
These Crazy Women Are Surrounding Me.

To live a normal life, alone. This was Thomas' only wish, but now that his new sisters have moved into his house, his days of peace are over. Two troublesome girls who are intent on ruining his life. But, these two are not the only ones. Her nymphomaniac teacher, her possessive childhood friend, and her manipulative boss. As well as his ex-girlfriend who shows up every day at midnight prowling around his house with a twisted smile on her face. They are all out to mess with his life. How will Thomas deal with all these crazy women?

Shogun1 · History
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3 Chs


Okay, my name is Thomas Rullier, but my friends call me Tom. I am 21 years old and a college student, my grades are above average, and I don't really excel at sports, I just practice enough to keep my body in shape. My height is above average, my hair is red, and I have a relatively handsome face.

At this moment I am living alone in a small upscale neighborhood in my city. And although my house is large enough for an entire family to live in, the price to purchase it was far below the standard market value. I found it by sheer luck while searching for real estate in the area, the low price hooked me immediately, but, not everything is flowers. Besides almost all the rooms being unfinished, the body of the former owner was found lifeless on the site, the cause of death is unknown so far. There were some stupid rumors about his ghost being spotted wandering around the residence, and that it would devour the souls of those who tried to buy the property. In my opinion, these are just stupid rumors, and I don't believe in ghosts or any kind of haunting. But these rumors were very effective in driving away the vast majority of interested parties, except me of course.

I used the money from my savings that I earned from my office job to pay for part of it. For the remaining part and for the renovations, I used the money that my grandparents left me as an inheritance. And after all the renovations were done, I bought the furniture for all the rooms in the house. Of course, I spent a lot to do this, but since I am working for a big company in this business, I got some kind of discount that was very advantageous for me.

Now I have a great house all to myself, I can fulfill my fantasy of walking around the house naked. I don't have to stand in line to use the bathroom or fight over the TV remote control. I also no longer have to hear my father's bed creaking when he fucks one of his maids, or hear my mother moaning with pleasure as she has sex with her new husband.

These were traumatic moments that I tried to erase from my mind for years. And they were the trigger for my decision to live alone.

Nothing could ruin my happiness, at least, that's what I thought at the time. Everything changed when I received two phone calls about a week ago. My father, who had decided to remarry, had planned a long honeymoon with his new wife. Apparently they would be going on vacation to an island paradise in another continent, with no return date. But there was one small problem that could not be ignored. His new wife and my stepmother, Angela, has a teenage daughter who is in her last year of high school. A rebellious teenager who cannot be left alone. And since Angela has no other close relatives, guess who was at the top of the list?

Yes, myself. Both of them asked me to take care of the girl. Of course, I did not want to agree, it was not my dream to spend my days taking care of a troubled teenager. But, I don't want to ruin my father's new marriage, he has his faults like any human being, but he never let me lack anything. He was always present in my life, I still remember him missing an important meeting to celebrate my birthday.

I could not refuse and accepted. And to complete the murder of my tranquility, my mother also called me to ask me a favor. Pretty much the same as my father asked me, this time it would be her current husband's daughter.

Apparently, my stepfather is trying to expand his brand overseas. He will be traveling on business for a few months, and my mother will go along. His daughter is a grown woman, and coincidentally we attend the same college, but never interact. She has a threatening aura about her. And for some unknown reason, the idea of leaving this girl alone scares my stepfather, maybe she has the same problem as her mother. So I was again the scapegoat. I could not refuse and accepted.

It has been a week since they called me, and through messages, I know that both of them will be here today. I am a little nervous, I have been living alone for some time and I already have some habits, I like to walk around the house naked or in my underwear, I love silence. I have to change my routine because of them...

Sigh, there is nothing I can do now. I can only drink a glass of water and wait for them. At least, I hope they will come at the same time.

*Trimmm *Trimmm *Trimmm

The annoying sound of my doorbell began to ring. Apparently they must have arrived...