
Prologue 3: The Hand

"Oh, and I'm your right hand by the way."

"W-what, why, how?" The man almost slipped on an old bag of Boritos as he was speaking.

Certainly, the loss of his right hand over night was quite the shocker, but finding it only minutes after? And it speaks? Not the kind of encounter he was expecting to have today.

"Ummm... I actually don't know." The hand answered his question, its voice clear.

"Can you... reattach? Or something?"

"Wanna find out?"


The man had not much to be afraid of during his life, except for maybe Juan - but what's most surprising to him is that the second thing he has ever had to be afraid of is his own right hand.

"Y-yeah, reattach. Let's do that."


Even the hand was starting to stutter at this point, with the tension in the room reaching its peak.

*tap* *tap* *tap*

The hand began to inch closer.


"Hey, that's rude."

"S-sorry." The man quietly whispered.

The hand was now standing on its 5 fingers, right beside the man's feet.



The man hesitantly stretched his stump out toward the creepy crawly, almost closing his eyes in anticipation.

The hand however, was turning itself around - its behind facing the man's stump.

After what seemed like a whole minute, the two finally touched, causing a sound to echo across the room.


A small electrical reaction was released upon contact, and then slowly something began to change. Between the man's stump and the hand's wrist was some sort of matter. It seemed gooey, but had the same colour as his skin.

They were merging back together, with some sort of goo that extended from the both of them as a medium.

Not long after, the goo formed a sort of bridge that pulled the two together almost instantly. Before either one could react they were merged into one being.

"Oh my, it worked!" The hand became overly excited just after the successful merging.

The man, on the other hand (hehe) was still feeling much too odd about this.

Why did the hand so readily agree to merge? How did his right hand suddenly gain sentience? All these thoughts were racing through his mind before he came to realise something important.

He couldn't move it. His right hand was just dangling from his arm.

"Hey hand? You alive?"

If he couldn't move his hand, then the only other option was for his hand to move his hand. But alas, it would seem his newfound friend had just become unresponsive.

"Well, shit."