


Seems like you are interested in hearing about the story of Ranto. Now Ranto is no ordinary boy well he himself doesn't know that yet but he will soon learn about the power that he holds. He's a 16-year-old boy in high school, he attends, "Kashimi High". Now your probably wondering how I know all of this well that's because I TRAINED RANTO! Sorry for yelling I just wanted to add a bit of tone to the story. Now enough of that let's get on with it then.

3rd person pov-

Beep beep beep~

Ranto groans and re-positions himself in the bed. "frick! I'm not ready to get up yet just 5 more minutes", says Ranto. 7 minutes later Ranto hears a loud banging on his door. He immediately sits up and opens his eyes halfway awake. "Dang it", he says in his head. "Open this d^mn door!", says Ruri. (Ruri is Ranto's mom) She continues banging on the door. Ranto quickly gets out of bed and opens the door. "Goodmorning mom", says Ranto with a weary smile. "Don't good morning mom me!", says Ruri as she pops Ranto's head. "Ow!", says Ranto as he rubs the spot where his mom hit him. "Why arent you dressed?", says his mom angrily. "Well I um I-", says Ranto not being able to finish his sentence. "Oh don't even, next time I come in here you better be ready or I'll get ur dad", says Ruri. Ranto lowers his head. "Yes ma'am", he says.

His mom leaves and goes downstairs to finish cooking breakfast. When she leaves Ranto closes the door and sighs. "Welp better get ready", he says. Ranto gets his phone and turns on his favorite song playlist. He brushes his teeth, changes clothes, and fixes his hair. "CuZ iM nOt OvEr YoU yEtttttt", says Ranto as he sings along with the song.

5 minutes later Ranto comes down for breakfast. "Pass me the syrup", says Daike. (Daike is Ranto's dad.) "Alright", says Dazai (Dazai is Ranto's older brother by 1 year) Daike looks up at Ranto. "Looks like someone finally came down for breakfast", says Daike. "I was tired", says Ranto annoyed. Dazai rolls his eyes and takes a spoonful of Miso soup. Ranto sees him and groans. "Tired my a&&, your brother here is always up and on time cant you be more like him!", says Daike. Ranto says nothing even though his father's words kinda hurt him. Dazai grins at Ranto and follows him with his eyes.

"That's enough talking, Ranto eat up you look bony", says Ruri. Ranto quietly groans and starts eating. "How's school going for you two?", says Daike. "Its goi-", says Ranto but he was cut off by his brother. "Great! I'm running for class president!", says Dazai. Ranto rolls his eyes. "Oh that's good hun I bet you'll win!", says Ruri. Daike smiles. "That's my son I'll have my assistant get you some merchandise to give out to the students", says Daike happily. "Yeah thanks, but I pitty Ranto he never wins or does anything", says Dazai as he fakes a sad face. "Oh shut up!", says Ranto with a frown. "Who do you think you are yelling at my table?!", says Daike sternly.

"Oh well excuse me for being annoyed by that brat I call brother", says Ranto angrily. "So now you're getting smart with me!", says Daike. "Yeah dad you should do something about it!", says Dazai mischievously. Ranto scowls and gets up to hit Dazai but before he can his mother grabs him. "Enough!", says Ruri. With that everyone sits in their seats quietly. "Ranto I think it's time for you to go get ready to leave and Dazai you too", says Ruri. The two do as they were told.

(I hope you all enjoyed this chapter I will try to update 5 days a week. If you have any ideas or tips for this story be sure to comment and let me know! Also, go check out my other book called "The CEO's unexpected love")

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