing pole firmly in both hands, and cast it into the water. The next hour would be relaxing, but uneventful. In the first few minutes, Emma felt a tug against her lure and began to reel it with all her four-year-old ferocity… and what came up was a pudgy, pale-blue fish the width of her bait. "I don't want any more Lurelubbers!"

She threw the fish back and waited for the next bite. The next hour rewarded her with either more Lurelubbers or purple crabs, but she would occasionally catch a baby Skippyjack. Either way, she hoped for something a bit newer. Other villagers would wake up and know to find that small head of sunny hair on that same rock, immersed in her favorite activity. "Hmmm…what if I stick the whole bag on?" There wasn't much bait left, but she hooked the whole bag to her lure and cast whatever was left into the sea. She had to wait a fair bit longer and began to debate if this was really a good idea. "!" Until she felt a bite. It was more forceful than the previous fish, so she had to input more pulling and reeling.

The fish responsible leapt out of the water before splashing back; it was a wide-mouthed, dark-blue fish with a paintbrush in its mouth. "Hey! You're a different one!" Emma yelled amidst struggling. "Stop, Fishy!"

Emma was in tug-o-war with the fish, dragged toward the edge of the rock before remembering to step back. Stepping back grew harder as the fish struggled more desperately, the child stretched up to her tippy-toes in her efforts to stay rooted—the strap of her sandal was suddenly pressed between her toes as Emma stumbled and fell into the sea. "WHOA!" She flapped her arms against the surface, struggling to keep hold of her fishing rod. Aimlessly flailing in the small waves, Emma soon found herself in a pair of arms and pressed to a chest.

"Settle down, kiddo, I got ya." said Mesa, a brown-haired Hylian resident. "Boy, it's not often the Mapfish swims this close to shore."

"Owww…Mister, I hurt my foot."

"Yikes, that's a nasty one. Don't worry, I'll get you back to Mito."

Emma stayed calm as Mesa swam them back to shore. The Mapfish leapt over them, passing a teasing smirk that sparked a glare on Emma. Up close, she could see the light-blue "XX" painted on its face.

Emma restrained her whimpers as her aunt rubbed medicine over the gash left by her sandal. "Injured by a Mapfish. Didn't think that was how it would start. Would've thought it to be climbing the rocks and slipping, or getting bit by a Mothula in the woods. And sooner or later, you'll want to do just what he did."

Emma looked to a shelf where several pictures were placed. Beside a photo of Aunt Mito feeding a baby Emma… there was a picture of a younger Mito standing beside a green-clothed boy with tall, spiked hair, grinning as he raised a long fish. This photo was partly what piqued her interest in fishing… but after that photo was one depicting a man's profile, twin X-marks down his winking side. That man was the grown-up form of the boy holding the fish, but not only that, he was… "Was Daddy a fish hunter?"

"Fish, Bullbos, Mountain Talus, he didn't care how dangerous a monster it was, if it sounded fun, he would go for it. It's the whole reason he joined KND to begin with."

"Is hunting monsters really fun?" Emma beamed.

"Absolutely not, don't be an idiot!" Mito outbursted.

"I-I'm sorry! B-but… if it's not fun, then why isn't Daddy here with us? Or Mommy? Is Mommy a hunter, too?"

"I wouldn't have the first clue who your mom is. For all I know, he knocked up some woman at a party."

"What's that mean?"

"Er, nothing." Emma was still too precious for such knowledge. "All I know is, I wake up one morning, find a baby on my doorstep, and all I had to go by is a sloppily torn scrap of paper with your name and that stupid photo up there." Mito began to bandage Emma's foot. "But I could tell just by looking that you were Gon's child… You had the same smile he did when he was little. I just can't understand why he wouldn't want to keep such a precious child…" Mito ruffled Emma's head with a smile. "Well, it's his loss. If he'd rather run off and play with monsters, he doesn't deserve to be a father."

The great-aunt left to wash her hands. Emma stood and pushed the chair beside the shelf, climbing on to study her father's photo up close. His grin was clean and confident, as was the glimmer in his only open eye. This photo was the only thing he left her… as though this expression was meant for Emma. It was like Gon was teasing her, challenging her. Why would he look this happy for leaving his daughter? Was being a hunter really that much more fun?

"…If I was a hunter, too, would Dad come to see me?"

"WHAT?!" Mito jumped.

"'Cause, I like catching fish!" Emma climbed down. "But Dad prob'ly finds way more fish and other things! I bet bein' a hunter is fun!"

"Ugh, I shouldn't have brought this up at all! Aren't you afraid of being eaten by monsters or getting murdered by bad guys? 'Cause that's the kind of stuff your dad had to deal with! I couldn't tell you how many times he almost died!"

"But he still did it, right?"

"Because he was an idiot! You don't wanna be an idiot, do you?"

"Nuh-uh! I wanna be a hunter!"

"You're missing the point!"

"But I really wanna!" Emma stomped. "I wanna be a hunter and meet Dad! I wanna go hunting with Dad! Teach me how to be a hunter, Aunt Mito!"

"Ugh…" Mito hoped to at least wait a few more years before she was brainwashed by such motivations. Kids grew up too fast for their own good. "No. You're too young, for starters. I expect you to go to school before learning to be a hunter. I was planning to enroll you in Windfall's kindergarten next month…"

"If I go to school, will you teach me to be a hunter then?"

"That won't be enough. You'll have to do all your homework and pass all your classes."

"You're not lying to me, are ya?!"

Mito sighed. "Emma… it's a promise." She opened her pinky finger for Emma. "Do well in school and become a good girl… and I'll let you become a hunter."

"…I promise!" Emma's little finger wrapped around her aunt's.

"Pinky promise, if I lie, I'll stick a needle in my eye!" Both chorused before releasing each other's finger.

"Tehehehe! If I could offer some advice, Emma… your father was a boot person. Boots were much sturdier than sandals."

"I want some boots now!"

"Do you have enough money to buy them?"

"Gimme more allowance!"

"You'll have to play me for it!"

"Fine!" And so, both aunt and niece opened a palm and lay their fist upon it. Emma repeated what Mito taught her, "First comes Rock! Rock…Paper…SCISSORS!!"

Five years later

Emma rode the boat to Mrs. Marie's school every morning. Determined to uphold her promise to Aunt Mito, Emma studied every subject thoroughly and maintained straight A's in every class. In the process, she studied virtually everything about Hyrule's history and geography. Should the day come that she became a hunter, she would be ready for the world… except the universe was far bigger than just Hyrule. Hopefully, she would have the chance to study even more.

The school-boat arrived just as scheduled that morning. The driver was notably different: they were wearing a round yellow contamination suit. But even strange was, "Excuse me, sir. This isn't the way to Windfall." Emma said.

"We're going a different way today, kid."

"Why? Is there a storm tod-" She couldn't finish before gas cannisters exploded from beneath the seats. The children onboard passed out.

A painted sky and clouds around the wall and ceiling and a colorful carpeted floor full of toys and games wasn't the worst place to wake up in. "This isn't… school…" Emma looked around the room curiously. Her Zora, Goron, Deku and other classmates were here, but there were new kids, too. She saw a boy and girl approach each other, looking just as bewildered. The girl had dark-green hair and round glasses while the boy was tan and taller with black hair. Both were two years younger than Emma.

She approached them with a friendly wave. "Hi! You two wouldn't happen to know what this place is, do you?"

"N-Not really." The girl answered. "I was just… riding my school bus, but I think I fell asleep."

"I was just in my bed." The boy said. "I see some of my foster siblings here, but…"

"I was on my school-boat… I knew something was up. Well, my name's Emma."

"I'm Gilda." The green-haired introduced.

"Don." The boy smiled.

"Where are you guys from? Do you live on the Windy Sea, too?"

"No, I'm… from Appleton." Gilda answered

"What country is that in?"

"Appleton is the country."

"But I don't know any country like that on Hyrule."

"Hyrule? Isn't this… Avalar?"


"Yo, do we come from different planets?" Don realized. "Just… what's going on here?"

"Good evening, children!" A tall man with tan skin and glasses announced from the doorway. "I am Mr. Andrew. I'm sure you're all very confused, but I'll try to make this simple. A dangerous disease was reported to be spreading in your area. We kidna—I mean, had you admitted to this private hospital so that we may test you for symptoms and provide treatment. I promise it won't be long, but it may take at least a week before you're ready to be released. Rest assured, you'll be able to return to your homes in due time. Your parents have also been admitted to adult nurseries, but they wish you all the best." He gave off a bored impression, as though he delivered this speech a dozen times. "Until then, help yourselves to our get-well candy!" He dropped a basket on the floor. "One for each child please. Too much isn't healthy for your diet."

"CANDYYYYYY!" The kids excitedly crowded around the basket.

"Hmmm…" Emma narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

Three days passed since their admission. The doctors would deliver them candy each day and take a small sample of their blood for testing. Some of the other kids had been here since a week prior, and like Andrew promised, they would be escorted out when the "final checkup" came, presumably sending them home.

The only other room the children could go into were the restrooms. They were kept decently clean, but more important was that there was a vent on the ceiling. Emma supported Gilda on her shoulders, and she supported Don despite her weak frame, making a tower high enough to pry the vent open. "I heard that when Link wielded the Four Sword, he split into four copies and they did something like this." Emma shared.

"Wonderful story." Don remarked, his concerns elsewhere at the moment. The vent came loose. "Got it! Let's hurry and check this out."

He pulled each of his new friends up as they crawled quietly. Eventually, they found a vent that exited near the "Operating Room," which literally had quotations around the label. When they saw the security camera turn the other way, the kids climbed out the vent and hurried into the room. They were on a walkway, crouching as they overlooked a large chamber. Two of their just-released hospital-mates were strapped to an operating table, pumped with a strange blue liquid from a machine. The sight was horrifying as the Goron and Zora quivered from the injection, their eyes and veins bulging. "AAAAAAAHHHHH!"

The explosion was almost blinding. The patients were gone, replaced by grotesque titans with stretched faces and gawking mouths. "Oh my god!" Gilda gasped, covering her mouth as her pupils receded.

"W-W-W-What are they…" Don choked.

"The Goron seems stable." said an obese man with a blonde ponytail and black- and white-striped overalls. "Gigantification runs commonly in their genes. The Zora… her brain is pulsating a tad too much. I expect it to explode in five-" The Zora's brain popped like a mushy balloon. "…One minute."

The kids were lucky they could make it back through the vents without being caught… but they contained their selves to the bathroom, pale and frozen. "They're turning us… into monsters…" Gilda muttered.

"Th…the… candy…" Emma stuttered.

"How could you think about candy…?" Don asked.

"No… when I tasted it the first time, there was… something gross in it. I think… something's in the candy… that's helping us… become monsters."

"W-w-what do we do?" Gilda asked. "We gotta… tell the others."

"We can't. They're never gonna believe us. And worse, they might tell the doctors, and then… th-they'll just get rid of us early."

"S-So… w-we're gonna die in here…" Tears began to flood Gilda's face. "Mom…D-Dad… I'm gonna die… I'm gonna d…"

"Don't say that." Emma grabbed her shoulders. "We…we'll find a way out of this. We'll search the other rooms with the vents, we'll find an exit, we'll…we'll get out of here!"

"But it…it's only a matter of time 'til we get caught." Don said. "We'll never…"

"Ugh…if only we could get more help. If we could just show the others…"

"Um…I might… know some…" Gilda whispered.

"You know some what?"

"Hmmmmm, hm hm hmmmm…" Gilda hummed a pleasant melody, though it had a hint of nervousness. They heard motion in the toilet stall and gasped: a blobbish spirit with beady eyes rose from the toilet.

"A-Another monster?" Don said.

"N-No… I'm a Ghost Whisperer. I can summon spirits… from nature and objects…"

"Whoa…" Emma whispered in awe.

"I got it from Mom… but it makes some kids… scared of me."

"Gilda… that's amazing."

"It is?"

"Yeah… and it's just what we need."

The base was filled with Water Spirits, it seemed. They became a necessity for short-circuiting cameras. Gilda could even summon spirits from the playroom's dolls and have them swipe keys from passing guards and bring them through the vents. They even stole a phone from one of them and snuck in the operating room again, managing to record the gigantification procedure on another unfortunate patient. They brought the phone to show the other captives, horror-stricken as they realized the truth.

In the days that followed, the children refused to take any more candy, claiming their tummies were hurting. Andrew adamantly insisted that it was healthy, so to avoid drawing suspicion, the kids ran around the playroom taunting and whining in playful manners. Andrew and his doctors were forced to chase the rowdy kids, but this bought Team Emma the time to gather more information. They managed to acquire blueprints of the base: it was an island base and there was an indoor port.

Though the patients were force-fed the candies, they would go to the bathrooms and vomit as soon as the doctors left. Though it didn't completely mitigate the poison, it postponed their "final checkups" long enough. They did well to preserve their other meals to stay energized and playing "keep away" from the guards was great training. Tragically, a few more patients were sacrificed before the others could pull off their great escape.

"M-Master…Master Clown…" The obese boss spoke to a white-skinned man on a screen, goat horns at the base of his glass-jarred brain.

"What is it, Queen?"

"There's been a…a small problem…"

Emma, Gilda, and Don set sail with only six extra children. It was unfortunate not all could make it aboard; some were caught fighting off guards while others had to stay and pull the Port Gate lever, enabling their exit. "Guys! They're already chasing us!" Don shouted, pointing at the three pursuit ships.

"Load the cannons and try to shoot them!" Emma ordered, manning the helm and steering as evasively as she could. "We'll never get another chance like this, we have to find the nearest island and get help!"

The chase lasted for 10 minutes. They missed several shots and damaged the pursuers enough to slow them down, but were soon out of ammo. Their own vessel began to falter from heavy damage. "H-Hey… there's another ship coming!" Emma pointed beyond the keel.

An enormous, licorice-red ship with the label Ace Ventura grew on the horizon. Within minutes, it loomed ominously close to Team Emma's vessel. "Hey, what's that?!" one of the enemies exclaimed.

"I-It can't be… Emperor Augustus?!"

A tall, proud man stood upon the keel of the great ship, his coat fluttering in the breeze. He raised a small ball in his hand: with a single throw, the ball spun and curved to pierce the enemy vessels. They twisted into shrapnel and sank the doctors to Davy Jones. "AMIGOS!" he commanded in a Hispanic tongue. "Pull those rookies aboard! Bring them to my cabin!"

Emma, Don, Gilda, and their fellow rescuees were brought before the 8-foot captain on the cabin throne. He wore sunglasses and a large red cap over his dark-blonde hair. He took one of the many lollipops that lined his red coat and began to savor it. "Heh…and here we came to 'liberate' a few prisoners. Who'd-a thought they'd liberate their selves?"

Emma's jaw fell. She'd heard of him… She'd seen him… "Emperor Augustus…"

"Emperor?" Don questioned.

"You're a Pirate Emperor and one of the Elite Gourmet Hunters of the universe."

"Someone did their homework. That's right, kiddo." The man rose. "I am Pirate Emperor Augustus!"

"More like the Emperor of Showmanship." A woman with a gold-feathered hat carried up an armful of clothes and stored them in the wardrobe. "Laundry is done, you're welcome!"

"Yes, thank you, Tressa."

"A pirate?! D-Don't tell me… you're the one behind that lab?" Gilda shuddered.

"It makes sense!" Don gasped. "We had to eat poison candies and he's got candy all over his coat!"

"THAT'S RIGHT!" The Emperor stomped, rocking the whole boat as the children shrank in horror. To think they were almost free, but now… it was completely hopeless.

"No it's not." Emma said, unbothered by his proclamation. "You just attacked those pursuit ships down there."

"THAT IS… correct." Augustus sat. "Can't blame a guy for joking."

"Augustus!" Tressa scolded.

"The truth is I've been trying to trace those laboratories. They've been doing Mutant Titan experiments. That subject's just a little sore for me, you know? My Commanders are trashing that lab as we speak, freeing any others. But you kids were pretty good to escape on your own. You wouldn't be KND ops, would you?"

"No, sir." Emma answered. "We just learned what position we were in and worked hard to escape. If it wasn't for Gilda, we might not've had a chance."

"So, Gilda's the mastermind, eh?"

"N-No!" Gilda gasped. "I…I would've been helpless on my own. Emma's the one who led us. She came up with all the plans, the coordination, and she…she kept us all calm. We would've been dead without her."

"Heh, Gilda…" Emma blushed.

"You kids should be proud of yourselves." Gus smiled. "Now I suppose you'll want to head home now? I can have my crew return you to your families."

"That'd be nice… I guess." Don frowned. Though he was beyond glad to be free from that place, he was sad at the thought of leaving Emma and Gilda. He had way more fun working with them than he ever had at his orphanage.

"Um, before you do, sir…" Emma began nervously, "I wanna ask… do you accept… apprentices?" The others looked to her in shock.

"Hm? Sure we do! We have tons of cabin boys and girls! Most of them are picked up from slums or other prisons."

"But would you be willing to take on a Gourmet Hunter apprentice?"

"Oh!" The captain lit up at the notion. "That changes things a bit. I don't suppose you have samples to show me?"

"N-No. I've never had experience. But I've always wanted to be a hunter! Just like my dad!"

"Your dad?"

"Gon Freecss. Have you heard of him?"

Augustus seemed to almost drop his lollipop. "Gon… I might've heard that name tossed around hunter circles, but not that much."

"Oh." Emma seemed disappointed.

"But there's plenty of room for apprentices on this crew. If hunting's what you wanna do, who am I to say no?"

"Really?! Hah…oh, but I should ask for Aunt Mito's permission first. She's probably worried sick by now; I hope it doesn't affect her decision. I worked really hard at school!"

"Need old auntie's permission, huh? HA HA HA HA HA!" The Emperor's heart was aflutter. "You're finally calling in that favor, are ya?!"

"Uh…excuse me?"

"Nothing, kid. We'll get ya home to old auntie. And what about the rest of you?"

Gilda and Don shared ecstatic expressions. "I…I kinda wanna try it out, too." Don said. "Bein' a pirate sounds cool, anyway!"

"Maybe I will, too." Gilda inferred. "If my parents let me…"

"I hope I get to see you around more!" Emma proclaimed.

Three years later…

Kids grew up too fast… Every parent in the world and other worlds knew that phrase well. Mito knew Emma wouldn't go her whole childhood before leaving, whether the KND got to her first… or somebody else. Still, Mito lamented never seeing that small head of sunlit hair every morning, never seeing the pot already clean or laundry already done. Now, as the 50-year-old woman swept sand and leaves off her porch, she would bare witness to another dim morning. The News Rito had dropped off today's paper, so Mito looked over whatever was passing for news. Princess Cindy Passed Out Drunk at a Party! Queen Mandy Deems Her Unfit for the Throne. The headline had a picture of the pudgy, messy-haired, 30-year princess collapsed on a wine table, her mouth gawking in an odd shape. Other articles read, Demons Migrating to Earth to Celebrate Holiday, and The Ongoing Argument: Cuccos Are NOT Chickens!

But as Mito lowered the paper, a small light blared in the horizon. It was reflected off a motorboat, closing in on the pier. Mito wondered what visitors had business here so early… until a different light caught her gaze, like that of a tiny sun, its flares dancing in the wind. "?!" Mito proceeded to the pier in a slow jog. As the craft drew nearer, the sun's body became all too clear to the woman. The emerald eyes and the pure smile beneath them were a sight Mito had longed to see every day. "EMMA!"

"Look, Emma!" said Gilda, a spectacled girl with dark-green hair and a white coat. "Is that your aunt?"

"How did she know we were coming?" asked Don, a tan-skinned boy in a brown tank-top and messy dark hair.

"Auntie Mito just knows!" Emma opened both arms in a wave. "HI, AUNTIE MITOOOO!"

The worn brown boots of her 12-year-old great-niece thumped along the boardwalk with vigor. Mito could tell how much she had grown from the strength of her hug, could feel the experience she had built up. "I missed you so mu-…AAAH!" The children were taken aback by Mito's abrupt shout. "YOUR EAR! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR EAR?!"

"Uh…" Emma put her hand to the bandaged spot her left ear used to be. "Oh, uh…yeah. It got cut off by a cat-"

"WHY DO YOU HAVE SUCH BAD LUCK WITH ANIMALS?!" Emma cupped a hand over the other ear.

"Please!" Gilda panicked. "It was our fault! Don't be mad at her!"

"Just give us a chance to explain!" Don pled.

Mito treated the children to warm soup, based off a famous recipe known to the island for generations. The soup livened their spirits and stamina, and was another thing Emma missed about home. "I hope you're proud of yourself, Emma." Mito said reprovingly. "You're a favorite apprentice to one of the universe's most-wanted pirates, AND you're on the hit list of another dangerous pirate! Have you finally had your fill of adventure?"

"Not even close! I met some cool new friends on that adventure! I hope I get to meet them again someday!"

"We wouldn't have survived that battle without her, Ms. Freecss." Don said. "Emma's incredible!"

"Don, don't embarrass me." Emma blushed. "I only did as much as everyone else."

"Nonetheless, I'm proud of you." Mito smiled. "As much as I wish you'd just settle down and stay home… I'm proud of the reliable girl you've become."

"Thanks, Auntie…" Frowning, Emma looked to the photos on the shelf. They were still aligned as they had been all these years… and her father still winking that same expression. "I wonder if Dad watched the race, too."

"But your dad's not a pirate, is he?" Gilda asked.

"No, just a hunter." Emma stood and approached the photo, no longer needing a stool to support her. "I guess he's not very famous if even Captain Augustus doesn't know him that well. I love working for the captain, but I'm not any closer to finding Dad. I even asked the Kids Next Door if they had files about Gon, but nobody knows anything about where he or even his old teammates are."

"He sounds really desperate to hide himself. Ms. Freecss, do you have any idea why?"

"I've already told Emma plenty of times, but ever since Gon's gone off on his adventures, he almost never talked to me. He dropped off Emma and that photo without a word. At this point, I feel like he's stopped caring at all…"

Emma didn't want to believe that. Why would her father leave such a vibrant photo for a daughter he didn't want to raise or care for? Was it just to leave her with false hope? Dreams of a false idol? Just what went through this cross-faced man's head?

"Ew, I was wondering what that scar was." Don cringed after Mito had recapped another tale. "A Mapfish did that to her?"

"They're not as harmless as they look." Mito said.

Emma cringed, remembering the smirk on the Mapfish's face. That scar between her toes had never gone away. …She remembered something about the Mapfish's face. An "XX" was painted across it… almost like the cross on Gon's face here. XX… Mito said that was the sector Gon used to belong to. But to leave her with this photo… and for that Mapfish to have this symbol…

"Emma?" To Mito's confusion, Emma was prying open the photo frame, pulling Gon's image out. It wasn't photo paper… it felt like map paper. It was folded, but nothing existed around the photo or in the back of it… except for three tiny XX's around the back.

"It was folded?" Don observed. "But there's nothing—Emma?!"

The sun-haired hunter grabbed the fishing lure in the corner and raced outside. "Emma, is that you?!" asked a passing Mr. Mesa. "When did you get… back?"

Ignoring everyone else around her, Emma crossed the central bridge and leapt the rocks to her old favorite fishing spot. She attached a bag of red bait to the hook and cast it into the sea. She would stand patient and stand firm on her worn, but sturdy boots. Her friends and the residents of the island watched on in curiosity and anticipation. It had been ages since they got to see the sun-haired girl rooted on that rock, but the welcome sight warmed the hearts of Outset.

Emma felt a bite and began to reel. As she hoped, the Mapfish leapt from the sea with hook in mouth. They engaged in another round of tug-o-war, but the fish hadn't aged as well as she had. Emma was older, bigger, and stronger. She was far beneath Yamato, Jack, or even that Jason boy, but her time with the Marzipan Pirates made her too strong for this fish to handle. Emma predicted its maneuvers, knew where to direct her lure, and when to pull. In no time, the Mapfish drew closer, until it was hanging from the string before Emma's face. It bore the same XX as it had eight years ago.

…The lazy, half-closed gaze of the Mapfish met Emma's determined, emerald gaze. With firmness, she withdrew the photo of her dad and held up the back of it. The Mapfish was aptly-named: when caught, it would use the brush in its mouth to draw a picture of the nearest island, provided the catcher had a blank paper. But, as the fish surveyed the paper with small X-marks, it smirked. It swiped its brush along the parchment and crafted three peculiar shapes around the X's.

Emma returned to her friends and aunt, waiting in anticipation. "That Mapfish had the same mark that's on Dad's face! The same marks that were on this paper. I don't think Dad just left the photo, he brought the Mapfish, too. I think it was ordered to draw these designs if he was caught!"

"But what does it mean?" Don asked. "Is it a treasure map?"

"Whatever it is, Dad left it for me. He left something for me to find. Maybe it'll lead to him directly. And if so… I have to find these places! I have to find out what they mean!"

"After all this time, I can't believe a clue like that was sitting right under my nose." Mito said. "It's almost too unbelievable… but a Mapfish never draws anything other than the closest island, in this case Outset."

"I'm willing to believe it." Gilda smiled. "I think we have our next course charted! Hehe!"

"I feel so dumb for not thinking of this sooner." Emma blushed. "I only just wanted to visit home. I didn't think we'd find the map pointing straight to Dad!"

"Emma, I don't want you to get your hopes up." Mito said. "For all we know, these are just treasures Gon hid. It doesn't say anything about finding-"

"Maybe, but they're still treasures he left for me. Treasures I bet only I can find. And I will! Gilda, Don… will you two go with me?"

"Better than going back and listening to Gabi's bragging." Don remarked.

"Don!" Gilda shouted.

"I'm kidding! 'Course I'm onboard!"

"Yeah, me too! This sounds exciting!"

"Auntie Mito, I'm sure the answer is hiding somewhere in these places. The reason why Dad left… or maybe why I was even born. I'll find the answer and come home to tell you."

"Emma…" Gon was a terrible father. Compelling this precious child to undertake such an ordeal. Just what did he plan to show her… what did he expect her to learn? "…If you do find your father… do me a favor and drag him home. I have a few words to say to him…"

Three years ago…

Emma, Gilda, and Don were speechless. The Marzipan Fleet spanned fantastically along the horizon. "Behold, kids!" Augustus announced proudly from the bow of his flagship. "This… is my kingdom!"

There was a ship modeled like an elephant, manned by the Mink Division, a crew of Mobians (humanoid animals). The Imuchakk's ship was a whale with bone-made masts and sidings, commanded by the tribe of blue-haired, half-giant warriors. The Stone Division's ship was a blimp with large lightbulbs designed to shoot electricity. The Artemyran ship soared in the air and rowed with winged oars, designed like a Loftwing.

"Since the day I started pirating, flying around on a tiny plane, I never thought it would grow this big. I thought hunting rare foods and candies was my only passion… but I've found a second passion: all the men, women, and children who row these boats. They are all my family."

"It's… incredible…" Emma spoke.

"I don't know if you'll find your dad, Emma… but before you know it, you may find your kingdom, too."

"Captain!" A red-horned woman with white hair rushed up to him. "One of our ships spotted the Cooper Van! They might be in the fleet somewhere!"

"Old Sly again? Can't he find someone else to train his kid on? Well, since you're here, Yamato, this is our new hunter apprentice, Emma. Think you could take her on an expedition and see what she's got?"

"Certainly! Any planets you've always wanted to visit, Emma?"

"Hmmm…" Emma wondered what adventure she should have first.