
There is nothing I can't buy

[May drop this because I am focusing on an original novel now.] What a wonderful thing: resting in a place where no one will possibly disturb you unless you want, carrying a potentially infinite amount of money that you can use to buy anything you need, enjoying the rest of your immortal life learning and doing anything you feel like doing... But that is not what you are here for, right? You want to know how I did get to this point, not what I am going to do. Because the answer to the latter is 'Nothing', I got tired of all of this crap. So, time to turn off the lights, open the curtains, and introduce myself! My name is Victor Luis, and thanks to this unique system, there is nothing I can't buy! --------------------------- I don't own anything shown here, except for the main protagonist and some OCs appearing along the way. If you have to review, give me good critics, either good or bad so I can improve even further. I am going to erase your emojis or "EXP sect" if that is the only thing you will send, whether 5 or 1 star. Updates will be 1 week for each chapter, but I will make daily updates when I complete the volume. First: Monster Girl Quest Second: ??? Third: ??? Fourth(Final): ???

Trial_of_Humanity · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

The Heavenly Knight of Fire: Granberia

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Victor shouted as he was being carried away by the brown-haired woman under her left armpit.

"That's my line! What in the Goddess' name is a cripple like you doing here?! Don't you know that Iliasburg is in danger now?! Why were you there?!"


Well, shit. How is he supposed to answer that question without sounding retarded? He can't just say he wanted to look at the fight, can he?

Suddenly, he noticed something in the distance that was slowly gaining ground on them. It was another person, the same one that was holding the dark broadsword that the woman blocked with her golden spear.

This other person was a very familiar monster, approaching them at high speed with green draconic scales covering her limbs and waist. As if the supposedly-impenetrable dragon scales weren't enough, she was also wearing a metallic plated chest armor that protected her torso and shoulders, with a separate piece covering her forehead.

Held up by her headgear are brownish-red hair that reached the same height of her chin, much shorter than the long lion mane that was the spearwoman's brown hair. And with her golden reptilian eyes, she was glaring at the two of them.

"Get back here!" Granberia shouted before she accelerated even further. It was actually surprising since Victor's surroundings were already blurry.

"She's coming, she's coming! SHE'S COMING!!" Victor shouted in panic when he saw the dragonkin coming uncomfortably too close to the two of them.

Upon hearing his voice, the spearwoman made a large jump over the buildings' roofs and started to run over them, once again putting a small distance between the two sides. She clicked her tongue and muttered. "If it wasn't for you, I could have gone faster…!"

"Shut up and keep running!" Victor rebuked once he saw Granberia also jumping on the roof and giving chase. Once again, she started to come closer to them, but this time he had enough time to come up with some ideas instead of panicking over this matter.

After spending 2'002 Gold Coins, a Uzi appeared on his right hand. Since Victor was picked up with his body faced backwards, he had an easier time to aim the gun at Granberia.

Since she was so careful to wear armor along with dragon scales, then she shouldn't be complaining about getting a round on her face.

*Ratatatatatatatata!!* A storm of lead assaulted Granberia, taking her by surprise both for the deafening sound that reached her sensible ears and the poking sensation that the bullets gave her on the weaker parts of her body.

Even though it didn't hurt, the fact that she got hit on sensible spots made her frown and shift her glare from the spearwoman to Victor.

*Click!* *Click!* The magazine was emptied pretty quickly, and in front of the glaring Heavenly Knight, Victor glared back and threw the Uzi on her face. However, she simply sliced it apart with her large sword before it could reach her.

And just like that, 2'000 Gold Coins were thrown away… This woman better leave something behind as a compensation!

However, just as Granberia cut the Uzi in half, the spearwoman used this opportunity to stop on her steps and aim the golden spear on her in counter-attack.

"Shit!" Granberia cursed as she tried to stop her fast rush, but it was too late as her armor and the spear clashed together. A horrible scratching sound echoed in the surroundings as the armor stopped the spear and dragged the top at the dragonkin's side, leaving a bloody scratch on her waist.

Granberia's eyes widened in surprise for a moment before she jumped away, destroying the roof where she was standing on. The strength and speed that she just manifested was unlike what Victor had seen before.

Maybe it was because now Victor was in a stationary position and couldn't see anymore her speed, or she might be enraged and stopped holding back. Hopefully, it was the first case, but he wanted to bet his luck that it was the latter.

"..." The spearwoman looked at the roof of a building a bit far away from here, where Granberia landed. Granberia stared down on her scratched waist and touched her injury with her long green nails.

"...Looks like I greatly underestimated the Heroes of this place." Granberia muttered under her breath as she looked at the blood on her nails. She turned towards the spearwoman and grasped her large sword with both hands before throwing a glare at her direction.

"That's it, no more playing around!" A dark aura covered her sword to such a density that turned the blade's color into black, and immediately after, fire was ignited with high intensity.

Yet, the spearwoman didn't say anything back. She had already placed down Victor on the top of the roof and had a cylinder on her hands. The first thing she did was pull a pin from that cylinder before she threw it at Granberia's direction like Victor had instructed her in this short time.

Granberia knew to not get distracted, so she didn't look at the incoming cylinder and simply swatted it away when it was too close… That would be the case if it didn't explode when it was right in front of her.

*BANG!* An acute and immediate explosion echoed far and wide in the silent city, releasing a blinding light and a deafening sound. No matter how powerful Granberia's body is, there is no way that she actually trained her eye receptors and eardrums, right?

"ARGH!!" A pained scream came from the flash of light, and the spearwoman immediately blurred out of existence. Following that, a crash came from below, on the streets.

Due to their speed, there was no way for Victor to know what happened in that instantaneous moment. Was Granberia actually caught off guard? Did she use some kind of magical sixth sense to find out the spearwoman's position? Did they clash their weapons or was it instant defeat?

Well, whatever happened in that millisecond of time, Granberia is currently on the ground and the woman has positioned her golden spear on her face.

"It's time to bring more balance between humans and mon-" The victory was on her hands, the spearwoman just needed to pierce through Granberia's skull and one Heavenly Knight would be down.

Although it won't change much since Granberia was one of the Heavenly Knights who didn't cause a lot of mayhem in the human settlements, it will be one less shield to cover up the Monster Lord.

Unfortunately, a panicked scream interrupted her.

"OH FUCK!" The roof where Victor was in began to collapse, with him being pushed out along with a large fragment of the roof. The explosive strength on the legs of the spearwoman caused the weak roof to break apart, with some bricks and roof tiles falling on the ceiling below the roof while other parts fell outside, and Victor was on the latter.

Once again, the spearwoman saved Victor by releasing Granberia from the checkmate she was placed in and rescued him before he could fall on the ground.

"*Sigh*" An exasperated sigh escaped from the spearwoman as she gently placed Victor down on the ground, carefully not hurting him from the contact between his broken leg and the ground. "Just go to hide somewhere, even if you have to crawl."

"..." Victor quickly nodded after he experienced a near-death experience with the ground. But before he could even move, the spearwoman suddenly lifted her golden spear and moved the tip backwards, before she thrusted behind her.

Unfortunately, Granberia, who already recovered from the Stun Grenade, was quick enough to grasp the spear before it could move closer to her and clenched her free hand into a fist, which was delivered right on the spearwoman's left cheek with a devastating force.

The strength of that fist sent the beautiful spearwoman flying far away across the main street, leaving behind her golden spear on Granberia's hand.

Granberia once again stood up with her back straightened and glared down on Victor. "...Now it's your turn, human."

"..." Victor's entire body stiffened under her threatening glare and quickly lifted up one hand towards her, before summoning the spear that he carried with him ever since he left Iliasville on her direction.

Yet, how could he compare to this kind of beast in terms of speed? The golden spear on her hand flew smoothly through the air and struck his iron spear, sending it out of his hand and shooting towards a wall, impaling through the stone wall of a building.

A snort escaped from the Heavenly Knight as she stared down on Victor. "You've got a lot of courage for a cripple, boy."

"Fuck you…" Victor was partially scared at the thought of dying, and partially angry against Granberia since she was the one who would commit the act.

"That's what I wanted to hear." She lifted her golden spear. But before she could land the next attack on Victor, an explosion appeared right behind Granberia, sending her stumbling forward onto Victor.

The explosion was very dangerous, but Granberia being herself came out unscathered from that attack. However, unexpectedly, Victor was also unharmed from the explosion.

"Let him go, you evil monster!" The familiar voice of Penny reached Victor's ears. From over his hips in a sitting position, Granberia glared at the person who had caused that explosion and saw a little girl dressed with a blue outfit, carrying a wheelchair behind her. It didn't take a lot for her to recognize the dark energy within her body and associate the girl to a monster.

That raised questions on her head to why was a monster, a child, going against her. Seeing the wheelchair, she could only think that she was related to the man below her. However, just as she thought of Victor and looked back to him, she was immediately surprised by a small cloud of dust that Victor had blown on her face.

From where that dust came from, Granberia didn't have any idea. She still didn't understand how Victor could make things appear out of nowhere without using magic, and now she was assaulted by some chemical substance.

She would have acted faster if there was killing intent behind that thing, and there didn't seem to be any kind of poison in this small cloud of drugs. Rather, she began to visibly relax when she didn't find any harm in breathing it in.

"---" From her point of view, Victor looked towards Penny while he was sprawled on the ground and opened his mouth in random shapes, as if he was some kind of mime. There were words flying on the air, like 'Warn' and 'Bitch', although they didn't enter Granneria's ears at all. An itch appeared on her crotch as a thought passed through her mind.

She didn't have any free time to enjoy by herself recently, right? Well, she might as well start now that there wasn't Alma Elma anywhere close to her.

Granberia grasped Victor's shirt with her long nails piercing through the cloth and pulled up his chest. To push her further into the right mood, she decided to start with a kiss, connecting both of their lips together.

There was very few monsters who really cared about the importance of sex, and she is certainly not one of those. The thought of having a lover never passed through her mind ever since she was born, sex was only used to satisfy one's urges for her.

Victor didn't resist at all; rather, he put himself in a more comfortable position and returned the kiss. It was clear that he was inexperienced for her, feeling how his tongue awkwardly moved inside her mouth, but she didn't care. All it mattered to her was the meat sticking from below, not the one sticking from his mouth.

Someone was quickly approaching from behind her, but it was neither the little girl nor the spearwoman, so Granberia simply lashed out with her draconic tail against the incoming assailant as the voice of a young boy yelped in surprise.

Yet, Granberia didn't care at all, she was simply staring at the prey in front of her. She clenched her fists grasping Victor's collar and pulled apart his shirt, revealing a fragile and weak body.

Such a weak person dared to go against her… It seems like she will have to punish him and make him out as an example for others in the future.

She stood up from Victor, placing one talon over his chest to stop him from moving, and then she slowly reached for her underwear hidden behind the armor plates.

Just as she had reached for her panties, a white flash passed at her side and intense pain surged from her throat. She reacted too slowly and faced the consequences, which was receiving a handchop on her throat from the spearwoman who just arrived here again.

Her breath was momentarily paused as Granberia grasped her throat. Yet, while she began to move, she started to feel weak on her body. What was going on to her?

Not only did she feel weak and relaxed despite the situation she was in, she even forgot about such an important person like the spearwoman who was able to match her in combat prowess.

The spearwoman glared at Granberia and stomped on the golden spear's tip that was lying below her. The spear shot upwards and spun around until she caught it from the middle, before she continued to spin the spear around her hand and swiped it across her legs, making the dragonkin stumble down on the ground.

The spearwoman stopped the spinning by grasping the pole with both of her hands and pointed the sharp end towards Granberia. This time, there wasn't anyone who could interrupt her from killing the Heavenly Knight.



The spearwoman glared at the new arrival, who was a white-haired woman with very little clothes to cover her body. The woman was glaring back at the spear-wielder as she approached Granberia.

Yet, no one had stopped her, not even the spearwoman. She simply glared at Alice as she came closer to Granberia.

"Well, Alice, aren't you quite damn late?" Victor sarcastically asked the woman from the ground.

"...?" Granberia turned her head around in reaction to Victor's words, and she flinched in surprise at the person who was coming closer to her. "M… M-My…" Her words surprisingly stopped on her tongue as she began to stutter.

Alice sighed in exasperation before her amber eyes flashed with a green light, enveloping Granberia's whole body. In the middle of the recovery, Granberia's foggy eyes became clear once again as her body springed back in action. She quickly stood up just to kneel down on one knee again in front of Alice.

"I apologize for my shameful behavior, my lord!" Once the memory of what she did came back to her, Granberia spoke to Alice using both a respectful and embarrassed tone.

"That will come later. Now tell me what in the Founder's name are YOU doing here! Why are you here out of all places?" Alice rebuked with an annoyed voice.

"I… I was here because I wanted to stop the Heroes from appearing ever again. Because my lord wished to go on a journey around the world, I thought it would be better for you if Heroes didn't appear at all."

Alice's eyes narrowed at Granberia's explanation. "So you are saying that you are capable of defending me? Do I look like I need protection? The reason why I handed over you the title of Heavenly Knight is because you would be assigned to control the monsterkind populace to avoid any possible rebellion, not decimate the humankind; without even my permission…"

"My lord…" Just as Granberia tried to explain, Alice's dark energy flared up to a certain degree.

Penny yelped in surprise and fear before she ran towards Victor, hiding behind his back in fear from Alice's dark presence that was obscuring the atmosphere on her surroundings and destabilizing the ground.

As for Luka, the tail strike of Granberia immediately knocked him out with a concussion, and is now lying on the corner of a nearby building.

As for Victor and the spearwoman, they didn't change position or reacted at all. For the spearwoman, she was strong enough to bypass the pressure that kind of power posed on her body; however, for Victor, it seemed totally opposite.

While the spearwoman was resisting that pressure, Victor seemed to be merging with it. One was like a motorboat going against the current of a river while the other was fish swimming along with it.

"Granberia, repeat my first decree, now." Alice spoke with a venomous tone as she arrogantly stared down on her.

Although Granberia was also able to resist her magical pressure, she didn't do it due to the difference of position between the two of them.

Granberia took a deep breath and spoke. "Every monster, no matter the species, the culture, or the reasoning, has the ability to fight and assault humans only under the right of self-defense until further notice. If one wishes to bypass this law while it is still active, they must consult the Monster Lord and, by extension, one of her subordinates."

"Now, just because you are my subordinate, it doesn't mean that you are above my law. Rather, that means you should have consulted me before you pulled any stupid action. Even Erubetie, who hates humanity more than the rest of the Four Heavenly Knights, is behaving better than you…" Alice commented before she let out an exasperated sigh.

"...Granberia, tell me. Do I have to consider this as an act of rebellion against my rule?"

"N-No!" Granberia panicked when Alice said those words, but she was silenced when the spearwoman's weapon poked at her neck.

"No sudden movements, or you will end up with two more nostrils through your throat." The brown-haired woman threatened, eliciting a glare from Granberia.

Alice glanced at the spearwoman and asked with a more calm tone. "Could you please release my subordinate?"

"And risk that both of you go on a rampage here? I don't think so."

"..." The disguised Monster Lord hesitated for a couple of seconds before she exasperatedly shook her head. "I swear on the title bestowed on me as the Monster Lord that I and my subordinate here won't bring harm to any human settlement as a whole. She shouldn't have invaded this place to begin with, and as the Monster Lord, I will have to take responsibility."

"M-My lord…" Granberia was surprised at Alice's behavior as the spearwoman coldly glared back at Alice.

"...So be it, I'll give you filthy monsters a second chance. But if you screw it up, even if you bring the rest of the Heavenly Knights, I can guarantee that at least one of you will die under my spear." The spearwoman replied before she pulled back her weapon from Granberia's neck.

Alice ignored the woman's remark and stared down on Granberia. "Now, I had expected my cute subordinates to go against my decree. After all, they would never imagine that I am currently among them, observing their actions during my travels. But you…

Not only did you ignore my decree and went in Iliasburg to cause mayhem among the population, but you also lost under the hand of the very kind of person you were so confident to eliminate, and also fell under the prey of a simple recreational drug of the cripple over there… You truly disappointed me, Granberia."

"...I'm truly sorry, my lord." Granberia lowered her head in shame before she looked up to her with a serious expression. "However, even if it is in your intention, I cannot stop the invasion."

Alice's eyes widened in surprise at Granberia's words. "What?!"

"It would have been fine for me to follow such a simple order if it was half an hour ago. But now…" Granberia shifted her gaze from Alice to the spearwoman. "This Hero is not someone that can be simply ignored! Her strength is way beyond that of any normal human, I am afraid that she can be a threat even for someone like you, my lord!"

"..." Alice's grip on her crossed arms started to tremble from pure anger. Her teeth clenched harder at the act of insubordination that Granberia was showing. "A loser shouldn't speak about what to do against the winner. I stopped the fight because I was worried about you, but it looks like you want to be suicidal until the end! Go on then, if you are so worried about her threatening me, fight her by yourself! I won't save you a second time, though."

Granberia grunted as Alice's words pierced hard through her. Of course, she cannot expect Alice to help her fight the spearwoman; she even promised to not cause any harm by using her title of Monster Lord as a bargaining piece. No matter what, Granberia alone has a hard time to defeat the mysterious Heroine, and now she also received great damage while she was under drugs.

But she can't just leave the Heroine alone, who knows what other mess she will do.

Speaking of the Hero, she is currently over Victor, carrying him towards the wheelchair with Penny following behind. After she put him on the seat, she asked. "Are you okay, boy?"

"Yeah." Victor nodded with gratitude showing out from his voice. "Thanks for the help, by the way."

"It was no problem for me; this is what Heroes do, after all. By the way, is the Monster Lord with you, perhaps? You seemed quite familiar with her."

Victor sighed in exasperation. "Please don't tell anyone about her being the Monster Lord, I really need things to stay as they are for now. Just… Can you turn an eye for me? I can give you some money in return."

"I don't require money." The spearwoman replied as she also crossed her arms. "And I am not a child. I don't need to spew stuff around just to get back on the Monster Lord. I have the chance to end her life with my own spear, after all."

Victor raised an eyebrow. This big-breasted and beautiful woman is more reasonable than he thought she would be. He didn't really have a good eye for the Heroes in this world, after all…


Ah, here it is…

The spearwoman crouched down until she matched Victor's height when he was sitting. The two looked at each other, one with blue eyes and the other with green eyes, staring right at each other.

"I want to follow you people so I can keep an eye on the Monster Lord."

"...?" Victor opened his mouth just to close it again and look at the spearwoman with a strange expression. Her voice was also quite loud, and reached the ears of the two monsters talking in the background.

Both Granberia and Alice's heads snapped on the two's direction and looked at the spearwoman in surprise.

"I thought that the issue was solved…?" Victor asked back. The spearwoman and Alice already agreed that they won't attack each other, so…

The spearwoman scoffed at his words and crossed her arms below her big breasts that were covered by her white shirt and golden breastplate. "The only reason why I let go of these monsters is because I didn't feel like continuing to fight now, especially in a place like this. I can't even go all out, or you people would die in a shockwave in the middle of our clash. Of course, I can't easily believe the Monster Lord's words, right? I'm a Hero."

"..." Victor remained speechless for a dozen of seconds before he nodded in understanding. "Fair enough. So you simply want to look over Alice to see if she will indeed not attack any human settlement?"

"That's right. Of course, I don't have any intention of leeching you people off; I will eat my own food and pay with my own money. I can also help you along the way."

"Don't you dare to accept her request, Victor!" Alice shouted with an angry tone. Although she wasn't worried about something bad happening, it would feel extremely uncomfortable if there was someone watching her back 24/7. Besides, it would raise a much bigger problem.

Victor took a deep breath and looked back at Alice. "First of all, shut up for a moment. I'm not exactly in a good mood to deal with all of this crap for today."

Alice glared at Victor, while the latter turned towards the spearwoman. "Second, I don't even know who you are. Don't you think that this is a pretty quick jump? Between strangers to teammates in less than half a hour."

"In that case, my name is Eva. As you know already, I'm a veteran Hero that got baptized 12 years ago." The spearwoman, Eva, introduced herself to Victor.

Victor nodded and extended one hand at her direction. "My name is Victor, and… Well, I'm a homeless cripple. I don't really have anything to say about myself, but… It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine." Eva grasped Victor's hand and shook it.

"Good. Now, third, I am not the leader of the party. I am more like the vice-leader, and since we are a simple party of 4, you have to consult the boss."

Eva raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "And who is your leader?"

Victor raised a finger and pointed to Luka, who was sitting against a building with a sleepy face and a dark bruise on his left cheek. "That guy, Luka."

"I see, then I'll wake him up." Eva approached the unconscious Luka and crouched down, before she lifted a palm at his direction as it started to glow with a blinding light. Victor, Alice, and Granberia were surprised at her action; while Penny, at Victor's side, was staring at her with an expression filled with wonder.

The bruise on Luka's face quickly disappeared, and Luka gradually regained consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes and stared up to Eva's face.


"Good morning. Luka, right?"

Luka blinked a couple of times to clear his vision and nodded. "...Yes, it's me. What happened? Who are you?"

"My name is Eva." Eva introduced herself again. "As for what happened, the fight between I and Granberia ended with my victory, so the city is safe."

A relieved sigh escaped from Luka. "Thanks the Goddess, I don't know what would happen if Iliasburg fell into the monsters' hands."

"That's right. Anyway, there is a question I would like you to answer."

"Speak." Luka curiously looked up to Eva as he stood back on his feet.

"I wish to join your party." Eva's words took Luka by surprise as he stared at her with wide eyes.


"Luka." Victor called him out, attracting Luka's attention. "Victor, you're fine!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Come here for now." Victor gestured at Luka to get closer. So Luka grabbed the iron sword that was on the floor and walked towards him while sheathing the sword back in its sheath.

However, as he was walking forward, he suddenly saw Granberia kneeling near Alice, and panic took over him again. He pulled out his iron sword again and pointed it at her with shaky arms.

"W-What are you doing here?!"

Alice sighed in exasperation and told Luka. "Keep walking, I'm dealing with her right now."

"O-Oh…" Luka relaxed a bit once Alice assured him about the situation and walked closer to Victor. Victor was still gesturing at him to approach closer and closer until Luka was close enough for Victor to whisper in his ear.

Little by little, Luka's expression twisted from surprise, shock, and up to confusion. After Victor finished to explain the current situation---of course, without mentioning the Monster Lord part---Luka glanced at Alice with an hesitant expression before he looked back at Eva.

"Well, I guess it would be fine if you joined us."

"What?!" Alice shouted in surprise while Eva smiled. She jabbed a finger on her chest and replied.

"I'll do my best to teach you everything about Heroes to you in the way, Hero Luka!"

"Hold up! There is no way I'll let such a dangerous person near my lord!" Granberia stood up on her feet and glared at Victor and Luka. Luka flinched in fear at the ugly glare she was throwing at him, while Victor simply stared back with a disinterested expression.

He extended one hand forward and gestured at her by bending his palm shut for a couple of times. "Very well, pay up 30'000 Gold Coins and you can also join the party."

""WHAT?!"" This time, everyone except Penny and Victor himself shouted in pure shock.

Victor Luis' (future) Trivia Book: Dragons

Dragon Girls are part of the powerful side of the monsterkind. They can eat anything, just like humans: vegetables, meat, dairy products… They are omnivores by nature, and rarely attack men for their semen. Usually, they assault humans because they are bored or want to stroke their own ego even further, it's practically on their genetics.

Their body temperature is naturally high due to their bodies needing to be strong enough to contain a special kind of flame that resides within them. It is similar to the monsterkind's innate dark energy, but this is exclusive to dragons. Theirs is a flame that is fueled by magic, and can burn forever and melt anything in the way.

There are many different types of Dragons, but each of them excel on a particular factor:

The normal dragons are all-rounders, being both fast, strong, and durable without any superior factor and inferior factor. They are also the most basic and weakest of the bunch; but even if they are the weakest, they are still able to level cities single-handedly.

Then there are the dragonkins, dragons who have taken a more humanoid shape. Just like the average dragon, they are also all-rounders. However, the difference is that the massive body of a dragon is all focused on a human-sized monster. What could have taken an Orichcalcum weapon to make a small hole in a Dragon's scale, it couldn't do anything against a Dragonkin.

After these two basic species, there are many varieties, each carrying a special characteristic with them.

Wyverns are one of the two subspecies capable of flight. Although a Dragon also has wings, they are unable to fly because they weigh too much. Wyverns also possess extremely hot flames and have affinity with wind spells.

Kyoryuu, Gigantic Dragons, or as I prefer to call them: Earth Dragons, are another subspecies of Dragons that don't have wings and are very slow. However, in return they possess immense size and nigh-indestructible scales. They are walking mountains!

Sea Dragons are another subspecies that exclusively lives in water. Just like Wyverns in the sky, Sea Dragons are the apex predators of the seas. Because they have to withstand the water pressure, their bodies are unusually tough. Even if they prefer to live in water, they are able to go on land.

Kirins are Dragons who have mastered oriental magic and can fly without wings. They have affinity with lightning, and they are probably the second oldest kind of dragons still alive. They are also recognized as benevolent beasts that bless whoever sees them at north-east of Noah Region

Hydras are unique types of Dragons who are very rare to find across the world. But if you meet them, you are sure to leave behind everything you have, including your life. Not only are they capable of regenerating more heads as they get cut off, but they also possess a powerful paralytic venom. However, for sufficiently strong people, it's easy to eliminate them.

Bahamut, the Queen of the Sky, is another unique type of Dragon. Even though it possesses the immense size of a normal Dragon, they still have the ability to fly and possess a greater destructive strength than any Wyvern.

Along with Hydras and Bahamuts, the Jabberwock is another unique type of Dragons that are normally invisible and intangible in the real world, and only physically appear in dreams. They are quite spread out around Sabasa, and although they take the shape of a Dragon, they don't act at all like them. They control dreams, and utilize them to predate on men and women for their own entertainment.

In the real world, they are more akin to invisible spiritual beings rather than not existing, only great sensors are able to perceive them outside a dream. Within dreams, they are more akin to tyrants, holding everything in their control. However, if you can manage to control your own dream, you can easily expel the Jabberwock away or even manage to kill her. As unfair their ability is, it's also easy to restrain them if you have a strong will.

Also, unexpectedly, Dragons don't have any 'great leader' or Queen. Because of their prideful nature and secluded behavior, they only acknowledge the Monster Lord as their leader, and possibly the strongest member of their group if they make one, which usually involve groups of the same subspecies that reach 3 or 4 members at most.

If you are a man who wants to marry a Dragon, there are two things to do: First, you go to the Pyramid and try to pass the Dragon Seal Trial, because by law, only people who have gone through that can marry a dragon.

The second thing, which is more of an option rather than obligatory, don't flirt with the dragon girl. They are prideful creatures who will only submit to the strong, they are rarely social creatures. Impress them and suppress them in some way: Raw strength, magic, games, intellect, willpower… Pick any of them and win against the Dragon.

Depending on how you do it, you can utilize their prideful attitude against them and make them attracted to you, which will be your victory. But if you want to take the easier path and don't care about getting an opinion out of the family, then you can simply ask them to marry you and hope they will turn you into their mate.