
Things Will Stay Like This

Darian Jains a young teen the age of seventeen gains a crush on the rebellious and delinquent Giselle Stein. Darian was a young man of integrity, aloofness, and constantly felt a sense of nothingness in his life. It was as if everything was as mundane as a beige still life image. Giselle in her last year of highschool is just trying to stay out of trouble. Constantly dealing with a bitch named Fae and her cry baby tears Giselle has become the schools delinquent after beating the brats ass. After seeing a fiasco in the lunch room Darians life suddenly becomes colorful, Giselle has become his muse. How far will he take it though?

Potatoegirl_uwu · Teen
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

A Date?


Darian's Pov


After work that evening Darian went to check on Giselle, He already knew where she lived despite her not telling him. He'd started watching her from afar. The lights were on and he could hear faint yelling from her house. He was surprised when he saw her come out with some of her things packed in a bag. He watched her as she wandered to the playground, eventually she fell asleep.

He looked around before approaching her sleeping body. She was completely unaware of his presence. Yet she chose the same playground they met. He wanted to caress her face, he wasn't sure why he felt this way about her, he left her alone, knowing no one else would disturb her. As much as he wanted to take her home, the timing wasn't right yet. 

When he got home Darian turned on the news, he smiled widely, giggling a little as he overheard.

"The police have confirmed a note was found from Cicilla to her parents stating she planned to run away with a boyfriend, after further investigation of the case the police have stumbled upon a scandal with the principal of Cicilla's school going completely viral across all news stations…" 

Just as Darian planned, Cicilla was no longer a relevant part of his life.


Giselle's POV


Giselle woke up under the playground structure surprised that she wasn't robbed, killed in her sleep, or froze to death. She headed to school as if nothing happened. She was late of course. 

Upon arrival many students were talking about the recent drama with Mr.Sangdo. News came out he had been sexually harassing many of the students regardless of their gender. A new principal was to take over soon. She felt bothered the whole day, but with Mr.Sangdo gone she now longer had to worry about the after school chores or the apology letter she had to write to Fae .

  Darian wasn't at school that day, and Giselle was starting to miss Sedrick. Almost as if manifesting his presence Sedrick sees her in the halls and approaches her. 

"Hey, are you okay? I heard about what happened." He asks.

Giselle feels somewhat awkward answering him casually, "Yeah, it was just a really messed up situation, I'm just glad that old fuck is gone now." 

Sedrick laughed, "hah! Yeah, I figured you'd react that way. Listen, I'm sorry if I've been distant lately, I've been busy with work alot and I guess I just didn't like Darian being clingy with you, so I avoided coming around during lunch. I didn't mean anything by it."

Giselle looks at Sedrick, her green ashy eyes piercing through him with a smile. She chuckles, "Well I'm glad to have you back, but seriously! You could've said something earlier!" Giselle lightly punches him in the arm. For the rest of the day they got to hang out at lunch and go to class as usual. After school Sedrick and Giselle hung out by a nearby convenience store. 

The sun was almost setting as the air was getting colder, Sedrick ended up buying Giselle a warm pop to ease her fingers. "Say remember how I was telling you I liked to do boxing with the guys?" Sedrick started.

"Yeah- Hold on- doesn't your girlfriend also do that? Is it a guys only type of place or something?" Giselle squatted down on the cement.

"Nah, it's for everyone, Tonya does enjoy it though, but I only go up against the guys, Tonya likes to beat the girls but she's been having a hard time finding people in her weight class." Sedrick smiled as he talked about Tonya. Giselle felt like a proud sister.

"Ah, I see, what makes you mention it though?" Giselle asks.

"I was wondering if you wanted to join us after school, you got some good arms on ya I'm sure Tonya would love going up against someone on her level." Sedrick smiled. He did seem excited.

Giselle ponders on it, she knows she's not actually that strong. "Okay sure, why not, I've got nothing better to do, when were you planning to show me around the ring?" Giselle asks.

"How about next week, I can arrange for me and the guys to meet up, same with Tonya and her friends." Sedrick sips his soda and throws it into the trashcan like a basketball. 

"It's getting late, we should probably get home." Sedrick grabs his book bag and tosses it over his shoulder. Giselle agrees nonchalantly, "Hey Sedrick…" 


"Thanks, for today I mean, I missed having you around." Giselle takes her book bag with her and does a small wave, "I'll see you at school. And the ring!"

Sedrick Chuckled, "Yeah, I'll see you later Giselle." 


Darian's Pov


Darian caught a fever that morning after stalking Giselle in the night's cold. He felt loopy and took some medicine. He thought about Giselle and what had happened. He was Glad she was alright, but he knew he needed to get closer to her. An Idea popped into his head, he was reminded of the flier Emerald was handing out and remembered there was also a deal going on at the Amusement park beside it. A fantasy played out in his mind. 

Darian began to think about how it would go if he took her there, if it would be fun or not. He wondered if they'd kiss at the end. Kissing Giselle. The thought didn't really cross his mind until now in his fevered state. He thought to himself, 'have I lost it?' The thought passed quickly before returning to thinking about her. He remembered seeing the base of her leg in that moment with Mr.Sangdo, wondering what Giselle's legs felt like in that manner. Had he groped her? Did he see down in her chest? Did he already try and kiss her? 

Darians fever made him think of her endlessly, he almost wished he'd beaten Mr.Sangdo sooner. He realized he was jealous. 

After the fever went down Darian came to school sick. All day Giselle could tell and was worried for him. 

Just as they were about to leave Giselle asked, "Are you sure we don't need to visit the nurses office?"

"Yes, I promise I'm fine. I was actually wanting to ask you something." Darian suddenly felt nervous. 

Darian's golden hues stared into Giselle's ashy green eyes with adoration, "You wanna go to the Amusement park with me? After school?" 

Giselle pauses to think about it for a moment.

"If you don't want to that's fine, I figured we'd go as friends, to get our mind off of, you know, everything." Darian says this secretly hoping Giselle says yes.

Giselle laughs, "Sure, as friends then." 

Darian looks down letting the bangs of his hair hide the red in his face. "Okay, I'll see you there." 

Darian hurriedly walks home.