
Thief of Time

[This work is also being serialised on RoyalRoad under the name Xel Vi Coronata] [Please check Royal Road for more updates due to uploading issues...] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Book 1: The Legend of Tot Synopsis: Claud Primus, a self-declared master thief, has a simple goal. To live forever. It's a rather easy task, for miraculous objects called lifestones are able to extend one's lifespan. These lifestones are best found in the treasuries of nobles, lovely resorts that Claud pays a visit to every so often. Unfortunately, one of those nightly visits go awry, and Claud is forced to escape with just a single lifestone and a box in hand. Normally, that's when things die down. The guards yawn, the gates close, and the night continues. But this time, the night isn't that forgiving. A dozen schemes result in the murder of someone important, and with a convenient scapegoat — Claud — at hand, it doesn't take long for him to be framed as a heinous criminal, wanted for the indirect murder of someone high up...and it just gets worse from there. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Check the synopses for the other books on RR!] __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Book 6: Secrets in Shadow Synopsis: The person behind a strike that would enter the annals of history flees his home, bringing with him the person closest to his heart into a new land and into a new world. Having left Istrel for the first time in his life, the two of them attempt to settle down in foreign lands, only to be caught in the middle of hostilities between two mighty powers grappling for dominion. Yet, none of that has anything to do with him. Following his desires, Claud eventually makes his way to the fabled Celestia Ruins, a fragment of another world. Bearing witness to truths he cannot yet comprehend, he returns from his exploration, a small break away from the machinations of destiny. One thing, however, is for certain. Destiny will not wait for him. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Book 7: Reddest Rage Synopsis: Destiny churns on, heedless of mortal machinations, and Claud watches as the battlegrounds between the Moons and the Dark are drawn up. With the forces of the great Dark occupying Lostfon, Claud comes to a startling realisation — that he may have very well be a murderer of heinous proportions. Grappling with that realisation, he struggles to prepare for his Second Tutorial... Back in Istrel, Dia finds herself confronted with a perennial truth. Even in a time of writhing destiny, the machinations between nobles never cease to end — and unfortunately for her, the group once known as the Moon Lords are forced into dealing with a petty squabble between two counts. What they didn't account for, however, was the startling discovery they would soon make... And the shadow of the Red God's Holy Son behind it all.

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Chapter 279: Nightfall's Terra Jewel

Tri-coloured light illuminated the city of Licencia, creating a picturesque sight for Dia's eyes as she and the others appeared on the city walls. The dark, gloomy night had been banished by the tri-coloured army surrounding the city, but Dia couldn't sense any hostility from them.

Just a quiet, burning fervour.

Of course, it was possible that the army before them never saw the city as a threat to begin with; from the presence that the ensemble of Moon soldiers gave off, it was clear that all of them were minimally bi-folders.

Little Dias, in other words.

Even if they tried to resist, it would be impossible for them to do anything about it. The ratio of allied to enemy folders here were odds even a mad gambler wouldn't even think about betting on.

"I thought you guys weren't going to care about this," said Caroline, as everyone popped up on the walls. "I'm glad to see you guys here."

"Hey, you left earlier before asking our opinion," Schwarz replied. "Don't make it sound like it's our fault."

"To be honest, something like this shouldn't be in your purview." Caroline smiled faintly. "That's why Aran didn't get you guys to come here. And…well, we nobles have our own pride to. Times like this is why we exist."

"Where's Count Nightfall?" Schwarz asked.

"Where do you think he is?" Caroline replied, before turning back to look out of the city. "He's there, talking to the leader of those footsoldiers. They're here for something, it seems. And from the looks of it, that something seems to be very negotiable."


"The Terra Jewel for this area." Caroline frowned. "Odd. I thought they would have just snatched it from him, but they do seem to actually be negotiating in good faith. I wonder what's going on."

"Maybe the Moons realised that they need sincere collaborators," Risti muttered. "A Moon Emissary died with a Bearer of Destiny…one of the Moons' Bearers of Destiny. Based on those announcements, it's clear that the Bearers of Destiny right now belong to different camps. The Moons, the Dark and the Coloured Gods."

"Mhm. And the Moons have lost two of them. The Coloured Gods three. And the Dark one." Schwarz took a deep breath. "I feel a bit scared, having made these inferences on my own."

"Right?" Farah forced out a chuckle. "Maybe the Moons have been pressed enough to the point that they're negotiating with us little mortals as equals."

"No need for uncertainties here," Caroline replied. "They're leaving."

The tide of tri-coloured light receded at those words, leaving behind Count Nightfall and a tri-coloured person. Unlike the foot soldiers, who only had one colour each, the person talking to Nightfall was coloured by red, yellow and blue. A set of white eyes completed its features, and for a moment, Dia felt that this person embodied the beauty of the Moons.

The two people stepped back together and bowed once, before walking away from each other. As the tri-coloured special soldier melted into the army and followed them away, Count Nightfall took to the skies and landed on the battlements, before doing a double take at the presence of the Moon Lords.

"You guys…" Count Nightfall sighed. "Thanks. Caroline, I'm back. Told you. Safe and sound."

"Shut it," Caroline muttered. "You already knew, right? That those guys won't attack? That's why you decided to listen to my words and came down to Moon Mansion, instead of preparing for a battle. Now that I think about it, you must have known something from your spy network."

"Now, now, don't be that agitated…"

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight!"

Everyone watched on for a minute or two as Count Nightfall started to wheedle for Caroline's forgiveness, before Schwarz cleared his throat. "Sorry, you two, but I think there's something more pressing right now, right?"

"Right. As most of you might have guessed, the Lunar Lord — the tri-coloured guy that I was talking to earlier — wanted me to lend out my Terra Jewel."

"Lend out?"

"A guarantee on the names of the Moons itself," Nightfall replied. "In return, they would protect the city, banish the encroaching Dark from the local area as well as designated trade routes and pay the city an astonishing two hundred pure-ranked lifestones every week."

"Two hundred pure-ranked lifestones to borrow your Terra Jewel." Dia felt a bit light-headed. "A week."

"Wow." Schwarz took a deep breath. "Pure-ranked lifestones. Where are they getting them from?"

"Who knows? But you guys need it. The two of us need it. In turbulent times, being able to hold our own will grow increasingly important." The count's eyes flickered towards Nero, who had been silent the whole time, and then hardened. "Besides, Ruler Istrel has already traded his Terra Jewel for some rather good stuff. I don't see the need to resist their overtures."

He spread his hands. "Both parties walk away happy, and we've avoided a battle. Besides, the leader surrendered first. Not going to let you guys suffer."

"But what would they use the Terra Jewel for?"

"The Lunar Lord said that the Moons intend to transform the whole of Istrel Sovereignty into a base camp to summon their forces. Similar camps have appeared in the other two continents too; two base camps and a battleground. And…" He looked at Caroline. "The Dark, naturally, chose Voidum Sovereignty as their basecamp."

Caroline let out a sigh of relief.

"No, don't be relieved," Nightfall muttered. "The battleground, therefore, is Nihila. As we speak, an army of the great Dark are marching upon your home. Quies Dukedom has fallen to the Dark. The Moons have taken Liquet Dukedom, north of Istrel Sovereignty. For now, Lacuna remains neutral ground, but it will soon become a battlefield if things go south."

"Caroline?" Schwarz called out.

Everyone turned to look at Caroline, whose body was trembling visibly.

Nightfall sighed. "The Lostfon County is a territory under the Lacuna Dukedom. We can't do anything for them. We can only leave it up to the…well, I'd say Moons, but I don't think they can decide this matter alone."

Caroline took a deep breath. "They'll make it through. I know it. Aran. Continue about the Terra Jewel. What happens if the Moons use it?"

"Nothing much from us, from what the Lunar Lord told me. It seems that what they're doing is gathering the ambient life scattered from the dead, as well as those that exist naturally, and using it as fuel to summon their people. The by-products happen to be solid pieces of pure life, which is their payment for borrowing our Terra Jewels."

Dia glanced at Farah, who had an uneasy look on her face.

"Anyway," said Count Nightfall, "thank you for showing up here and supporting me in spirit. I won't forget this."

"Aye. A drink?" Schwarz asked. "I was going to open my bar today."

Nightfall twitched once. "Drinks, eh? After a nerve-wrecking conversation, that would be more than welcome. Sure. Thank you for your offer, master."

"Drinks? That sounds lovely." Nero joined in. "Count me in."

"If we're talking about something that's not so alcoholic," said Risti, "then I don't mind joining you guys too."

"How about you two?" Schwarz asked, turning to Dia and Farah.

"I'm fine, thanks." Farah smiled, but Dia could sense an element of falsehood from it. Clearly, she had something on her mind, and Dia could actually guess what the issue was. Rejecting Schwarz's little offer, the two of them watched as Nightfall pulled his fiancée along, before heading towards Triple-D merrily.

"Farah," Dia called out. "The Terra Jewel in your possession…"

"As expected of her double, I guess." Farah rubbed her forehead. "I'll have to get Lloyd to represent me. It's a shame, but I did procure another skillstick for him to go back home instantly."


"Well, like Nightfall said, even Ruler Istrel already acceded to their request. And they were asking nicely too." Farah shrugged. "Two hundred pure-ranked lifestones are too good to pass up. And I know you guys have been giving me more than my fair share of lifestones."


"Don't 'eh' me," Farah replied. "Why else would Claud offer to take my low and middle-rank lifestones in exchange for high-ranked ones? That guy fears death. I bet you anything that he won't be at ease until he has a few thousand years under his belt, and even then…"

"You caught us, I guess." Dia shrugged. "But that's what friends do. You'd do the same for me or anyone else, right?"

"Thanks." Farah rubbed her nose. "Alright. I'll go and send Lloyd back. You should go with the others or something."

"I'm turning in early," Dia replied. "Tired. And…well, the first summoning of the Moons' soldiers might be tomorrow. Best for me to be bright and sprightly for the next few days, in case something happens."

"Please don't jinx it," Farah mumbled.

"Better to be safe than sorry." Dia yawned. "And I think today's been shocking enough. I just want to take a rest now, alright?"

Waving goodbye, Dia hopped off the city wall and made for home.

No, two hundred pure-ranked lifestones a week aren't that much. They only amount to around 16.6667 years of lifespan. 

Next week is my final recess week. I'll try to update daily...so do wish me luck in rushing through my assignments and getting good grades.

Once this semester is over, I'm probably not going to be able to write so frequently. Gotta get a job, see? Anyway, keep your eyes peeled for daily updates.

Anyway, do keep your eyes peeled for my next work, which may or may not be debuting in April's Writahon. It'll feature a certain place mentioned here as the main setting...and reveal quite a lot of things about the narrative multiverse I've conceptualised.

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