
They Cried Out To Wolves

A team of researchers are staying in a forest to study wolves. They become aware of strange sightings and uncover mysteries.

Javed_Balgobin · Fantasy
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7 Chs

It Comes In The Night

"Jhaved, we have a lead,"Justyn said with excitement in his tone.

Jhaved was an average height guy with a passion for investigating mysteries. This is why he loves his job as a researcher because he gets to uncover the mysteries of the world. Justyn, on the other hand, loves nature and chose to work in a field where he can experience what he loved. Jhaved had long straight hair which he had no control over when the wind blew.

"Ahh .... I see a pack of wolves at the northern part of the woods near the edge of the forest and civilisation!" Justyn said while seeing the footage from the cameras set up all around the forest.

Justyn was very rude at times and believed that being rude was the way to success as he believed that a lot of successful people are rude in what they say and the way they behave. He was the same height as Jhaved but he had very short messy hair.

"Although these wolves look strange. They look much bigger than the average wolf... near twice the size of average adult male wolf," Jhaved curiously replied.

"We have to check it out!" Justyn said with excited.

They were part of a team of seven. They were zoologists that specialised in studying wolves and their behaviour. They took up research in this forest after hearing strange rumours about the wolves here. They heard that the wolves here were massive and have extra aggressive behaviour. It was the perfect time to go there because it was February, the second month of mating season, so they can also study their mating behaviours and no civilians were allowed during mating season. One of them in the group was especially obsessed with wolves and really wanted to take up this case , Javed.

They had setup a base in a somewhat dense rainforest called the Kingland forest.

They wanted to go check out the unusual sighting but Zane interrupted:

"It is too late for this...besides they can't go too far and can't leave the forest because they wouldn't go anywhere near civilization."

Zane was the most thoughtful out of all of them and nothing seems out of reach to him. If he wanted something he would go for it.

They slept in a tent. It was a large camouflaged tent covered with twigs and leaves to help it blend into the forest. This was to not attract or disturb any animals in the forest especially while they were asleep. The tent acted as one big room where they would eat,sleep and have their lab set up in there if any research in lab is required. There is also a small corner where Jhaved would monitor the cameras to see if they detected anything.

They all went to sleep that night except for one of them...Justyn.

He was up late, not doing any kind of research but was talking to his girlfriend,Robyn. He kept this secret from the others because he didnt want anyone to find out that he had a soft spot for love in his heart. Time went by and Justyn yawned realising that it is almost midnight and that he should go to bed.

At 3am the next morning (almost 3hrs later).

A haunting howl awoke them all up only to see large shadows outside. The shadows seem to be very large almost as if there were giants outside. 'What creature that size could be living in this forest?' they feared for the worst. They gathered in the furthest corner away from the shadows trembling with fear. They didnt speak a single word to eachother, trying to be quiet.

The large creature about eight feet tall circled the tent. They remained so quiet that they could hear every footstep taken by what seems to be a moster. Tears formed in Javed's eyes as he feared what may come next.

The mysterious howling 'beast' seemed to run off. maybe something else caught its attention. What could make such a large 'monster' run off into the woods.

Not sure if it was gone, the seven members of the research team cautiously split up to all sides of the tent to see if there were any shadows but there was none. The tension in their bodies were relieved but they were still shook by what happened. It felt like they were now able to breathe after holding their breaths for several minutes. They were baffled by the entire experience.

They gathered back to the center of the tent.

"What was that!?" Javed said breathlessly and terrified of what might be out there.

"It looked like a monstrous beast!"Justin said less scared. Justin has always been tough and not easily scared nor bamboozled.

"We have to leave!" Zane said frantically while trying to pack up stuff. Zane was a very wise person and his advice shouldn't be taken lightly.

"It could be some kids playing a prank on us," Jivan said as though he was unaffected by what just happened. He was probably trying to ease the tension but on the inside he was shaken.

"True but what if it isn't. Remember that the forest is closed off to people because of breeding season and that only us researchers are allowed."John added diligently.

John was the most timid and freightful out of all of them. He had trouble the first few nights in the forest being obsessed with all the dangers it may present. This is why he so open to all the possibilites of what that can be; mainly the intimidating causes that may horrifying to some.

Through all the rambling they came to the conclusion that they should just go back to sleep then in investigate the area in the morning. There was nothing they could do about what happened. It was too dangerous to go out in the dark and too dangerous because they did not know what was out there in the darkness.