
Things have changed

If you unexpectedly came back to life after passing away and had no knowledge of your previous existence, a lot of things would alter. You'd try to remember a lot of things and miss out on a lot of opportunities, but when you meet someone who will go above and beyond for you, you realise. Why do that when you may make fresh memories instead. Translation from Russian. Original Russian author: Elisia_Evans https://ficbook.net/readfic/5934477

Charlottess · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


The girls decided to take a walk around the square and freshen up.

- Ella, you know, I'd like to live here. It's so nice here. I've never breathed such fresh air; it's amazing," said Gelda.

- Yeah, I agree. It's really nice here," Ella agreed.

- Gelda! - they heard vaguely.

- Was it just me, or did someone call out to me? - said Gelda.

- I don't know," said Ella, and then Orlondi flew up to them.

- A flying eye? Yeah, that's the only thing I've never seen in my life," said Gelda.

- Gelda! - Orlondi said, flying up to her.

- He's talking! - said Gelda, hugging Ella out of fright.

- 'Gelda, you're going to strangle me,' Ella wheezed.

- I'm sorry. - She let go of Ella and looked at Orlondi. - Who are you, and how do you know my name?

- What, Gelda, it's me, your little brother Orlondi.

- Er, who, I'm sorry? - Gelda asked again. That's where Seven Sins and Arthur come running out.

- Is there an important meeting here? If so, can I leave now? - Ella said, looking at them.

- Gelda, you seriously don't remember me?

- Should I? Look, Eye, this is the first time I've seen you and believe me, I have no idea who you are,' said Gelda. He was ready to fall and not take off. His own older sister didn't remember him.

- H-how...? You forgot me. We... Don't you remember how, even before the war, you secretly took me to forbidden places from Izraf and how I accidentally broke Ren's blades, and she was ready to kill me, but you protected me,' Orlondi said.

- I didn't...

"Gelda, stop sticking up for that weakling. He's not going to get anywhere. And he will answer for breaking my blades," the dark-haired vampiress said.

- "I didn't do it on purpose. And besides, they were already cracked; I just touched them, and they fell apart," the red-haired boy said, hiding behind Gelda.

- "So you shouldn't have touched them, you little sod," the vampiress hissed.

- "Ren, don't you dare touch him. Your blades would have broken anyway, not him; someone else would have done it. Even me. Stop touching him," Gelda said, looking at her younger sister with a menacing look.

- "One day, he won't amount to anything if you protect him like that. He'll grow up to be a swagger, not a vampire like you, by the way," Ren said.

- "That's enough! Get out, and don't you dare touch him, got it. You touch him, and all your blades will be broken. Understand me!" Gelda said angrily.

- "You're a Sassoon, not a vampire," Ren said, snorting at her brother and walking away.

- Orlondi?

- Yes, yes, it's me! - Orlondi said.

- Jesus, what's become of you. Why are you a flying eye! - questioned Gelda. She remembered everything.

- Well, I didn't follow your way of peace, and the result is this,' said Orlondi.

- Orlando, I told you not to listen to Israf. Geez, you're so messed up if you're left alone, even I can't help you," said Gelda.

- You're Gelda, aren't you? - Merlin asked.

- 'Yes, you'll have to excuse my stupid little brother.

- Well, I'm sorry,' said Orlondi.

- 'I'll give you an 'I'm sorry,' said Gelda.

- 'Sister, what happened to you? You disappeared and never came back. I thought you had been killed,' said Orlondi.

- 'I'll be honest, I don't remember what happened. I only remember what kind of family we were and nothing else, but at least it's something rather than nothing," Gelda said.

Ella looked at them and felt uncomfortable being there. Her friend remembered everything abruptly, and it turns out she has a younger brother, and Ella didn't recognise or remember anything. She decided to leave and not spoil the idyll of the conversation with her presence. No one noticed that she had left except Meliodas. He, too, left discreetly and followed her.

- Eh? Where's ke~ep? - Bun asked.

- Wait, where is Ella? - Gelda asked.

- Maybe she left? - Orlondi said.

- The commander seemed to have followed her. Let them talk together for now," said Merlin.

- Okay, now tell me: are you on our side, and where did you buy yourself such cool stuff? - Diana asked.

Ella walked through the streets of Camelot and tried to understand why this was happening to them, but the most important thing was that if Gelda had a family here, you could say, then where was her family. She didn't know the answer to that question and just walked on thinking. Things would change now; Gelda would already be spending less time with her and trying to make up for lost time with her brother. And she would lose her only friend, her only support. After all, without her, who is she here? That's right, she's nothing. Just a pathetic goddess. Though what a goddess, she doesn't even know what she's capable of or how to use that power. She reached the inner park in the kingdom and sat down near the lake, looking at the water's surface.

- What am I even good for? - Ella said, pulling her knees to her side.

- Maybe the world needs you," said someone's voice. Ella would have shuddered and almost fallen into the water if it hadn't been for Meliodas, who managed to grab her. - I'm sorry for scaring you," he said with a smile and helped her up.

- It's okay; I've been scared so often. Why aren't you with your team? You're their leader," Ella said.

- Leaders need rest, too, sit down," Meliodas said, sitting down in a lotus pose on the grass. Ella sat down next to him; she covered her legs with her cloak because it was getting chilly. - Chilly?

- М? No, the cloak keeps the cold away.

- By the way, I'm Meliodas! - he said with a smile.

- And I'm Ellaira,' Ella said with a smile.

- It's nice to meet you. But still, where are you from?

- It doesn't matter.

- Are you saying that because it was a bad life there? - Mel asked.

- No, but that world doesn't know what help and kindness mean. Everybody's on their own. But you know what the most frustrating thing is? I don't remember anything of my past life here, and no one can help me remember it. It's a dead end for me, a real dead end," Ella said and buried her face in her knees.

- You know, I used to think the same way when I lost everything in one moment. But I go on living, and always, something new is happening that I haven't seen before. Yes, you can't run away from the past, but sometimes you want to push it away and live a new life with a clean slate. You should try it. You don't have to remember the past and rehash it; live as you live now; it will be easier and more effective, - said Meliodas, standing up from the grass and giving his hand to Ella. - You don't have to know who your relatives are or what happened in the past; you just have to forget and start anew," he said with a smile. Ella looked at him and smiled, too, and accepted his help.

- Thank you for making me realise that," Ella thanked him.

- 'You're welcome, ni-shi-shi,' Meliodas said, smiling with his hands behind his head. - By the way, who are you? - Meliodas said. Ellaira smiled, and the sign of the goddesses appeared in her eyes and two large wings behind her back. Meliodas froze when he saw it.

- Meliodas? - Ella called out to him, snapping in front of his face.

- 'Huh? Sorry, I was thinking,' Meliodas said. Ella grinned, and her wings disappeared, and her eyes became normal. - 'Well, let's go, shall we?

- Let's go. By the way, why did you follow me in the first place? - Ella asked. For a moment, Meliodas's smile disappeared, but then it returned.

- I just wanted to," Meliodas said with a smile.

- 'Ha ha,' Ella laughed softly. Meliodas was at first surprised that she laughed and then started laughing too. Just then, the others ran up to them.

- Why are you laughing? - Gelda asked.

- Pf-ha-ha. What a ridiculous situation,' Ella laughed, with Meliodas cheering her on.

- Eh. Are we the only ones here who can't move in? - Orlondi said, and they continued laughing.

- Let them calm down,' said Diana. After a couple of minutes, they stopped laughing.

- Well? And why were you laughing?

- 'No reason,' said Meliodas.

- Captain?! - said, Diana.

- It was a ridiculous situation, that's all.

- You bloody pervert! - said Diana and Hork and started beating him up.

- 'No, not like that,' said Ella, and they stopped.

- 'Well, are you finished? - Meliodas said as if nothing had happened.

- Are you sure those pig brains didn't do anything to you? - Hork asked.

- 'Yes,' said Ella

- 'Just dare, and you won't get away with it! - They said and went away. Ella helped Meliodas up.

- Are you all right? - Ella asked.

- Yes, I'm not used to it," said Meliodas, shaking himself. - By the way, I have a proposition for you two.

- What is it? - the girls asked at the same time.

- Would you agree to travel with us? - Meliodas asked.

- Yes! - agreed on the girls.

- But I warn you, you must work," said Mel.

- No problem, - said the girls.

- Then we are waiting for you at the castle tomorrow, - said Meliodas.

- We'll be there! Now, what time is it approximately?

- 'It's getting close to eleven o'clock in the evening,' said Merlin.

- 'Then we should get going. Bye, everyone! - said, Ella.

- Orlando, you're coming with us! Bye! - said Gelda, and they went to where they were to spend the night.

- That's a better girl than that princess, dibs. Can she be mine? - Ban asked, standing beside Meliodas, and he, in turn, slapped him in the face with great force.