
chapter three

Rejiana wrenched the handle of the door open, with an intake of breath she strolled in.

The murmuring in the class was silenced the moment her boots hit the surface of the floor, all heads were turned.

"I'm late",she told the teacher.

The teacher gave a simple nod and gestured for her to join the rest of her class.

Rejiana groaned when she saw that the only unoccupied seat was directly next to Roxford, she debated standing the whole lesson at the back of the class but the ache her back gave at the mere thought had her scrambling for the chair.

When she was seated she turned to look at him and surely Damein was staring at her a toothy grin displaying his straight teeth, she noticed how he had stuck diamonds on them, they complimented his already charming look, she didn't know whether to comment but it itched her to do so and so she did.

"What the hell did you do to your teeth".

Damein laughed but didn't take offense, he knew it was nice.

"I badazzled them", he said, his voice an audible whisper.

Rejiana stared back at him and a small smile broke her unapproachable facade, and that's when Rejiana knew that she had to stay away from Damein Roxford.

That's when she remembered why she was always so serious, why she never tolerated everyone, why she was belligerent.

Because people like Jamien always end up hurt and she didn't want to be the reason.

Rejiana shoved her chair backwards silencing her classmates yet again and stormed out of the class room.

She climbed the stairs that led to the roof of the school.

When she was now sitted there her legs hanging from the building she glanced deep into the sky whilst tears threatened to spill.

Rejiana Navison thought of the odds of really finding Jason. She was upset but had to act happy to keep Richard motivated.

She dug deep into her pocket and pulled out a cigar, she placed it firmly by her lips, but just like always she threw it away , as she watched the lit cigarette fall down the three storey she knew it was right to throw it away she felt like her mom was watching closely, mom always wanted to keep her daughter safe and far from danger. Rejiana just knew that it would be painful and a disgrace to do what her mother always despised of.

She glanced back at the sky.

"You're so blue", her voice was drained.

"You so blue and you don't give a fuck that I'm staring right back at you and pouring out my dumb heart, you just blue, you don't care about anyone, you are  selfish and self centered, you can't even give me a God dammit answer, you are just blue you're useless", she was now screaming the more she stared further into the never ending elegant facade the more the pieces left of her heart shredded into smaller pieces.

"I blame you", she pointed an accusing finger at the sky.

"It's all you".

The siren screamed and she knew it was break time, she didn't have the courage or energy to walk down to eat so she stayed root her mind unleashing a million strings of curse words at the sky.

After spending five minutes  fiddling with her fingers and five more  minutes pulling herself together she finally stood up and headed for the door, but before she could pull it open, it was pushed open and slammed in her face.

She bent over and pressed a hand to her head.

"What the hell is wrong with you? ".

Rejiana lifted her head and her fist automatically ready to punch whoever did that.

"I'm so sorry", Damien walked over to her and rubbed her cheek, Rejiana instantly slapped his hand away.

"What are you eve......... Damien are you crying?".

Damien shielded his tear stained face from her.

His usually white and Grey eyes were puffy and red.

Rejiana grabbed his face between her hands "what's wrong".

Damein knew she wouldn't let it go

"I got dumped, now".

"whose the girl", Rejiana could finally vent her anger out properly.

"Lara, Lara Flynn".

Rejiana stopped to think "Lara the pretty, model, the one that sits at the back of the class".

Damein nodded and Rejiana hung her mouth open.

"How did you even score that".

"It was more of a behind the scenes thingy, she has a boyfriend then there was me she said she liked me more, I knew it was a lie but it's........ It's stupid and she ended it all because......", he stopped and looked away.

"Because of what".

"Can we not talk about it", Damein walked over to were Rejiana was seated.

Rejiana trailed behind him and took a well alerted step back when she heard him break into tears.

"Damein", she was seated next to him in the blink of an eye.

Gingerly she place her hand on his shoulders.

"You not the only one with issues".

"Fuck you, your life is perfect".

The way he spoke broke her heart, she stared at him deeply searching the depths of those Grey eyes.

"My life is far from perfect".

Roxford looked at her doubt very evident in his face.

So Rejiana began to tell him she told him of her mother's death, how living with it was tragic, how she planned on getting revenge and how she couldn't stand every waking hour of the pain.

Feather by feather the goose was plucked, Rejiana told someone for the first time in her entire life, she felt relieved especially when he didn't judge her.

"Younno she dumped me because I went missing for lunch time and when I told her I was with you she ignored me and the last straw was when you sat next to me".

"No offense but she is a psycho bitch".

"Offense not taken".

"I've never loved someone or even thought of it",Rejiana chuckled.

Damien turned his whole body and faced her "You've never dated".

"Hey don't make a fuss".

"Oh my goodness, you've never even kissed".

Rejiana laughed and nodded.

"Or even thought of it".

Rejiana's eyes mindlessly darted to his lips "well I'm thinking of it now".

Damien chuckled the diamonds on his teeth suddenly enticing to Rejiana.

"Well......", Rejiana said.

"Well wanna try it".

She narrowed her eyes at him, you wouldn't peg him as the type to ask a girl that but there he was.

"Um.... Ya I guess we could try",she stammered the only thing visible were his lips.

"yeah and I totally need to get my mind of Lara".


They stared at each other for awhile before Damein leaned forward and pressed his lips on her hers.
