
They call her Ace

They call her Ace, that's only because no one knows her real name. She runs this city as the Raingate Mafia leader. A cold-hearted killing machine that lives a lavish life, but who was she before this life of crime? To her it didn't matter who she used to be. That girl was long gone, but little did she know that someone from her past will remind her of who she really is. ------------------------ She froze not because the man was handsome. No, it wasn't that. Many handsome men walked into her life, but there was a reason that Ace stopped in her tracks for this one. It wasn't the breathtaking smile or the gorgeous hair. It was because she knew him.   She didn't know him in this life. No, she knew him in another life. A life that she had tried her best to forget. A life where she wasn't Ace. A life where she had people that she loved and cared about. A life where she didn't kill men and where she didn't live in an extravagant mansion with butlers and maids to do as she directed.   Ace was frozen. Her heart had stopped. How did he find her? ------------------ ----- ------- ------ Cover artist: Roxanne Jane black insta: Roxanne.janeblack

QingMojidori · Urban
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25 Chs

I don't need an appointment

Ace got dressed and checked her watch. 10:45 am. She buttoned up her white dress shirt and tucked it into her black pencil skirt. Earlier that morning Mr. Zenk had gotten a call from Sam, Chen's right hand man. Ace never gave them a way to contact her. She instead made them go through Mr. Zenk if they wanted to get to her. She never liked Sam nor Chen, but who said you have to like someone to do business with them?

Ace grabbed her coat and walked out her room to find Scully waiting for her. They walked down to the first floor together,

"Where exactly are we supposed to be meeting?"

"At Honey's. The bar underneath the casino?" Scully explained and Ace nodded.

"That boy did say that they were having a meeting in Jinx Casino. I just didn't think that Chen would have the guts to actually invite me, knowing I want him dead."

"You know that this could be a trap madame." Scully raised an eyebrow.

Ace grinned, "I know. Exciting, is it not?" Chen wanted her dead and she wanted him dead. Ace was excited to see who would pull the trigger first.

Ace sat down at the kitchen table and ate the breakfast that her maids made for her. This was a rare occasion and the maids believed that sometimes they were wasting their time making such magnificent meals just for her to skip over them, but they'd never say this out loud.

Ace took the last bite of her waffle and stood up to leave. While she sat in the limo she thought about what exactly she wanted to do about this little invite from Chen. She was smart and knew that Chen wasn't as stupid and clueless as Troy was. Chen would point a gun at her head and shoot her without blinking an eye. The worst part was that Ace couldn't think about anything to hold against him. She knew that he had a daughter, but Chen went through great lengths to make sure that Ace couldn't find her.

Ace was biting her thumbnails as she fell deeper and deeper into her thoughts. What was she going to do about this?

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Christopher finally finished up the final papers for the renovation of Raingate's police station. The entire project wasn't as easy for him as every other project he's done. Ace had been stressing him out and filling his mind. He couldn't get his mind off the fact that he's trying to work with the police station, but also promised to work with the Raingate mafia as well. The craziest part was that he couldn't believe that his sweet little angel turned into some crime boss leader!

Christopher sighed and sipped on his coffee.

Ace pulled up to the front of the Musada office building. It wasn't the official building of Musada. It only an extension, but it was where Ace knew Christopher had set up office since he's been in Raingate.

Ace ran her fingers through her hair and put on her sunglasses as she stepped out the limo. It was a simple gesture, but the mysterious and gorgeous woman that stepped out a limo caught the eyes of people passing by. Two guards came out with her and followed her into the building.

When she walked in, she was met with a blond receptionist sitting at a desk and a brunette woman sitting on the desk talking to her,

"Then I asked him if he noticed that I was wearing a new lipstick and he wanted to act like-" Kimberly stopped talking when she noticed the woman standing in front of her. She looked her up and down and scrunched her nose,

"Um..Can we help you?" She smacked her gum loudly and continued to turn her nose up at Ace.

Ace took her sunglasses off and smiled coldly, "I'm here to see Christopher Greens."

Kimberly's eyes grew wide and she looked Ace up and down again, "Do you have an appointment?" She spoke rudely. Kimberly didn't know who this beautiful woman was and didn't know what she could possibly want with Christopher, who she considered 𝘩𝘦𝘳 man.

"I don't need an appointment. He'll be more than happy to see me." Ace spoke coldly and quickly. She didn't have time for whatever games this girl was playing. The way that she smacked her gum and frowned upon Ace with her lips, which obviously had too much filler, ticked Ace off somehow, but Ace decided that she wasn't going to let herself be bothered with other women.

"And who are you?" Kimberly was most definitely scared of Ace's cold impatient stare, but she wasn't going to show it. She was going to stand her ground and defend what was hers.

"I'm going to tell you who 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 going to be if you don't take me to Christopher. You're going to lose your job and with the looks of you," Ace looked her up and down and smirked before she continued, "Jinx Casino does need new stage dancers."

Kimberly closed her mouth and didn't know what else to say. Did this woman really just threaten her job and then say that she should be a 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳?

"Take me to Christopher, now. Or else you'll be packing your stuff up this afternoon." Ace put her sunglasses and flashed an ironic smile.

Kimberly flared her nose before also putting on an ironic smile, "Right this way." She spoke in a sarcastically over chirpy tone that contradicted how much she want to stab the mysterious woman in the eye with a number two pencil.

Jessica, who was a little too shy to be a receptionist, silently watched as the four walked away for a few seconds before awkwardly pressing the intercom button, "Ummm...Mr. Greens, kimberly is bringing up someone who's here to see you. They'll be up shortly." She spoke softly.

Christopher furrowed his eyebrows, "Um...who?"

"I don't know." Jessica spoke uncertainly.

"What is wrong with my employees? I swear I pay them way too much for this." Christopher rolled his eyes and mumbled before pressing the button on the intercom, "Thank you, Jessica." He groaned.

Christopher straightened his tie, sat up, and sighed. He really needed new employees.

The door to his office opened and Kimberly walked through with Ace. Christopher looked up and his eyes grew wide when he saw her.

"Mr. Greens, this woman came barging in demanding-"

Chris cut her off, "You're dismissed Kimberly. Thank you" Christopher waved his hand, dismissing her and Kimberly scoffed. Did he really just interrupt and dismiss her!?

Kimberly turned to storm out, but not without giving Ace one last glare. Ace closed the door the moment she stepped out.

Ace walked slowly towards Christopher while her eyes wondered the room, "Quite a nice office you have here, Chris." She was right. It was a really nice office. There were floor to ceiling windows behind Christopher that let you peer down at the bustling city and Chris had a nice desk made out of glass that was covered in office papers.

Christopher's eyes crawled her body for a second while she wasn't looking, but he immediately picked up some random papers so he could pretend he was reading. He cleared his throat and tried his best to sound uninterested, "So, what brings you here Elisabeth?"

"What did I tell you about that name?" Ace squinted at him.

He shrugged, "Are you going to tell me why you're here?"

She finally picked up her pace towards him and took the papers out his hand, "Cut the crap, Christopher. I'm here about your offer last night."

Chris looked at her like he didn't know what she was talking about, "I thought that the offer wasn't an option to you. You're the one who told me to leave after I made the offer."

"Are you going to help me or not?" Ace was starting to get impatient.

"I really don't know about that Elisabe-"

"𝘈𝘤𝘦", Ace corrected.

"𝘌𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘩. I just think that maybe if you asked me nicely...I might say yes. Maybe, maybe not." Christopher sat back in his chair and raised an eyebrow playfully.

Ace stepped back from his desk, "You're a child. But fine then! I'll just ask Grayson."

Ace turned to walk out of his office but Christopher stopped her, "Wait! Ask Grayson what? Don't do that!"

Ace smirked at the worry in his voice. The smirk disappeared when she turned back around to face him, "What's wrong with asking Grayson? You won't do it and I need someone who will."

Christopher's nose flared and he rolled his eyes, "I'll do it.", he mumbled.

"Huh? What was that? I didn't really hear you." Ace tilted her head and played coy.

"I said I'll do it. Tell me what you want from me." Christopher crossed his arms like he didn't want to agree to do what Ace wanted, but deep down he was very excited that she came to him first instead of Grayson. He was happy that she wasn't still mad at him for the argument they had last night. She seemed really angry with him when he said that he still loved her.

"I want you to put on your best suit and tie. I'd prefer black. I'll pick you up at eight-thirty." Before Ace could walk out Christopher called after her again, "Do you even know where I stay?''

Ace smiled, "You're not the only one with connections Mr.Greens." Chris furrowed his eyebrows as she walked out and closed the door behind her.