
They Think I'm Just a Handsome Face But I Carry an Immortal's Memories

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The_Procrastinator · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 6

It was also around that time when Lyra began yearning for something different. She's had enough of endless fucking for now and her pussy was also already swollen red with the sweet torture that it was made to persevere. 

"I'm thinking about visiting my parents in the city. Would you like to join me?" she asked, reclining comfortably in bed, still unclothed. In the six months since then, she couldn't remember the last time she'd worn anything—it was probably just before Rowan had utterly distracted her by a marathon of lovemaking. Lyra's smile widened at the wicked thought. 

"Of course. It's been quite a while since I last saw your parents too," Rowan nodded enthusiastically. He knew how important family was to Lyra, and he cherished any opportunity to strengthen their bond by sharing in her experiences.

They quickly dressed, each preparing for the occasion in their own way. Lyra effortlessly retrieved a new fairy dress from her storage ring, its intricate details sparkling in the light, enhancing her already striking appearance. Her journey into womanhood had not only refined her physical beauty but also enriched her confidence and allure. She had explored her sexuality with a sense of liberation, savoring her intimate moments with Rowan, which only added to her magnetic charm that captivated many.

On the other hand, Rowan appeared in his usual farmer's garb, a stark contrast to Lyra's ethereal elegance. Despite his simple attire, his face held a quiet strength and his demeanor exuded a rare, almost mystical tranquility. There was something extraordinary about him, as if he possessed qualities that were beyond ordinary mortals, as if crafted under the watchful gaze of celestial beings.

As they stood together, Lyra radiant and captivating, and Rowan quietly confident yet enigmatic, it was evident that they complemented each other in ways that defied mere appearances.

They walked hand in hand and arrived at the ancient tall gates of azure dragon city.

"Good morning, young master Rowan," the guards greeted respectfully, though their tone subtly carried a jab at his humble origins, perhaps the only overshadowing his remarkably handsome face.

"And greetings to the immortal fairy," they added in a somewhat general manner towards Lyra, their memory of her slightly faded after her long absence. However, her striking beauty and the elegance of her fairy attire suggested a depth of experience akin to that of a seasoned expert cultivator.

Lyra had left the city behind at the tender age of 18, and now, over a decade later, her return brought with it an aura of mystery and allure. Her time away had clearly left its mark, refining her grace and confidence, which now seemed to radiate effortlessly. As she stood beside Rowan, their contrasting presences were evident: his rugged yet compelling presence and her ethereal charm, both captivating in their own right.

They passed through the city gates successfully, causing an immediate stir among the residents.

"Look! It's young master Rowan!"

Excited murmurs and whispers spread like wildfire as people recognized Rowan, their gazes lingering on his handsome features and his aura of quiet confidence. Women in vibrant dresses and men in various trades paused in their activities, eager to catch a glimpse or perhaps exchange a few words with the young man who had captured their attention.

"Let's go greet him. Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky tonight," one of the bold women exclaimed to her companions, prompting giggles and shared glances among them. With a collective flutter of anticipation, they approached Rowan, their greetings filled with a mixture of admiration and flirtation.

Meanwhile, Lyra stood slightly apart, her ethereal beauty and refined presence drawing the attention of those who recognized her. Yet, there was an undercurrent of jealousy and disdain from some of the women who had hoped for Rowan's attention themselves. They eyed Lyra with thinly veiled hostility, their expressions betraying their resentment towards the woman who had seemingly captured the heart of the city's most eligible bachelor.

In their minds, a few harbored thoughts so dark that they could have envisioned drastic measures against Lyra, perhaps even in a fit of envy wishing to see her humiliated or worse. However, despite their fleeting fantasies of retribution, none dared to act upon them. Her formidable aura hinted at a power that commanded both admiration and caution.

Thus, while the air crackled with curiosity and subtle tension, the morning scene unfolded without incident, leaving behind a lingering sense of intrigue and admiration for Lyra and her identity. 

As they followed the couple closely, anticipation and curiosity grew among the onlookers. It didn't take long for someone in the crowd to connect the dots and recognize Lyra's identity.

"I know who she is! That's Lyra Storm, the daughter of the city lord," exclaimed a man, his voice carrying across the gathering.

"Lyra Storm? The one rumored to be the disciple of one of the great elders in the Nine Heavens Sect?" another person chimed in, their eyes widening with intrigue.

"Yes, that's her! I've heard tales of her prowess and beauty," murmured a woman nearby, her gaze fixed on Lyra with newfound interest. "She's become even more radiant since I last saw her."

Whispers and exclamations spread like wildfire through the crowd as more people recognized Lyra. Some recalled glimpses of her from years past, while others marveled at her transformation into a figure of both elegance and mystery.

"Isn't it amazing how she's returned after so long?" remarked an elderly gentleman, nodding sagely. "She's certainly made a name for herself."

The buzz of excitement continued to ripple through the gathering, with each revelation about Lyra sparking fresh conversations and speculations. It seemed that her presence had stirred memories and stirred imaginations alike, casting a spell of fascination over those who now recognized the woman who had returned to their midst.

Before long, their journey brought them to the bustling center of the city, where the grandest and most imposing mansions lined the streets. At the entrance to this opulent district stood a formidable entourage, but all eyes were drawn to the two figures who commanded attention at the forefront. These majestic individuals radiated an aura of absolute power, their presence akin to that of ancient gods among mortals.

Clothed in robes of exquisite craftsmanship and rich fabrics, the couple's attire spoke of wealth and taste, yet it was their palpable strength and authority that truly captivated onlookers. Despite their age, which surpassed a century, they appeared untouched by time, their features etched with wisdom and experience, yet their vitality suggesting they were in the prime of their lives. It was immediately evident to all who beheld them that they were not merely ordinary elders, but revered cultivators of profound accomplishment and mastery.

Whispers of awe and reverence rippled through the crowd as the recognition dawned upon them. These were individuals who had ascended to heights of power and knowledge beyond the grasp of most, their names spoken with respect and their deeds legendary in the annals of the city's history. As the entourage made way for them to pass, the air seemed charged with anticipation and a quiet reverence for the formidable couple who now graced the heart of the city with their presence.

"Father, mother, I've returned," Lyra announced with a wide smile, her voice echoing through the spacious entryway of her childhood home. Her parents turned with expressions of joy and surprise, and they enveloped her in warm embraces, their love and pride evident in their eyes as they welcomed her back after so many years. Rowan followed closely behind, greeted with nods and smiles from those assembled, a testament to the respect he had earned during their journey through the city.

Inside, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of nostalgia and excitement, as old acquaintances and loyal servants bowed respectfully to Lyra and Rowan. The familiarity of home enveloped Lyra, yet she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the absence of her siblings. Each of them was a gifted cultivator in their own right, deeply immersed in training and responsibilities within their chosen sects scattered across the region. Such was the way of life in this age of cultivators, where power and influence were shared among numerous sects, all striving to harness the abundant resources of the land.

As they settled in, catching up on tales of their adventures and exchanging news of the city and beyond, an unexpected topic arose, shifting the conversation.

"Rowan, I've heard whispers that you still possess that magical green thumb of yours," Lyra's mother remarked with a playful twinkle in her eye. "Would you be so kind as to take a look at my garden? Perhaps you could offer some of your wisdom on coaxing my flowers to bloom even more beautifully."

Rowan, always humble yet skilled in matters of land cultivation, smiled warmly. "It would be my honor, Lady Isabella. I'll do my best to help your garden flourish."