
things to make your. partner crazy in love with you


Daoistrvj3nn · Fantasy
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How to make your partner crazy in love with you


Now our days, most of people relationship can't stand long as they want;

man/woman you can make your relationship work; and make your partner fall deeply in love with you and miss you every second

For man here are some tips to make your waman madly in love with you, and miss you every minute

1. Woman are like flowers beautiful and natural?

flowers are beautiful but they can't be beautiful and flesh without water, so is woman

Every woman is a queen. You have to make her feel as queen, how to do that

As a man morning like this, you can make tea for her. tell her my beautiful angel wake up, go near to her you can hold her Chick and say you look so gorgeous am so lucky to have a beautiful woman like you I don't know how my life would have be; if I didn't meet you. Go too close for your voice to create a beautiful smile in her heart

2. Some men think kitchen is only woman place, but kitchen is one of the beautiful place to make your partner fall madly deeply in love with you. In kitchen if you both are prepare food you can stop and look her eyes, when you stir at her she will ask you why are you stir at me. When she ask you that just move closer and hold her Chick and say, am the luckiest man in the world for having you by my side I love you my queen

Sometimes surprise your partner help her in kitchen. You both will get more time to talk

Work with her as your best friend let her feel better and comfortable around you. you don't have to be like am the man what I will say is final? naa give her the chance to bring her ideas when she is speaking pay more attention to her look at her eyes even if her idea didn't fit the situation just compromise and appreciate her; don't make her feel her idea is useless just say wow but think about this one and bring your own ideas to discuss

Once in a week take her out no matter how busy you are get time for her and have deep conversation with her you can do it when you both is doing something together help her when ever she is washing clothes" you both can play love and still work, it will create a beautiful memories in her heart

3 woman wants to feel special; so if you didn't make her feel special; another man will make her if that happens she will have feelings for that man. Man biggest mistake is to let another man make his woman smile and feel special

Ask yourself that in a day how many times did I tell my my partner i love her and let her know am happy for having her, whenever your partner dress to go somewhere let her know day in day she get more beautiful that is what make you fall crazy in love with her

Tell her

You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I never knew God loves me like this till the day he give you to me

Go close to her as you saying all this

Sometimes surprise her cook for her and make her know you love her

Once in a day call her when she come just go close to her keep pull near to her and say I miss your perfume and that beautiful eyes of yours I miss your smiles carry her in your arms to the living room tell her to sit and prepare food use your magic fingers to make the food special for her

You don't have to assure her in everything sometimes just take time and get what you have promise her for her

Sometimes I love you is not enough just prove that you do by give her what she don't esperct from you in that way she is yours forever

4. As a Lady is easy to make a guy crazy in love with you

Some girls are friendly to every guy. If you are one, you know what am saying , because that kind of girls, almost all guys fall in love with them

They have some treks

How they will look at you will make you fall for them

As a lady you don't have to be boring girlfriend/wife; sometimes surprise your husband/boyfriend buy him a gift or take him out for walk

Sometimes you will think your boyfriend/ husband doesn't want to talk to you; don't lose hope that is the time to make him want you the most

Go to him and be like

My love my heart can't stand it see you sad please what is wrong; if he tell you the problem,

Sit beside him and tell him to put his head on your lab when he put his head on your lab then tell him sweet words and make him believe you care for him, tell him how you are welling to be with him no matter what happen

5 Lady you don't have to make every guy fall in love with you

The Bible says the Lady who don't have sense destroy her home and the one with sense build her home; so be a Lady that every man wish to have in his life

The Bible said woman should respect they are husband and man should love they are wife's

So respect him enough support him in every thing that he do. on less the thing is sin

Every man need supportive Lady even if not in fannacial just support his idea and give him assured that he will make it

If you do that he will be yours forever