
They Say Love is Blind

Pepper writes stories that span the gamut from humorous to heartfelt, however the common theme is crossing boundaries. Pepper's unique stories often tackle taboo topics such as mental illness and homelessness. Readers will find themselves questioning their own sense of right and wrong, attraction and desire. In addition to writing, the author is also an artist, an introverted recluse, a self proclaimed empath and a foodie. Pepper Pace can be contacted at: pepperpace.author@yahoo.com “You have such a pretty face, If only you would lose some weight.” Tory has heard that all of her life. In her solitary life she eats alone and daydreams about having a handsome boyfriend who could accept all of her. Daily she finds herself running to catch her bus and knowing that she is the laughing stock of the other commuters. And then one day she literally finds herself ‘falling’ into the lap of one of the commuters; an exotically handsome white man. Tory finds that she is unable to stop thinking about him and daydreaming about the life he must live. But Mr. Gorgeous must be either married or gay because she sees him dismissing the attention of gorgeous women left and right. Never in a million years would she ever guess that hers was the only attention he was interested in… In this multicultural romance, Pepper Pace weaves a story that takes her readers through the ups and downs of personal insecurities, cultural differences, and of course a lesson to be learned; that love is totally and completely blind.

Pepper Pace · Urban
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52 Chs

Chapter 12: BLINDNESS

"My parents moved us to the States so that they could make money. But once we were here, me and my brothers and sisters integrated into the American culture while my parents later returned to the island to retire. We have a saying in the Azores. Vou morrer pra minha terra; I will die in my homeland. My parents live by that saying."

She gave him a steady look. "You miss it don't you?"

He nodded. "Being blind on an island is great. I can run, sprint even. And the only thing to run into is...the end of the Island." He had a wistful look on his face. "In my village everyone knew me and I knew them. People would yell out, 'watch out for that! Don't knock that over! You're going to step on that!' Even though there are a lot of tourists and Island living is very modern now, there is still a very quaint quality about it." She found herself wishing that she could see this beautiful paradise.

"Lee, what caused your blindness?" She had been curious about this since she had discovered his blindness but didn't know how to ask. But he seemed so open and secure with himself that she hoped he wouldn't mind her probing.

"Actually I was born sighted. My mother went into labor too early and I was premature. I was in an incubator for several weeks. The harsh lights is what caused my loss of sight."

"Oh God, that's horrible." Her hand unconsciously stroked his and she felt him shiver at the contact. "Is there anything that can be done to correct it?"

He placed his hand over hers, gently moving his thumb over her knuckles. "No, but it doesn't bother me. I don't know anything different. My family is very big; four sisters and three brothers and no room for special treatment. I fell, and got bumped and bruised until I figured out how not to fall and get bumps and bruises." He had a slight smile as he remembered the things he described. "When I was young I thought sight was...imagination. Like watching television; I thought that everyone listened to it just the way that they listened to the radio. The descriptions my family gave me were just...interpretation.

"For me vision is physical; getting hugs by my mother, wrestling with my brothers, playing with my sisters, hanging out in the field with the other kids—It's not the same as it is for the rest of the world. I'm not the same. My likes and dislikes are based on my comfort zone. I don't like spare ribs because they're messy, or Chinese food because I don't know what's in it." She grinned at that. "But I like hugs from my Mom because her arms around me feels like a safety net. I could put my head anywhere on her body and fall asleep feeling safe and in complete comfort.

"Not being able to see with my eyes allowed me to see differently, but just as accurately. My father's bones pop when he moves and I know whenever he's around and that everything is going to be alright. My brothers have always had my back. Carlo has asthma and I know when we've been playing too hard and he has to rest. Francie would let me sit on the seat of her ten speed whenever she had to run an errand into town for my Mom. And I'd throw my head back and let the breeze hit my face. Macey always chewed bubble gum and popped it loud so I knew to look for the smell of sweet gum whenever I needed to find her." He chuckled. Tory was totally mesmerized by his words.

"I like raindrops—it sounds alive. I like to touch and feel what's around me. I love cold on my tongue. It's more than a sensation to me; I assign it an emotion; it's like...a feeling of hope." He paused. "But what holds no appeal to me, Tory, is skinny women..." His hooded eyes were intent on her face. "...with their sharp bones poking into me. Feeling someone's rib bones through their skin doesn't interest me in the least. Teeny perky breast might be alright for some. Breasts that I can hold and bury my face into is much more appealing. When legs wrap around my body, I want to be gripping thighs and ass.

"Tory, your skin, your body, is soft and full and alive. You are full and buxom and that's what turns me on. This..." His hand slid down her waist "...is my comfort zone."

She was completely blown away by his words. He wasn't just a gorgeous man that could see beyond her weight. He was a gorgeous man that found her desirable because of it.

"To hear a guy like you...say something like that...it's just so hard to believe." She said shyly. "You're just too good to be true."

"Not everybody would think that. Tory. I'm a blind man to most women. Maybe not in the beginning. But in the end, that's all I am." He leaned forward and gave her a slight kiss on the lips. "But thank you for saying that I'm too good to be true, and believing it."

Her eyes were now hooded as she contemplated the feel of his lips on hers. "Would you...do that again?" She said in a husky whisper.

He smiled, lips only an inch from hers. "Gladly." Lee raised his hand to her face. Gentle fingers stroked her cheek as he leaned forward with parted lips. Tory's breath felt paralyzed in her chest. She couldn't breathe, she couldn't think. All she could do was to react. Her hand came up to hold his head in place, her fingers burying themselves in his golden brown hair.

A soft groan issued from his throat and his own hand moved upward to hold her head gently as his tongue traced over her lips, exploring the depths of her mouth with feather soft strokes. He pulled back slowly.

"Wow..." his voice was husky. Tory was still paralyzed. Her eyes just fluttered.

"Will you come home with me?" He whispered.

"Yes." She didn't even hesitate.