
Guardian Angel, Scout, or Surprise Sex Slave?

It started the previous day, as the party of Heroes was reaching Ilias Village on their feet. They could have rented a carriage and hastily reached the village, but the leader of the party, Anthony, suddenly had an idea back in Iliasburg, the capital of Ilias Continent.

"I think we should walk there instead." Anthony, a bearded man wearing heavy armor, suggested, much to the surprise of everyone else in the squad. The other three looked at Anthony with a raised eyebrow.

"Huh? Why?" Sarah asked with a curious expression, and Anthony smiled back. 

"Well, because soon we will have the new generation of Heroes, it will be bad if they all get captured by wild monsters in the way between Ilias Village and here, right? As Heroes, the least we could do is let the new generation grow without problems."

The other tanker of the party, a muscular man, sighed. "Anthony, even though I know that it will be dangerous for them, it is beneficial for them to go through fights as soon as they can, so they will have an idea of what kind of opponent they are facing."

"C'mon Paul, it's not like I will go out hunting for monsters left and right. I just want to clear the path between Ilias Village and Iliasburg; as for what the new heroes will face, that will depend on the will of the Goddess."

"If that's the case, then I will follow you along." Paul nodded in agreement to Anthony's suggestion, with the two girls following after them.

"I'll also come along!" Sarah cheerfully declared as she lifted her arms. "It's really great returning at home once again. Though, it's a shame that the port is closed at this moment…"

"Don't worry. The problem will not persist for our entire lives, right?" Anthony spoke with a humorous tone, while the other sister nodded along.

"I really want to go back to San Ilia, it is a nice place." Lucy spoke with a tone filled with nostalgia, reminiscing the old days when she was in the utopia for heroes like her.

"Well, let's not wait here any further!" After that order, Anthony and his team walked away from the populated city of Iliasburg and left the settlement through the southern city gate. Anthony and Paul were friends that came from different locations and met up to Ilias Village at the day of baptism.

They were veterans, and thus knew how to take down monsters in the best way possible. Meanwhile, Sarah and Lucy were heroes who joined their group  later, in the day the first two reached Ilias Ville to check over the place due to the rumors of a plague spreading in the entire village, killing a lot of people.

However, the situation was solved before they reached, and the little group of people that were still alive welcomed new travelers in their houses and made up a new and more gentle Ilias Village, who accepted stranges with open arms.

It was close to the day of baptism, so they waited there to see the new heroes, and the two girls came up. They taught the girls how to be great heroes and they all became a group together that traveled around the world to get stronger, so they could defeat the Four Heavenly Knights and consequently the Monster Lord.

As they traveled across the plains and forests that separated the two places, the heroes teamed up and defeated many Slug Girls, Slime Girls, and Imps along the way. While the Imps were easy to deal with, because they were the only species of monsters whose strength is equal to that of the average teenager and within the human scope, the Slug Girls and Slime Girls were certainly more trickier to deal with.

Slug Girls possess soft and viscous bodies that permit them to absorb their targets' attacks and stick them to their bodies like glue. Once that happens, it will be hard for the victim to get free from their grasps and thus end up being captured.

Meanwhile, Slime Girls are weaker than Slug Girls because they lack any actual muscle or bone. They were bodies entirely made of gel, but that was the most dangerous part of them, since they can easily recover from their victim's attacks with ease and shape their bodies into powerful weapons.

It was fortunate that they followed Anthony's suggestion, or the new heroes would be extinguished pretty quickly.

However, even though the distance between Iliasburg and Ilias Village is short, it is not something that can be traversed in one day unless you prepare yourself in the early morning, and now it was not early morning at all.

Soon, the four of them set up a camp close to the main road, where an empty space among the trees surrounding the road of soil was made up for convenience. Among them, there were also other groups of Heroes who seemed to have their same idea of going to Ilias Village on foot and camped here for the night.

"And then, just when that monster pushed me down with her sharp talons, I caved the harpy's skull with my mining pickaxe. And that's why I started to use pickaxes as my preferred weapon! They were designed to mine ores out of stones, so why not use them to mine the brain out of the monsters' heads?" A friendly neighbor explained to the others why he carried a pickaxe out of all possible weapons.

"That's kind of amazing." Paul replied to the man, who smirked at him and patted his trusty weapon at the side of his leg.

"I'm going out for a bit…" In another group, Sarah said before she sat up from the girls-only conversation and walked away. Even if she didn't say what she wanted to do, the girls knew that she had business to do with her bladder and didn't mention it in her respect.

Sarah walked out of the camp and hid herself between the bushes, so she won't be peeped on by the male members of the group, but she also didn't go too far to avoid encounters with monsters without anyone close to her.

Sarah pulled down her panties and lifted her skirt after passing through some couples of trees, and then she crouched to take a better peeing position. After giving a golden shower to the tree behind her, she paused, feeling a tingling sensation around her groin.

A blush spread to her face as her right hand slowly reached her clitoris. It won't hurt going for a quickie now, right? At least she will sleep peacefully after this…

And thus, she began to stimulate her clit while one hand passed through her clothes, lifting them up and using her teeth to hold up her shirt, while her free hand started to fondle her breasts.

Once she reached the right mood, she started to get a bit wilder, grasping her left breast with one hand while the other teased her vagina by stroking the outer lips of her pussy.

"Mhph!" A muffled moan escaped from her mouth before she paused with her masturbation. It would be really awkward if she was caught masturbating by her teammates or the neighboring squad.

After accustoming herself with the pleasure she felt, Sarah began to insert her fingers inside her pussy, rubbing the vaginal walls inside and spreading her genitals apart. Meanwhile, her other hand began to stimulate her rosy and perky nipples, searching for a greater stimulation.

"Mmmh… Hmph… Hmm… Mmhf…" Her body started to get hot inside at each passing second, and the spot of her shirt where she was biting is now stained in saliva. Warm air that turned visible in contrast with the cold atmosphere left her mouth at each muffled moan and soon she started to speed up.

Soon, she felt like she reached the peak and felt all tingly inside, which was a clear sign that she was on the verge of climaxing, which she did. Her fluids sprayed out from her pussy and sprayed the grass below her in a transparent salty rain.

Her legs convulsed before she collapsed on the ground. Sarah stopped biting on her shirt and let gasps of powerlessness.

A smile appeared on her face before she opened her eyes again, but she froze in terror when she found a couple of glowing purple eyeballs staring at her in a smiling manner.

Instinctively, Sarah took a deep breath to alarm her companions, but a long and thick tail bolted in her direction and opened up, revealing something long and stained in bodily fluids that shut her mouth by sticking it inside her.

The mouth of the monster's tail gripped around her throat while the flesh dildo that was inside the tail touched the back of her throat. No sound came out of Sarah except for desperate moans as she felt the dildo blocking her breath.

The owner of that tail suddenly stepped forward, and the light of the moonlight fell on her body, revealing a tall and seductive woman with red hair tied in a long ponytail and dressed up in a really skimpy dress.

Sarah's eyes widened in extreme terror.

This was not an Imp at all, she was a Succubus! How did one appear here out of all places?! There is no way this kind of monster can appear in Ilias Continent, there is no Imp that is remotely powerful to change shape!

Unless… She is extremely lucky to obtain human prey and be able to hide from heroes the entire time!

She is too dangerous! Sarah needs to warn her teammates about this kind of danger!

"Ah-Ah-Ah, let's have some fun first." The succubus playfully said before she pulled Sarah from her hair and flew up in the sky together.

An unknown amount of time passed, and the girls in the camp began to get worried. In the end, Sarah's sister, Lucy, stood up from the group and said. "I'm going to check on my sis."

Lucy started to walk in the direction where Sarah went, holding on her spear for precaution. Just as she stepped past a tree, she was immediately assaulted by someone.


"KYAAA!" Lucy screamed in surprise when Sarah came out from the shadows of the trees standing on the border of the camping area. Her shout attracted everyone's attention as they gripped their weapons and turned around, but they only found Sarah hiding a laughter.


"Hehehe... You started shaking all over the spot!"

Lucy blushed in anger and lifted her spear. "Come here, see if I don't beat you!"

Sarah laughed as she ran away from her sister, while everyone sighed and shook their heads at that comical act.

And that's why, on the night of the next day, a Succubus is walking across the halls of a building in Ilias Village.

"I expected a better security check, to think I wasted all that time trying to make up a plan to infiltrate in this place…" The Succubus muttered under her breath as she stared at her side, towards the open window that showed a moon covered by clouds.

After draining the men that she was accompanying to death and sucking away the souls of the remaining woman, the Succubus left the room of the inn, pulled away her disguise, and looked through each room, looking for a particular person.

From a human's point of view, monsters are a plague that have to be exterminated as how the Goddess dictated. By killing the Monster Lord, the entire population will be thrown off guard and then pushed back, letting humankind reclaim the territories that belong to them by right.

However, it was actually not that different from a monster's point of view. Humans were only cattles for most of them, existing only to feed them and let them reproduce. Coexistence between humans and monsters is laughable; why would she coexist with food?

The Succubus didn't care about any kind of morality humans had, which was one of the reasons why she didn't care at all about the state of Victor when the cripple offended her. However, it was too late for her to realize that her actions were outside of what the original Sarah is willing to do, slightly breaking apart the barrier of lies she made up between her and the other heroes.

Humans are worthy only to lick her shoes, and they have to stay beneath her.

"Where is the snack?" She muttered as she checked each door. There were many tasty-looking men, but first she wants to think about her revenge against Victor for his insulting words.

Since he wanted to impregnate her with his child so much, then he will get the chance to do so. The Succubus finally reached the last room of the inn where travelers would rest in, and if he wasn't there either, then she would simply look around the entire village until she would find him.

But fortunately, here he was, sleeping on the bed with a calm expression. His breath was sweet and gentle, like a lullaby for the Succubus' ears. Victor was really cute when he was silent...

If it wasn't for his horrible attitude, she might have brought him as one of her concubines. 

The face he will hold when he will reach his orgasm… The tentative movements he will go through when he is finally inside her… His cries for more pleasure as she drains his life away at each pump…

She was already getting wet at that kind of thought as she licked her lips. "Little piggy, little piggy, be careful as the big bad wolf will give you a blowjob."

The red-haired succubus approached Victor's bed with only sexual thoughts on her mind, and stood in front of his bed. Her hands started to get closer to Victor, who was left defenseless under her nose…

That is, until a second pair of hands crawled to her cheeks without her noticing it. They were a pair of delicate, clean, and pale hands that one would not believe they came from a living person; they were completely different from the Succubus' hands, which were stinky and filthy.

These pair of beautiful hands reached up to the Succubus' face: one went on her chin and the other to her right horn. 

In that single instant that happened, the Succubus was unable to realize what happened until those hands tightly grasped her head and twisted her neck to an unbelievable angle.


The Succubus' field of view was twisted at 180°, and it was then that she reacted to the sudden event. 

Eh? What happened? 

She wanted to ask those words, but her mouth couldn't produce any sound. Following that neck twist, three pairs of golden angelic wings extended from the sides of her field of view, each feather sending her an oceanic wave of ominousness as they enclosed around her and approached her.

No, no, no! Please let me go! I don't want to die!

Tears came on the Succubus' eyes at the impending doom, but her words came out as gasps of air before boundless light appeared in front of her and burned her flesh and bones until she was turned into ashes.

By then, the wings spread open once again as the ashes that was the Succubus graciously fell on the ground. Floating some inches above the ground is Seraph Eden, dressed in a green robe with a leather belt around her waist and sandals that extended up to her knees.

On her head there was a wreath entirely made of leaves, granting Eden a simple yet beautiful greek style.

She looked down on the ashes with arrogance before she made the ashes disappear too, using her holy energy. Just like her Goddess ordered, she has to make sure that Victor won't notice a single trace left behind by her.

Succubi are a species that feed on the spirit of their victims through sexual acts. Without any kind of hint about what Victor was, she couldn't let such a dangerous thing stay in Ilias Village any longer, not to talk about letting her attack Victor.

And now that she has eliminated the dangerous existence, she can return to observe the 'creature' that the Goddess spoke of.

Eden landed on the wooden floor without making a sound and crouched down to match the height of Victor's bed, observing his resting expression. Just like Ilias said, Victor looked entirely human.

Not only did he look human, he acted like one, and clearly has a great intellect, even if she doesn't know how great it is.

His blonde hair greatly resembled that of the angels she always looked after during her career as the commander of the angelic army, but he didn't really look handsome at all. But she wasn't focused on that at all, as her only standard of beauty she has is Ilias, who will never be surpassed by anyone in the present, past and future.

In comparison to her, everything else is ugly.

'So this is a human…' Eden thought as she stared at Victor. Because of her absence of free time, the last time she saw a human was back in the ancient days when she was very little, and humanity didn't even find out about fire. Her memories about those old days were extremely blurred, so she felt like she encountered her first human all over again.

However, there was something that offsetted her, and that was Victor's presence. 

Seraph Eden is a Seraph, of course, an Angel of the highest order, just behind the Goddess. Because of that, her sensing abilities are incredible, able to sense the cries of human souls beyond dimensions.

While this entire village was full of different spiritual signatures, Victor lacked such a thing for some reason. If she tried to sense Victor, she would only feel his heartbeat, as if his soul also had a beating heart.

This kind of person is as important as the son of Daystar to Ilias, huh? Interesting. What else does he have that she doesn't know?

"...Maybe if I get a sample…" Eden muttered under her breath. If she can bring a sample from Victor's body, she is sure that her Goddess will be overjoyed. After all, she said that she needs to understand as much about Victor as possible, right? 

This time that lowly scientist can prove herself useful to the cause and try to analyze Victor's… How was it called? D… Di-En-Er? Whatever…

But where will she get the sample from?

Getting a strand of his hair might wake him up, urine and semen can't be obtained at all, and his mouth is closed, making it hard to extract saliva. She didn't dare to use her magic, as it might wake up Victor and blow her cover.

How will she do it? 

Maybe she can try to see if he has any loose strand of hair she can manage to get. Eden's hand lifted up and softly approached Victor's head.

However, for some kind of extreme misfortune, Victor started to poke around in front of him. Before Eden knew it, Victor grasped one of her wings.

"Crap!" She muttered as she realized that her plan most likely failed already, which will consequently bring a great delusion to her Goddess. However, as she looked at Victor, she blinked in surprise when she noticed that his face was as sleepy as before.

Was he awake or is he currently moving in his sleep?

What Eden didn't know is that Victor never slept with 1 pillow until yesterday. The commodity that two pillows would bring him was the thing that would aid him in his light sleep.

Even when he was awake, he was too tired to open his eyes and simply extended one arm forward, trying to find a pillow, and soon he found the 'pillow' he was looking for… Soft, large, and has loose feathers everywhere, just like the crappy but familiar pillow he had back at home.

He still forgot about the fact that he was at home, so he simply grasped Eden's wing and pulled it closer. Since Victor didn't seem conscious about her yet, Eden decided to go along with the flow and hope in a small miracle that she will be able to escape from Victor's grasp.

And so, she was pulled over Victor's bed. She didn't dare to make a single false step, and she didn't try to escape with her spiritual form.


That is because she is already in the spiritual plane of this world, but Victor was still able to touch her. How? She doesn't have any idea, but she was definitely taken by surprise and caught off guard, which made it possible for Victor to hold a proper grasp on her when they touched.

Victor passed one arm above Eden and pulled her in a tight hug with both facing each other. Upon feeling the familiar comfortable sensation, Victor started to relax much more and return back to sleep.

Eden wanted to sign in relief to the fact that she wasn't found yet, but she can't even move a single muscle. She has to thank Ilias for making angels entirely made up of holy energy, because a beating heart was the last thing she wanted now.

For more commodity, Victor began to worsen Eden's situation by sticking one leg over her body, completely binding her to the bed.

As long as Eden won't move, she will have a chance to escape from this embarrassing situation… 

'Think Eden, how do I make it possible to crawl away without this creature waking up?' She began to use her mind, as she has a lot of time to think before it will get morning. However, she was unable to find any solution in the incoming time.

And then, something happened…

'...! ...Is… Is he getting hard?!' Eden thought in disbelief when she felt something hard poking her womb. How can he get hard when he is sleeping?! It didn't make any sense!

Unfortunately, she wasn't a doctor, so she was left in a state of disbelief while Victor's dick began to poke her harder. Eden began to gulp a mouthful of saliva, starting to fear for her dear dignity.

She, the greatest Seraphim currently under Ilias' rule, is now getting molested by a mortal person… How low did she fall?

"Hngh…" An annoyed groan escaped from Victor's mouth as he pushed down Eden and sat over her, still holding his illusion that he was sitting on a pillow. With tired eyes, he began to undress himself until he was left in underwear.

For some reason, Victor began to feel much warmer than usual…

"...What about the System?" After he finished to pull down his pants and remove his shirt, Victor rubbed one of his eyes before he summoned the System's screen and went to the Tycoon Info.

[Current Production: 8 Gold/Hour]

[Basic Production: 8 Gold/Hour]

[Current Multiplier: 1x]

[Automatic Wood Cutter: (1 Gold/Hour)]

[Automatic Stone Retriever: (2 Gold/Hour)]

[Coal Mine: (5 Gold/Hour)]

[Copper Mine: 100 Gold]

[Iron Mine: 200 Gold]

[Steel Mine: 500 Gold]

[Silver Mine: 800 Gold]

[Gold Mine: 1'000 Gold]

[Platinum Mine: 2'000 Gold]

Right… At 4 in the afternoon, thanks to the extra money Anthony passed him as an apology, he was able to obtain the Coal Mine, unlocking the next series of productors, which were a bunch of minerals that all held a great cost for each.

"18 more coins, huh?" He muttered before he sighed and rolled back to his bed. In this entire time, Victor didn't realize that he was literally sitting on the curvaceous and worth-to-dying-for thighs that belonged to Eden, who was currently suppressing her panic and chanting a mantra in her mind to calm her down.

'I am the greatest pillow ever, my wings are perfect materials to create new soft and plush pillows, and I am such a clean pillow that I became a sacred existence…'

Victor stretched his entire body until he heard satisfying snaps and pushed one arm below his second 'pillow', before lifting 'it' up and pushing 'it' against the wall of the room. He also turned his 'pillow' around so 'it's' cold side would face his body and refresh him.

By the time Victor started to fall asleep, Eden already achieved inner peace with herself, which was quickly broken apart by a single gesture.


"...Eh?" She looked down and found a pair of hands grasping her breasts. Eden was surprised at the act, as she was never in this kind of situation ever since the Great Monster War ended.

"...Great, now I can finally play Doom Eternal…" A mutter escaped from Victor's mouth as he began to dream about holding a PS5 and sitting in front of a large TV. Dreams are unique existences: Without even noticing it, you are thrown in a situation that is extremely improbable, and by the time you notice it, you wake up.

Because of his parents, Victor never had an opportunity to play with a console that wasn't his PC or his phone, so he gladly started to play with his 'console'.

"Hngh…" Victor's fingers flickered Eden's nipples through her clothes before her body began to tremble for a moment. His finger's movements, the timing, and the speed… What the hell was Victor dreaming about?!

"And one!" *Bang!* *Crunch!* A possessed was blasted apart by a hit of a shotgun.

"And two!" *Bang!* *Crunch!* A second possessed made the same ending as the previous one while Victor's avatar jumped over the body.

"And three-Oops!" *Bang!* Victor fired a third shot, but it entirely missed the possessed. "...Wow, thanks god no one is watching me, that's embarrassing as fuck…"

"...Ugh… Not the Marauder…" After a while, Victor's movements turned wild, flickering Eden's hard nipples at a very fast rate from every direction. At this moment, Eden was biting hard on her left hand to try to not moan as she was being played around by a mere human-like creature through her breasts alone.

Why has this job become so hard? She should have left the extraction of a sample to Promestein rather than taking the initiative. What will Ilias think if she knew what was happening?

...No! She is going to resist! She is Seraph Eden, the only Seraphim who willingly stood at the Goddess Ilias' side, and is capable of destroying the entire Ilias Continent all at once if she was ever given the order to do so. She will not let a simple mortal to-

"Eep!" All of a sudden, Victor's fingers stopped moving through her nipples and soon focused on another spot of hers: Her ass.

She is clearly feeling Victor's erection behind her ass, in the middle of the crevice that he made through her green robe. She had to thank Ilias again for the order of wearing a dress before leaving, or the situation could have gotten much worse…

'...Oh no, he started to rub his dick…!' Eden's fists clenched hard as she was being raped by Victor. Is he starting to get a wet dream?

However, now Eden realized that something extremely wrong was happening… As Victor kept rubbing his dick against her ass by moving his hips, her green robe gradually lifted up from below up to her back, leaving her ass bare naked. The worst thing about this is that she didn't even bother wearing underwear… As an angel who passed the majority of her life entirely naked, why would she suddenly decide to wear underwear?

Now she has a reason to do so…

"Mmmh… Come here…" Victor softly talked in his sleep before his leg went between Eden's thighs, opening up her legs. His hands fully grasped Eden's massive and sensitive breasts, almost making her moan if it wasn't for her willpower forcing down the moan. 

Meanwhile, something slid below her crotch. She didn't even need to look to know what was happening. 

Victor's boner popped out from his underwear and started to rub against Seraph Eden's crotch from between her thighs. His leg moved away from her, pushing her legs against each other once again, sandwiching his cock in between.

Through his wet dream and his trait of moving often during his sleep, Victor grasped Eden's thighs like they are the greatest treasure in the world and began to slowly pump back and forth.

Eden shut her mouth with one hand while the other was forced to not move, because it would wake up Victor otherwise. It was Ilias' absolute order for that to not happen, so she needs to endure through this humiliation.

"Hngh…" Victor groaned as the light of the morning reached his face, he turned his head towards the pillow under his head and started to rub out the solidified mucus formed around his eyes, before he began to stretch his back as further as he could.

A yawn escaped from his mouth before Victor pushed himself up from his bed. It was surprisingly soft compared to what he remembers, but he ignored that fact and started to slowly move to the edge of his bed.

His broken leg didn't hurt that much now, but it still gave him its fair share of unbearable pain. Soon, Victor found his clothes standing on his wheelchair; but before he could wear them, he noticed something about himself.

"...Did I have a wet dream or what?" His underwear was kind of crusty, annoying him a bit. Victor opened his system and checked his inventory, finding 130 Gold Coins. Apparently, he also got two achievements: One was called 'Out of Poverty', which was obtained when his 'wallet' held at least 100 Gold Coins.

And the other is…

"....What?" Victor blinked in surprise and read the second achievement once again.

[V-Card? Is it worth anything?: Lose your virginity.]

"..." Victor stared at the screen for a couple of seconds before he shrugged and pulled it off, before switching to the Store.

"How much does a new pair of underwear cost?" Victor asked himself as he checked the store, and found out that a pair of simple underwear without many possible uses costs 28 Gold Coins. So he bought that and obtained the Copper Mine in the Tycoon Info, leaving him with 2 Gold Coins and another achievement.

[Minerals make Money: Buy the production of Copper from the Tycoon Info]

"Huh, neat…" Victor muttered before he checked up his Tycoon Info.

[Current Production: 18 Gold/Hour]

[Basic Production: 18 Gold/Hour]

[Current Multiplier: 1x]

[Automatic Wood Cutter: (1 Gold/Hour)]

[Automatic Stone Retriever: (2 Gold/Hour)]

[Coal Mine: (5 Gold/Hour)]

[Copper Mine: (10 Gold/Hour)]

[Iron Mine: 200 Gold]

[Steel Mine: 500 Gold]

[Silver Mine: 800 Gold]

[Gold Mine: 1'000 Gold]

[Platinum Mine: 2'000 Gold]

Now… Should he buy the Upgrader, or should he keep going with the Tycoon? ...He will try with the Upgrader first, seeing if it is any worth. If it isn't, then he will be more focused on the Tycoon.

After changing underwear and dressing up, Victor sat on his wheelchair and headed to the bathroom to take his daily business.

After he closed the door behind him, an ominous silence spread out in the room… No, it wasn't silent yet…

"Haaah… Haaah…" Hidden past the blanket, on the corner of the bed, a figure lied there with her six golden wings spread over the bed, with her and her clothes being covered by a white substance sticking around her beautiful and pale body. Not even her ear-wings were spared from that, as they were stained in semen.

However, the dirtiest place of the entire thing was actually around her ass, with hardened cum filling up her butthole and crotch. Eden was heavily panting, feeling like a mountain was pulled off from her back after this entire time as soon as Victor left from the room.

Good news, she has both a sample of Victor's DNA and information about his sexual activity, which was certainly different from the humans here.

Bad news, she might have to check the status of her ovaries…

But first, she has to rest… A lot…

Victor Luis' (future) Trivia Book: Monsters

Monsters are one of the three main species in this world, along with angels and humans. Without exclusion, every monster in this world has a special ratio specifically used to measure how monstrous they are by seeing their bodies. Every monster has at least one human feature, it simply varies between species.

Elves are mostly human, while there are creatures like Large Spiders who are simply spiders with a human head. However, while they all come in many shapes and forms, every pure Monster is a female.

Because of that, they constantly hunt humans for the need of reproduction. However, it is clear as water that this is not the case anymore: Some Monsters hunt humans for sport, others to satisfy their hunger.

If I had to compare the relationship between humans and monsters, it is no different from the Native Americans' relationship with the Europeans during the renaissance era.

Many monsters consider humans below them, existing only to serve them as food or source of entertainment. However, in every group there is always an exception, and this also counts here. Among the arrogant members of the monster race, there are as many of them that are capable of seeing past the social barriers and see humans for what they truly are.

Some see them as their husband, others see them as their master as it is their job of maids to take care of them, others see them as equals, people with as much potential as them. It is truly fortunate that the Monster Lord of this generation belongs to this category, or I would not know how this could have ended.

It is proven by the Sabasa's Royal Line that human people can be born between the intercourse of a particularly powerful monster and a human male, but they will end up carrying their bloodline and become stronger even further. That is only up to a certain point, as after that they have to awaken their monster blood and assume the properties of their monster parent, which includes advantages and disadvantages.

They all originated from the Six Ancestors: Tamamo-no-Mae, the ancestor of the beasts; Kanade, the ancestor of the slimes; Kanon, the ancestor of the alraunes; Hiruko, the ancestor of the scyllas; Minagi, the ancestor of the succubi; and Saja, the ancestor of the dragons, harpies, and lamias.

There might be a chance of some mix-ups forming new varieties of monsters like Insect Monsters, Land-Dwellers, Mermaids, Vampires, Undeads, and so on, but I have no way to prove that at the moment.

However, while every monster walking on this world originated from these six, the line of the Fateburn Family, the family that inherited the position of Monster Lord through every generation, directly originated from the Dark Goddess Alipheese, who also created the Six Ancestors spoken about from before.

Between the Monsters, there are countless species and variants which will simply produce in a more complex tree as it keeps going. Who knows, there are chances of Aliens residing outside this world and coming here, before their genes mix up with the ones of the monsters here and form new kinds of monsters. I certainly don't want that to happen, I have enough of xenomorphs…

The reason for their origin is a mystery though. Why did the Dark Goddess Alipheese give birth to the Six Ancestors with the ability to reproduce even more? Wasn't she happy with having company? Why are normal monsters incapable of reproducing males? Will it be safe for humankind once Ilias, who worked as a safeguard to keep down their number, is gone from this world?

This will require a deeper look from the direct source: Alipheese the 1st…

PC stopped working: can't log in, can't open advanced settings from login menu, can't open advanced settings from power button. It's probably deceased or in coma.

I have only 9 chapters in stock, so I can post things for 2 more months. Fuck my life...

Trial_of_Humanitycreators' thoughts
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