
They Become One

For her, he went from "I don't believe in love" to "My Precious Ran, call me Honey." "If you had not come into my life, what would living have looked like?" Widow + Divorcé = Marriage! EXCERPT: "So what did you want to tell me?" "Dad, you have terrible skills in picking up women!" "I don't think I heard you properly. What did you just say?" Li Yuchen proudly repeated himself, "I said you, dad, are terrible at picking up women." "Come here Xiao Chen". Li Chuanmo had never been as tempted to inflict physical pain on his son as he was now. Li Yuchen sensed the danger and quickly held out his hands in a gesture of surrender, "Wait wait Dad. I wasn't insulting you, I was only stating facts!" Judging by the look of violence on his father's face, his words weren't convincing enough, so he tried another tack, shouting: "I can help you!" SYNOPSIS: Pei Yueran is a 33-year old career woman juggling her work, family and being the sole parent of her son. After a terrible incident upends her life, she moves to another city and tries to pick the pieces of her life up again. Love had been elusive for so long for Li Chuanmo. At first glance, he had everything - the looks, wealth and success, but he alone knows how empty and abandoned he feels inside, despite being surrounded by friends and family. Love is finally coming for him, but when will he notice? Will these two unlikely kindred souls recognize Cupid if it hits them square in the face? They sure have a chance, but their choices will determine everything. PS: Although the ML is running low on EQ, he has a capable assistant - His son.

Su_Jeong · Urban
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350 Chs

257 — The Dramatic Chairman Li

Pei Yueran blushed this time, but since it was her mother asking, she wasn't too embarrassed.

She and Li Chuanmo had not touched directly on the topic, but considering the fact that they had not been using contraception, it was considered a tacit agreement.

Even so, they have been married for two months, and apart from the time she was ill, their "exercises" have been going on nonstop, but there was no news.

Noting her silence, Zhou Qiaohui asked, "So both of you want children?"

Pei Yueran answered, "We've actually not discussed this at length, but we would like to let things happen naturally."

Zhou Qiaohui nodded, "Natural is good. Let things happen according to the will of God. Don't worry about it.

"Actually, I'm a bit worried about my age as well, since I've read that advanced maternal age is dangerous to both the mother and child, but I don't want to be anxious. And we already have two children anyway, they're enough."

"That's true, and the boys are very adorable. Both of you are blessed already, so take it slow. Sister Heying is definitely looking forward to another grandchild, but I don't think she'll put pressure on you for that."

Pei Yueran nodded. Her mother-in-law wasn't that type of person.

"I haven't spoke to Chuan about it yet, but I was thinking that if there's still no news by the end of the year, I'll forget about it totally."

There's still time. Just make sure you eat and rest well, you know, condition your mind and body. And discuss everything with my son-in-law. There's nothing better than a couple carrying each other along in everything," Zhou Qiaohui advised.

Pei Yueran nodded, stifling a yawn, "You're right Mum, I'll do that."

Taking her phone, she quickly messaged Li Chuanmo and informed him of her plan to sleep in her mother's room.

Li Chuanmo's response was a simple "okay," but those that were still in the meeting with him noticed immediately that the chairman's good mood had vanished into thin air just after he received a message.

They were all concerned, thinking it was due to some company-related news, but only Gong Anwei correctly guessed that it had something to do with the Young Madam.

Speaking of which, the fact that Li Chuanmo was always shameless and ready to tease was absolutely not his real persona, this treatment was only for his wife. For others, he remained as cold as a thousand year old ice block.

The only difference was that his eyes now carried a faintly detectible layer of tenderness. Again, that so-called tenderness was truly only towards one person.

Perhaps his family could also feel a bit of his warmth occasionally, particularly since he started smiling more frequently, but as for outsiders? Sorry, this chairman would not even give you face.

Although he wasn't as menacing as a certain young master, he definitely wasn't easy to approach either.

Seeing his placid "okay", Pei Yueran frowned slightly before typing, "??!"

The meaning was, "Is that all you have to say?"

She soon received a reply.

"Since my wife doesn't want to sleep with me anymore, what can I say? I can only sleep alone and think of you as I cry into my pillow."

Pei Yueran: "...."

Was there a need to be this dramatic?

"I'm sorry Chuan. But it's only for tonight. I'll be back to where I belong— your side— tomorrow."

"Fine. I'm still sad, but I really like the sound of that. Can't wait for tomorrow." His emoji of a bear with cute eyes made Pei Yueran smile while simultaneously rolling her eyes.

A bear? You're more like a wolf ah!

The mangers that were watching Li Chuanmo's face change from ice cold winter to warm spring were shocked speechless.

Chairman, can you please not scare us like this? Not only are you answering messages during a formal meeting, you're also showing a half smile? Are you treating us like online lightbulbs???

On her side, Pei Yueran sent a cute love sticker and received her husband's reply before putting down her phone in satisfaction and hugging Zhou Qiaohui to sleep.

"Night night Mum," she murmured in Zhou Qiaohui's arms.

"Good night Baobei." Zhou Qiaohui replied in a loving tone as she smoothed her hair.

But her eyes did not close in sleep, and she stayed awake, lost in deep thought until the early hours of the morning.


The festive atmosphere was still very prominent the next morning. As Pei Yueran and Li Chuanmo set out to the Jiangs' place, Pei Yueran admired the sights.

The strains of traditional music, the fragrant aroma in the air and even the huge advert boards on the main streets all screamed about the holiday mood.

It was all very lively and naturally put her in a good mood. Although she was now here as a guest, she had spent most of her life in this city after all, and there were naturally nostalgic feelings.

Without taking his eyes off the road, Li Chuanmo asked, "Do you miss it here?"

Pei Yueran nodded, "A bit. City M is livelier, but there's something about this relatively quieter city that I miss."

Li Chuanmo momentarily fell silent. It just occurred to him that there was still a lot of things he didn't know about her. Although they loved each other and usually talked about pretty much anything, the time of their acquaintance was quite short.

From their first meeting up to the marriage, it was only around a year. Apart from the important events and moments of her life, he didn't know much else.

What she was really like as a child, if she had rebellious tendencies as a teenager, her favorite places growing up and such. Those seemingly mundane things—as long as they were about her—he believed he would find them interesting.

He was interested in everything — what made her laugh, what drove her nuts, and even what made her cry. He wanted to share in every part of her life.

"Chuan, what has you so lost in thought?"

"I was just thinking, there's a lot I don't know about you."

Pei Yueran thought about it for a bit before agreeing, "Actually, I don't know a lot about you either. It has to do with our extremely short courtship I suppose."

He was the one that sprung a surprise proposal she could not refuse on her and refused to pick a farther wedding date after all.

"In other words, it's my fault." Li Chuanmo stated expressionlessly.

Although her face screamed her actual thoughts, she said, "I didn't mean it that way."

Just curious:

Dear Readers, how long do you consider appropriate to know someone for before you consider marriage?

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