
They Think I'm Just a Handsome Face But I Carry an Immortal's Memories

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The_Procrastinator · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 7

"This is a radiant Aurora flower, and it needs sunlight to flourish to its maximum potential. If kept indoors, it will gradually lose its luster and vibrancy as the days pass," Rowan explained, his gaze briefly lingering on the flowers before shifting to the lady of the house.

Lady Isabella was an enchanting presence, her appearance strikingly similar to Lyra's. The resemblance was uncanny, to the point where one could easily believe they were sisters. Both women seemed to be at the pinnacle of their youthful beauty, poised at the tender age of eighteen. Rowan couldn't help but feel a pang of regret that Lady Isabella, with all her charm and allure, seemed blinded by her current perceptions and the circumstances she found herself in.

He decided to address the underlying matter directly. "But these aren't the real reason you called me here, is it, Lady Isabella?" Rowan's voice was firm yet gentle, cutting through the superficial pleasantries. He knew there was a deeper issue at hand, one that required his immediate attention.

Lady Isabella's eyes flickered with a hint of surprise, her composed facade momentarily faltering. It was clear that Rowan's direct approach had caught her off guard. She took a moment to collect herself, her gaze turning introspective as she considered her next words. The air between them was thick with unspoken tension, the weight of unaddressed concerns pressing heavily upon them.

In time, Lady Isabella finally composed herself, though it was evident that she, too, was affected by Rowan's striking appearance. She could feel a flush of desire just by looking at him, a sensation that was both familiar and disconcerting. This reaction was nothing new; every woman in the city seemed susceptible to Rowan's innate charm, a quality that had made him a local legend.

"Rowan, I'm sure you're well aware of how close I am to your parents," Lady Isabella began, her voice steady but with a hint of underlying tension.

"I know. It's the reason why Lyra and I got close in the first place. You always invited my family and me to every gathering and event at your household in the past," Rowan nodded, his gaze unwavering.

"Yes, and have you ever wondered why that is so?" she asked, her eyes searching his face for any sign of understanding.

"You like my parents, especially my father," Rowan replied without hesitation.

Lady Isabella was momentarily speechless. Was she really that transparent? The thought troubled her. Even her husband, who was a very close friend of Rowan's parents, had never suspected. She could only appreciate how perceptive Rowan had become. Their last conversation had been years ago, before Lyra left for the Nine Heavens Sect. She decided against deceit, choosing honesty instead.

"Yes, I have a little infatuation with your father. But since he has no talent in cultivation, I restrained myself and sought a man who deserved me. Do you understand where I'm going with this, Rowan?" she asked, her tone softening as she revealed this hidden truth.

"You want me to stop seeing Lyra. You should ask her, not me. She came to me first, after all," Rowan shrugged, his nonchalance a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation.

Lady Isabella sighed, her eyes reflecting a mixture of frustration and resignation. She knew Rowan's words were true, yet she hoped to sway him. She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before speaking again.

"Rowan, Lyra is still very young and impressionable. Her feelings for you might be genuine, but they are also influenced by her naivety and our family's longstanding relationship with yours. I worry that she might not fully understand the consequences of her actions," Lady Isabella said, her voice tinged with concern.

Rowan looked at her thoughtfully, considering her words. "I understand your concern, Lady Isabella. But Lyra is not a child. She is capable of making her own decisions. If she feels strongly about our relationship, who are we to stand in her way?"

"Do you think any woman is capable of resisting your charm, Rowan? You need only ask, and any female, young or old, will willingly spread their legs at a mere word of invitation," Lady Isabella said, her voice rising with exasperation. She was clearly frustrated with the direction their conversation was taking.

"Even if I stay away from her and harshly push her out of my life, I don't think I'd be successful," Rowan replied calmly, his demeanor unshaken. "As you've already noticed, Lyra is a woman now, and she can be wild in bed. There's no going back for us, not anymore."

Lady Isabella's frustration deepened, her hands clenching at her sides. "And what if I do something about it? You should know that the only reason you haven't been kidnapped or molested in the city and beyond is because of my family's influence over the powerful women here. What do you think would happen if we suddenly stopped shielding you from them?" she threatened, her eyes narrowing.

Rowan shook his head, his expression remaining composed. "I guess I'd have my hands full with old married women left and right. That doesn't sound like a bad future at all," he responded with a hint of sarcasm. He turned to leave, adding, "It's been nice meeting you again, Lady Isabella."

With those words, Rowan walked out, leaving Lady Isabella standing there, a mix of anger and resignation on her face. The room fell silent, heavy with unresolved tension and the echo of their heated exchange.

Lady Isabella felt a surge of frustration and helplessness. She had hoped to reason with Rowan, to make him see the danger and folly of his relationship with Lyra. Instead, he had met her concerns with defiance and a cavalier attitude. She couldn't understand why he was so stubborn, why he wouldn't acknowledge the potential consequences of their affair. 

Lyra would miss and slack off in her cultivation because of her new relationship and that was not something that lady Isabella was willing to see. She has high ambitions for her most talented child and she knew that she would do anything to make Lyra go the path she wanted her to.