
Okafor ifeanyichukwu

Chinenye woke up with a start . Something had touched her,' She looked around and saw the culprit - a cockroach.she immediately used the broom under her bed and smashed its head as if it's death would bring relief to her troubled mind . Having dealt with the culprit,she laid back on her bed and gazed on the ceiling; after a long gaze ,she sighed,shook her head ,got up from her bed and opened the window to allow the rays of the yellow sun to soothe away her pains -pains of childlessness.

It has been five years since she got married to Mr Okafor ifeanyichukwu.there ,in their village of Umuakpu, they were known as peace loving couple.though her husband had vowed never to marry another woman yet ,Chinenye needed a son ,a child of her own to consolidate both her husband love and her marriage

Two years later ,Chinenye conceive and bore a child - a bouncing baby girl .Their joy knew no bounds ,so they names her Chimuanya meaning " My God is Awake." That was to tell the world that even after more than six years of childlessness,God can still be faithful .

The girl Chimuanya began to grow under the love and care of her parents, receiving the undivided attention from the parents. Being the only child , she was enrolled in the best school in their village.in her fourth year that was in her primary 4,the lot of ifeanyichukwu was turned.Things started to hit the rocks .things continued degenerating until it got to the lowest ebb when a business rival of ibeka set his warehouse on fire

It was a devastating blow , all he hard worked for went up and flames . Having nothing to do and as no help was forthcoming from any of his numerous friends,he decided to take up a job as a bricklayer in a nearby block industry with a meagre wage of one hundred and fifty naira (#150:00) Chinenye , being a wise woman started petty trading in order to support her husband

Chimuanya ( for that is what her parents fondly call her ) had not been happy at this new pupil,she kept on wondering what really happened.was she cursed? Was she the cause of all these problems that have befallen her parents? These questions kept on bothering her .

With the cajoling and ridicule from her classmates,who always sing songs for her ,she started doing badly in her classwork that at the end of the term she failed.

Chinenye scolded her daughter and encouraged her to always aim for the best in all her endeavors. Chimuanya made up her mind there and then that she would no longer be intimidated.She promised herself to make her parents proud

When the next term started, Chimuanya faced her studies squarely ,She became dauntless irrespective of her mates taunting remarks.She made up her mind that nobody was going to demean her again.Someof her classmates when they found out that their songs no longer made Chimuanya cry ,they befriended her.

determination has leads to success

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