
thinkin' bout it

kay nadine cook, an influencer, songwriter and singer was invited to go to honolulu, hawaii by her boyfriend and his friends. zachary dean herron, the boyfriend, singer and a member of a band, went to go swimming with his friends but kay stayed to call her mother, she know zach won't do anything stupid while at the island with his friends. meanwhile, zach and his friends are having fun when someone he somehow recognized called him from a far, then a fan saw him walking towards to the person. they we're talking and laughing as the fan look for his girlfriend, kay was about to leave the hotel to see them, a fan told her what zach was doing while she was in the hotel. zach and his friend are catching up as kay went to the same location where the fan saw them, and she couldn't believe what she saw, and then zach saw her and runs after her. she decided it's time to break up with him, right after every stupid things he does, she still there for him, but now? she's not. she's done with it. after a year, zach and his band we're currently on break. kay's friends from zach are somehow all over the world now, and she doesn't have anyone beside her sister lainey, zach's bestfriend's ex-girlfriend's sister rachel, and her bestfriend nousha. with what's going through her head, she decided to put all her emotions/feelings into a song, but she needed a producer. she doesn't know anyone who's a producer, but her sister offered her someone she doesn't want to see after she left him in the hotel room crying. will they ever fix things and get back together? or will they ever fix things and agree to be just friends? or forget they ever meet? find out when you read thinkin' bout it.

comfortseavey · Teen
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the chipotle interaction

IT'S BEEN A WEEK, since Zach came in here. I'm currently with nousha and we're just hanging out. "he had the audacity to come here after a year of what he did?! that's a load of bull, kay!" she said as I sigh. "it's not just that, he was with his so-called friend with him." she looks at me as she hugs me. "you have every right to hate him, kay." but all I wanna do is forgive him.. but I don't know if I should. "well, shall we go to Starbucks?" "huh, my tummy told me we need to go to chipotle, cause it wants a salad." my eyes grow wide, she wants to go to Zach's favourite restaurant. but.. well, what could go wrong?

I mean, it's not like he's going to be there when we do. so we get ready as I get her car keys and we leave the house. on our way to Chipotle, we're just jamming to some songs that we love, oldies or new ones. and some why don't we songs. yes, just because Zach is one of the members that doesn't mean I have the right to hate him as a band member. when we arrive at chipotle, I saw a familiar tesla. then I realize it's jack's, maybe he's alone. we went in as I hear five familiar laughs to my right, as I look at who are they, and there they are. why don't we boys, with Christina and tate, wonder where's Gabbie? she's in Hawaii. she lives there now. wait, if the girls are there, where's Leah? nousha told me to sit down somewhere as she will take our orders.

as I'm looking for a table for two, there was no table for us but near to the boys. it was right beside them. ugh. I go to the table, sit down and play with my phone. hoping the boys don't recognize me. "so, how was your visit to kay's? did you two made up?" I hear Corbyn said, "oh yeah! are you two back together?" jack said, "you both better be! I'm not gonna let another ship not sailing again!" daniel said as I heard a punch. "it wasn't my fault! it was a fan's! a fan told Gabbie I cheated, and now here we are!" jack annoyedly said.

I decided to look at them, they're all happy together, they're the same as always. but I look at Zach, his face looks sad, but why? is it because Leah isn't there? or- "hey, here's your chicken tenders." I look at nousha who's giving me my food. god, I miss having my date with Zach in chipotle, wait- no. ugh! kay, you gotta stop thinking about Zach! he broke you, okay?! I sigh. as nousha starts to eat, I play with my food. "hey, aren't you going to eat that, ma'am?" "Zach! I'm sorry, miss. our boy here just loves chicken tenders. don't mind him." tate cut Zach off as I look at them, they have their shocked looks.

"kay?" Christina questioned as I smile, "y-yeah." I said I give them a weak smile, "God, I missed you!" Tate said as she stands up and hugs me. I look at nousha as I see the shock on her face. god, nousha's gonna kill me. tate breaks her hug as puts her hands on both of my shoulders, "he's been worst since you left him at the hotel room." tate whispers as she sits back to where she was. "how's life, kay?" jonah asked. everything that Zach and I went through flashes me back, me singing in hundreds of people, the prom, and the way he helped me make my song 'upgrade'. I look down as tears start to fall, "I'm sorry." I said as I get up and leave the restaurant. I want everything back from where it was, I do. I'm still hurt about what he did. I just can't do it. I admit... I miss my favorite drug, my bubba, my Zach. I look back to the door of chipotle and then to the window seats from where they are. I walk to my car and get in as I leave.

I don't want to deal with him, yet I still have feelings for him. The only boy I ever loved this hard... is him. When I arrive home, I ignore Lainey and Rachel watching in the living room and go upstairs as I cry. I look around and spot my music notebook, where I put all of the lyrics I could think of. I grab it and open it, reading the songs I've written so far. I went to the unfinish lyrics in this one page, the written lyrics are: "and all my friends they tell me i should hate you, and all i wanna do is just forgive you, and i've been thinkin' bout it."

— • —

i've been ignoring everyone including my bestfriend nousha, in the past few weeks. i'm only talking to lainey. i'm currently on my bed, not caring if i should go out or not. i've written exactly four songs, but the fourth one isn't complete yet. well, fuck it. i'll just continue it when i have something on my mind, but right now, i need to produce these three songs. but how? anyways, i'm hungry. i'll just grab some snacks from the kitchen.

i stand up from my bed as i went down to the kitchen and get some snacks, oreos and milk. one of my favourites. when i went back to my room i see lainey reading my notebook, i quickly put down my food down my table and grab the notebook from her. "lainey! do you know what privacy means?!" i said as she looks at me and smile. "i knew you aren't over him, big sis. and if you want, i know a person who can help you produce your songs." i put down my notebook on the bed as i cross my arms.

"and who's this, praytell, producer you know?" i asked as she send me a smirk, oh no. who could possibly be? "don't worry, sister. i'll let you know if the producer is not busy today." she said and with that, she left my room. after thirty minutes, "alright sis, he said he'll be meeting you in chipotle." lainey burst out of nowhere in my room as i drop my pen. "can you stop that? and what time?" i said "in an hour." she said and close the door before i even do something to her. i inhale, and exhale, it's just a producer that she knows, nothing more. i mean, what could go wrong?

— • —

you've got to be kidding me! out of so many producers in california, really?! i'm so killing lainey, when i get home! "so, i heard you need my producing skills?" he said, i said a producer, but why this guy? out of all people! why him?! "actually, i think my friend can help me instead, bye." i said as i tried to leave, i look at his hand that was holding mine. "kay. please. can we step aside everything and work together on your ep, please?" he said as i sigh, "i'm not going to work my ep with you." i'm not gonna work with him after what he did! and... all of my songs are for... "look, just this once. after this ep, i promise i won't bother you anymore." he said as i sit down and look at him.

"okay, just this one and nothing more, okay?" he said as he nods. what i did i put myself into? "so, any boys?" he said as i shook my head. "how about you?" "oh, my, me? no. but i've been wanting this person back to my life, but she doesn't want to." he said as he frown. "i thought that by now you'd find someone else, zach." he said as he laugh, "no. i only want one girl in this world." i look at him confuse, "she left me crying in the hotel room in hawaii honolulu last year, but goddamn, i still want her, i still do. and that's you, kay." i couldn't react to what he just said.

is he playing with my feelings or what? i don't know, honestly. i haven't been with zach after a year. "you know what?" he looks at me confused, "after this EP... we're done, okay?" I don't wanna fall for him and to his tricks or ways again. he went silent for a while, "i don't know, kay. i love hanging out with you." he said as i sigh. he's playing hard now, isn't he? goddamn it. "so where should we record?" i ask him as he takes a bite of his food and drink his apple juice.

"i don't know, we could go to yours and maybe try some beats you got in your studio?" he can't go to my house, not after i told nousha about him visitng me. especially my room is a little mess at the moment... "well, m-my parents are home." i lied. my parents are at work. i sigh and think of where we should record my EP.