

I am thinking...I am thinking... I am thinking. Something we do a lot, like you could almost say as much as we breathe, right? We do it because we want to make the right choice or give the right answer. Some people do it at a normal base, while others can't stop thinking about every little detail in their life, like me. Sometimes it drives me so crazy that I can't sleep or even think straight anymore. It is like a tornado in my mind. "Am I going crazy?"

On the other hand when we're thinking it can also be like dreaming. You know when you're daydreaming about that new car you always wanted or a really nice vacation that you definitely deserve. So yeah,  it can be relaxing if you take some time for yourself and actually think about it.


Hi! I am Lisa, a senior at the Academy of Wisdom. Here you will find high class b*tches with their daddies money as well as just simple cool ass people who work their way through the crappy social society the world has build. My friends and I are the cool people, because we actually do the things we do by ourselves or by the support of friends and family. Besides, who are you without them? Just an ordinary girl who finds herself wandering through the hallways of school. Thinking about…school…family…love and the emotional rollercoaster you go through in high school. Simply said, just think about life and the way you live it...in your mind.

This is a story about me and the unique way of how my 'crazy' brain works.


My friends are the best you could ever hope for. You can say that they are my rock. You know, without them I could definitely not survive in this world. We are a group of four amazing, independent women who stick together through thick and thin.

Lucy, she is the wild redhead who thinks like a fox. She can be really mischievous, sneaky and just don't give a * about what people think of her. She is the boldest and bravest one in our group. Sometimes I wish I could be as brave as her.

Lilly, she is the shy and smartest of us all. She always thinks ahead of us. Being the top student and kind of trying to be perfect in almost everything she does. I think without her none of us would survive.

Last but not least there is Luna,  only the coolest person in the world. She just does what her heart desires, whether it's good or bad. She also doesn't do much thinking about the choices that she makes, like at all. With her things just come and go, like hobbies or sports. She has tried almost every month another 'thing'. Which makes her also the athletic one of the group.

And then you have me, the one in the middle of everything and everyone. I kind of hold the group together and be like the reasonable one of all. I am what you say Switzerland.


One day my parents decided that we should go  out with some family friends on a trip. I thought it was fun to hang out with my childhood friend Mona. She absolutely is a sweetheart. We mostly just think alike, as in we literally share one mind. And of course we do have our differences, because we are not the exact same person.

I suggested that we should make a road trip together, because I absolutely love it. It's literally a peaceful environment  for me and my thoughts. I look out the window and see these beautiful villages, animals and nature and just be away from everyone and everything.

Mona only lives with her dad since her mom died when she was very young. My Mom is like her second mother and so we became best friends, like sisters. Her dad is also really rich, because he is a surgeon in the oncology department. Yeah.... meaning they live pretty comfortably in a large mansion just the two of them and the maid who comes a few days in the week to clean. When we were young we played hide and seek so much together. But ever since I have moved to a different city with my parents things have changed quite a bit...


My mother said that we should go and visit them someday. If only she could have told me exactly the date and time. Nope, as expected. Anyways she texted me that we are going to visit them today after school. I was furious after reading that text, because I made plans with the girls to go see this new Harry Potter café in town with lots of merchandise and have a lovely high tea with them. We were also planning to just make a day of it because we have to go by train. I have said this to my parents 'only' a month before the opening of it. Also you would think that they would understand my hint, but unfortunately they both just forgot about it. "Mom I can't! I am going with my friends to that new Harry Potter café. Remember? I told you about this for weeks now. I am sorry honey but your father and I have to go and see them today because of his work." 

Indeed Mona's father is a busy man who only had to pick this day for his free time. 

"Ugh.... I can't believe this." 

Now, in my mind I'm already wondering about how I am going to say this to the girls. They have also been looking forward to this for a long time. Lucy is absolutely not going to take this very lightly. While Luna would say that it is inevitable. She's right it is exactly that and I don't have to worry about it that much...right?


The bell rings and school is over.


"Shit! It's  time! Who should I tell first? Well, one thing I know for sure is definitely NOT Lucy. She would go insane if I told her. Hmmm....maybe Luna? Yeah she would understand. Alright, first things first,  I am going to my locker to get my things and then I'll look for Luna as soon as possible."

At this point I'm trying not to overthink it, but you know your friends can be the worst critics. "Hahaha, yeah that looks cute! Oh nooo!  Is that Lucy that I hear? Shoot, I have to run!"

In a situation like this, where I have lots of adrenaline running through my body, I try to find a mantra. You know, like my zen point, for example a song. Only because all these different songs come naturally to me. I kind of lose track of what I'm doing and where I'm going. Boom! And there I go falling down the stairs.

"Auw...that really hurts." I see a hand reaching out for me. "Are you alright?" 

Now, when you hear a sound you automatically try to find a combination to which person you could possibly combine it to. But when it's unfamiliar to you, you get anxious, get your guard up or even a little excited. Especially when you hear this beautiful low voice of a man. 

''Yeah...I'm alright, thanks for asking.'' While trying to get back on my feet as gracefully as I can, he pushed me to the side with his back in front of me. That back of his was quite broad. "Wow, you caught me off guard there, hihi. Yeah sorry, I saw a flood of those big rugby players coming this way. I didn't want you to get crushed right after you finally got up again. Aw, that's sweet. Thanks again! So…what's your name, little one? Who are you calling little? I'm not a soft more! Oh, my apologies miss. You can be quite a feisty one, don't you? Yeah yeah... right. But isn't it proper for the gentleman to say his name before asking for the ladies name? Yes you are absolutely right, how foolish of me. My name is Nate and who might this fair damsel in distress might be called? Haha, that's funny. But since you asked in a polite way, I am Lisa. Well then nice to have made your acquaintance, my lady."

With a kiss to my hand and that cute smile of his, he made my day a bit better. 

"Likewise my lord, hihi."

Lucy is heading this way and I really was in a fight or flight situation.

"Shoot! Sorry Nate, but I really have to go now." I am running like my life is depending on it. "Hey! Lisa...wait! Wait!! You left your book! Pride and Prejudice, that's a good book. I have to give it back...sometime."


"Phew...that was close." Right, I have to find Luna. She would probably be at the gym.

"Luna! Finally I've found you! Hey, what's up? And why are you breathing like you runned all the way from Tokyo, haha. Oh that, nah I wasn't running...just..just took too many steps. Alright, if you say so. So what's going on? I..I.. wanted to talk to you about something and I know you would probably understand better than the rest. Okay.....Just spit it out already. Okay, so I know we have planned this trip for a long time, but my mother wants me to visit Mona today, cause her father is 'only today' available. Hahaha, so we'll just go another time. Phew, you see I knew you would understand. Of course! And I've got your back with Lucy. Uhm...what do you mean? I know you've been running all this way just to see me first. Ow..is it that obvious. Yes, my sweet Lisa. But, you just have to be chill. They'll understand. It's not like we'll be waiting another century for it. HA! That's definitely something Lucy would say. Well, thanks for the confidence Lu. You're welcome. Oh look there they are. Hey girls! where here!"

I am looking with an angry face towards Luna, but she gives me a big smile back. Don't you just hate it when people do that to you. Without a proper warning. Aah! Soo annoying. Like you have absolutely no choice now, so I might as well just go with the flow, like Luna.

"Hey gurrls! Are you excited? I mean like we've been waiting for the opening of the café for ages.". Luna is whispering to me; "Told you so". Me staring at her with a stone cold stone look on my face.

"Hey! Yeah..sure so about that...Lisa has something to say."

Luna gives me a push as if I am running away from it now. Of course not. That would make things only more difficult. Right just go with the flow....

"Hi, so yeah...uhm...my mother texted me that we're going to visit Mona today."

Omg where do I have to look ? I can not look at her face. It's like when you see her getting worked up about something you somehow immediately bow down or something. This is the kind of power Lucy has on you. But standing behind Luna is like standing behind an invisible shield. Luna has this calm aura surrounding her. It's really relaxing.

"What do you mean? Can't you just ditch her? Seriously Lucy? It's her mother. Not (per se) her I mean Mona, Lilly. Yeah, sure Lucy. Even so she  just can't go, so we'll simply have to take a raincheck on Harry Potter. Uhm, raincheck my ass! I didn't wait for this long just to wait longer. So what Lucy, are you going alone? Cause if Lisa can't go then I won't either. Is that so? What about you Lilly? It won't hurt if we just wait a bit longer and technically it won't be our last half day at school. So will you all abandon me? Just like that? Oh..please  Lucy don't make a big deal out of this. It's not like you'll die of waiting. Yes Luna, but in the meantime all the good merchandise will be gone. I am sorry Lucy...truly...I..I just can't go today. Fine then! Well, have fun at Mona's!"

Lucy is walking away with such fire surrounding her. As if she will go and murder a Village or something. Sometimes we call her Maleficent. She cares about us but doesn't always agree with us.

"So that went well,  right?"

The three of us are laughing out loud while we're  saying goodbye to each other.


Walking back home I am thinking of alternate ways of how that could be handled best. But in the end the girls would back me up, because that's what friends do. I love them and they love me. We always look out for one another and have eachothers back. But then again not everything is perfect in life. Of course we fight, kiss and make-up. I mean it's only normal for a good relationship to have both the positive and the negative. You have got to have a balans. Otherwise you will lose track of what is important and what's not. 

Loyalty is also a big aspect in our group. That and trust are the two key points of a great friendship. Don't forget  love of course!

But one might sometimes forget that balans can fall into tiny broken pieces. What will you do when that happens? Ow..oh…ow how much I wonder how all of this has started. Can I change what I have broken? Or will I keep falling into the deep…deep…deep ends of the darkness?

This chapter is the beginning of an epic journey of the wonderfully, unique way of the mind of Lisa. She's just an ordinary high school senior who thinks just a bit more about life than others. She has thoughts about almost evry little detail in life, like school, friendship and love. Will she follow her heart or be at war with her mind? Will she keep the balans of friendship in check or break it into tiny, pretty pieces? Follow Lisa into her unique journey through her mind and see for yourself.

KJaycreators' thoughts