
Fighting a disease through sheer stress

Soon enough, Olliana carried Eva all the way to her own home without any problem in the way, except for the presence of another harpy coming from Harpy Village and heading towards Happiness Village, probably to warn the villagers about the incoming meeting between the Queen Harpy and the acting village chief. The two harpies didn't talk, too busy with their own goals.

After Olliana reached her home, she gently let go of Eva as she stepped on the platform in front of the Harpy's house. Once Olliana also landed, the two entered the living room and immediately found the source of the pained groans.



Both Olliana and Eva approached the former's bed, where Victor was suffering. Olliana kneeled in front of the bed and placed her wings on the blanket while staring at Victor with a worried expression.

"I've brought help! You don't have to worry now!"

"Stop… yelling… my head hurts…" Victor groaned out as Olliana's voice echoed within his eardrums. At that, Olliana closed her mouth and looked at Eva with a begging look.

Eva sighed and put a hand over Victor's forehead. "Looks like someone isn't having a good time, huh?"

"Did… Did I stutter…?" Victor muttered back in pain. But his sarcastic comment immediately turned into a small whimper from tiredness.

"Just shut your mouth for a second." Eva, unlike Olliana, didn't seem to respect Victor's words and proceeded to measure his temperature. Her eyes widened in surprise as she pulled back her hand. "Holy Ilias! It's too high!"

Eva looked at Olliana and asked. "What actually happened before he got like this?"

"Well, I wanted to mate with him, but he refused me and said that he was tired. However, after I insisted a bit, he let me take the initiative and we started mating for a bit. Unfortunately, I was caught on the mod and I didn't notice him calling me out later… By the time I realized that his temperature was getting too high, it was too late." Olliana replied with a guilty expression while Eva rubbed her chin.

"Hmm… If he was tired before he got the fever, then the chances are that he was sick before you brought him here." While she was speaking, Eva placed her hand over Victor's head again before it started to glow with a holy light.

It was not done through a medium like the Healing Dance of the Harpies, and it carried out holy energy instead of wind energy. However, even with her surprisingly powerful healing ability, Eva's magic didn't seem to have any effect on Victor, as the magic was getting eaten out by his own body.

"Magic doesn't work, huh?" Eva commented with a frown. If her spell doesn't work, then it means that she will have to do it in the old-fashioned way.

"Open your mouth." Eva told Victor before she opened his jaw and pulled out his tongue. She carefully watched every inch of his tongue and noticed that it was a bit too red, although there wasn't any other visible problem.

She let go of his tongue and opened his eyes with her own fingers, eliciting pained grunts from Victor, who was feeling a pain comparable to the muscles that controlled the movement of the eyes being lacerated.

"It hurts…" Victor muttered, but Eva didn't pay it any mind and looked at his eyes, which were pretty red around the irises. She let go of them and pulled off his blanket, before she lifted his shirt and placed one hand over his chest to check his heartbeat rate.

His heartbeat was normal, but the amount of sweat surrounding his skin is worrying. However, before she can proceed further, she will have to identify the disease.

Unfortunately, there aren't any modern diseases that she could relate to Victor's case… Headache, Fever, Excessive Sweat, Red Eyes, Muscle Weakness, Mental Tiredness, Pain in the Eyes…

"J…" Victor started to mutter something, but Eva stood up on her feet and interrupted him. "Don't bother, I'll go to prepare something for you."

Eva walked out of the room and began to descend, leaving Olliana watching over Victor. She covered him with one of her wings and told him. "Shhh, just rest, everything will be fine…"

"I…" Victor continued to talk, but his entire face and chest was covered by that one wing, muffling his words.

Soon, someone's footsteps came from the entrance door. However, when Olliana turned around to see who it was, she was surprised to see Lucretia entering her house again. "I'm done with the others, how is it-..."

Lucretia paused when she found Victor in a bad state being covered under Olliana's wings like they were a blanket. She blinked in surprise and asked. "What is going on?"

After Olliana explained the situation to her queen, the latter sighed. "It's not all your fault, Olliana. If what you said was true, it was bound to happen later… So you say that magic doesn't work at all on him?"

Olliana nodded. "Yes, I just brought one of his friends over here to see if she could help. At the moment, she is outside to prepare something to help him…"

"Hmph…" A muffled sound came from the wing that was covering Victor's face, but no one paid any mind to it and continued their conversation.

"Well, it would certainly not be good publicity if the Happiness Village finds out that we can't cure him at all…" Lucretia muttered as she stroked her chin with one wing. "I'm going to look over to the person you have brought in and see if I can help them."

Lucretia walked away and flew down the house, but it wasn't even a minute before someone else arrived. This time, it was actually Alice followed by Granberia; the two stepped in the house without any warning and approached the bed.

"You…" Olliana muttered as she quickly backed away from Alice, recognizing her status as the Monster Lord. "Are you…"

"I'm just a traveling gourmet. Anyway…" Alice passively glanced at Olliana before she focused on Victor. Meanwhile, catching up on her words, Olliana kept her mouth shut and looked at the interaction between Alice and Victor.

"You really can't catch your breath, huh?"


"Don't waste energy by talking." Alice interrupted Victor from speaking up before she sized up his body. "Hmm, is the disease recognized?"


"No. The other woman went away to prepare something to help my husband in this situation, and the queen is currently assisting her." Olliana answered, interrupting Victor yet another time.

"I see." Alice muttered before she crouched down and lifted one of Victor's arms. Her free hand moved her silky white hair away before she bit on his hand, with her canines piercing through his skin and eliciting a spasm from his entire arm due to the pain.

"Ugh…" Victor grunted in pain when his blood was drawn out. After leaving a bit of saliva over his new injury, Alice tasted Victor's blood and paused.

"Hmm… It has quite a unique taste, I have to admit." She commented once she realized that his blood didn't have almost any relation with a human's blood, for some reason. Considering his mysterious origins, she could only say that he was some kind of alien.

However, in between his unique-tasting blood, she had found the presence of a bacteria multiplying over and over again. And yet, just as quickly as they reproduced, her immune system immediately killed every single bacteria within her mouth.

Unfortunately, even with her knowledge on lethal substances, she couldn't find anything matching up with this kind of bacteria. If it was a new bacteria, then her immune system would have reacted slower than this, so she can only guess that it was a bacteria that was ignored a long time ago because everyone became immune to it.

Even if she guessed correctly, it still didn't help her in recognizing the sickness. It was too old, something that one would not even care about remembering; it would be hard for other doctors to recognize this one, too…

"It's worse than I thought…"

"What is happening to my husband?" Olliana asked with a worried expression, making Alice sigh.

"I can't recognize the disease that Victor has caught, it is probably too old for this era's people to know what it is. It might have been dangerous in the past, but almost everyone already has the immune system to counter it; everyone except Victor, of course…"

"Then… Is there any way we can solve this problem?"

Alice shook her head. "I'm not a doctor, this is certainly not my expertise. Let's wait for Eva and then find out how to proceed."

Olliana nodded in silence before she covered Victor with the blanket again and waited for results. In a few minutes, Lucretia and Eva returned and entered the house again, and found Alice and Granberia waiting in the room.

"Oh? Are you Victor's…?" Just as the Queen Harpy curiously asked if they were related to Victor, she had noticed the vertical eye-shaped red symbol on Alice's head and immediately recognized her.

The Queen quickly put herself in one knee and respectfully greeted her. "I humbly welcome you to my village, my lord."

"Why are you kneeling? I'm just a traveling gourmet." Alice replied in response to Lucretia's kneeling position. The latter paused for a moment and understood what Alice was saying almost immediately.

A small chuckle escaped from her lips as she stood back on her feet. "I apologize, I thought I had found a coin on the ground." With that excuse that not even Luka would probably believe if he was there, the Queen dismissed the subject. "Anyway, we are back with a medicinal soup. It should work as an anesthetic to help him sleep."

"He's bleeding!" All of a sudden, Olliana exclaimed in surprise once she saw a trail of blood coming from Victor's nose, throwing everyone into a panic.

"Quick!" Lucretia shouted as Eva quickly went to Victor's side while Olliana helped him standing in a sitting position. At the moment, Victor was currently shaking his arms, as if he was feeling chills.

"I…" Just as he muttered something, Eva placed a bowl filled with medicinal liquid made out of herbs in front of his face. "Just drink this and relax-"

This time, Victor tightly grasped Eva's wrist and violently pushed it away along with Eva, who fell to the ground. As for the bowl of medicinal liquid, it fell down and broke apart, spreading the liquid all over the floor.

"Victor, what in the Founder's name are you-" Alice spoke with a surprised tone, but she was interrupted when Victor's eyes snapped open in her direction, revealing a pair of red scleras and blue irises as he stared at her with a look filled with pure wrath. The burning pain his eye tendons were feeling right now was incomparably smaller to the sheer stress his mind was filled with.

"If you don't let me speak first, I swear I'm going to pull my spine out of my ass and impale your throat with it. I FUCKING DARE YOU TO CHALLENGE ME!!"

Alice slightly jumped away from Victor in fright at his wrathful claim, which unnerved everyone in the room.

"I'm fucking fine! I can fix this by myself, for fuck's sake!" Victor had yelled back at them, ignoring the hellish pain he was feeling on his twitching eyes, before he opened his system and went to the store, immediately finding what he was looking for.

[Peak Human Health: 25'000 Gold]

His gold count fell from 40'568 to 15'568, but he didn't care.

Meanwhile, his body began to change, outside of everyone's perspective. His internal system immediately strengthened itself and started to fight back against the intrusive bacteria. It lasted for a couple of seconds, but his body reached even higher temperatures before it gradually turned back down.

Strength surged up from Victor's body very quickly as the temperature stabilized itself, and in a minute, Victor stretched his body in a pretty natural manner. His relaxed actions surprised everyone in the room, noticing that he was completely healed… Well, if you didn't count the wounded leg.

"What…?" That was the thought that everyone had in their mind, and Alice voiced it out. "...What did you do?"

Victor sighed and replied. "I bought a skill, although it wasn't cheap at all."

"A skill… You bought a skill? What does that even mean?"

"What else is it supposed to mean? Just like I can magically spend money to buy stuff from nowhere, I can also do that to buy superpowers. I just bought a better immune system right now, and I could have done so before if you didn't interrupt me for five minutes straight."

Alice blinked a couple of times. "...How does that even work?"

"Look, I'm not going to stay here the entire night to tell you the mechanics of my ability, just ignore it like before." Victor replied with an exasperated voice. Although his body was healed, he still had bloody eyes from the aneurysm that the girls around him had given to him while he was trying to speak.

"Umm… I'm sorry, but I am out of the loop here…" Lucretia spoke with a confused expression on her face. It was obvious, considering that the only people in the room that knew about Victor's unique ability are Alice, Granberia, and Eva.

"Victor has a unique superpower to collect a specific amount of money every interval and utilize it to magically make stuff appear from nowhere. However, this is the first time that I learned about doing the same with other abilities…" Granberia narrowed her eyes and looked at Victor. "Is this how you intended to repair your broken leg?"

"...Everything will be clear when we reach the treasure cave in the north and loot the gold out of it." Victor casually replied back to her. He had just got an idea, but for now he pushed it aside as he was too tired to even deal with it. Maybe he will deal with it tomorrow morning...

"...Hey-" Just as Alice opened her mouth, Olliana spoke first. "Wait, what do you mean reaching the treasure cave in the north? You aren't going to stay here with me?"

A sigh escaped from Victor's mouth. He patted Olliana's shoulder and stared right at her. "You see, I have some stuff to do first, and I'm not someone with a lot of patience."

"But we are husband and wife…"

"Woman, you kidnapped me less than 1 hour ago. No amount of actions right now can cover up what should happen after two years." Victor told her back. "It was a nice quarter of an hour before my fever struck, but it doesn't just work like that, understand?"

Olliana's face turned gloomy upon hearing Victor's words before she looked down on the floor. "Then why can't you stay here? We can learn to know each other better with time…"

"Once again, I'm busy. Anyway, when I'm done with this stuff, I'll return here and we can stay together as long as you want, okay?"

Olliana merely replied with a hug with both of her wings surrounding Victor's body. Victor didn't say anything else and returned the hug. "Happy?"

"I'll be happy only when you return here… Good luck, and don't make me wait too much, okay?" Olliana told him back before they separated and made some inches of distance.

Victor turned towards the Queen Harpy and asked. "So, are the preparations for the meeting ready?"

Lucretia nodded. "Almost; I came here to warn you both about us leaving now, before all of this happened. Anyway, if everything is fine, we can proceed to leave."

Upon hearing that, Victor pulled out his crutch from his inventory and used it as a support to stand up. "Okay, let's just get over this so I can do whatever I want later. I feel full of energy now."

"Very well." The queen walked out of the house, followed by the rest of the group. Alice, Eva, and Granberia vanished at once, while Olliana flew over Victor's shoulders to carry him away with Lucretia at their side.

Soon, they merged up with a large group of Harpies walking on the ground with their husbands and children. Although they could fly to the Happiness Village, it was only because of the children that they chose to stay on the ground rather than flying. Some of them were still too young to learn how to fly, after all.

Besides, they can't leave the children alone while they carry away their husbands. The meeting they will have with the women of Happiness Village will require a show of trust from both sides to succeed with the plan to make up an alliance. If they simply left the men they had kidnapped before back in their houses and waltzed in the middle of the village, it would make the women in Happiness Village worry for the men and look at the Harpies with distrust.

The Queen Harpy stood in front of her subjects and their families, a smile etched on her face as she was excited for the possible success of this plan. "Everyone, listen up! If we can achieve a symbiotic relationship with the people in Happiness Village, we will all prosper and give birth to a new village that is completely different from the previous Harpy Village. Are you excited?"

"YES!!" The Harpies all replied in unison, with each one of them being as excited as their queen.

"Let's proceed forward, then!" With that order, the harpies and their families walked forward.

Of course, Victor couldn't keep up with them with a broken leg. Because of that, he was currently piggy-riding Olliana, much to his embarrassment. Standing up to her surprisingly sturdy back, Victor looked forward through the giant forest in front of him.

Some of the roots of the massive trees couldn't even fully enter the ground and showed back on the surface as waves. It was an impressive sight worthy of a fantasy world, but Victor couldn't help but think about the possibilities that these kinds of giant trees would create within such a tiny world. Honestly, judging from the maps he had seen, Russia alone is bigger than the three continents of this world put together…

Maybe the sea is bigger than he thought? Or is there really another land beyond these three continents? Alice didn't mention anything like that, and she claimed to have the entire world's map back at home.

Well, the weird questions will have to be left for another time…

If there was something good out of this entire mess, Victor had met up with Luka and Penny who were coming from Happiness Village in worry while carrying his wheelchair. Finally, Victor didn't have to suffer through the embarrassment of being carried all the way to Happiness Village.

Victor Luis' (future) Trivia Book: Garuda Girl

Garudas were once a famous species before the Slaughter of Remina, coming back and forth between Sentora and Hellgondo to carry supplies and tourists from both human and monster factions.

They, along with the Phoenixes, are also considered as divine birds that are known as 'Holy Wings'. They are also the largest species of Harpies, comparable to Gigantic Girls in full length. However, the most of their length is made up by their large feathered tails, and unlike other Harpy species, their upper bodies are connected to an actual gigantic bird's body instead of bird legs alone.

There is currently one last Garuda in the world, but there are plans to create more of them in the future. Just as they are special beings, their birth is also unique. They all come from giant eggs that are almost unbreakable, and to wake the Garudas within them, they need to be fed with a large amount of dark energy.

However, no matter how large your energy's capacity, the ritual to awaken the Garuda from their egg requires two people. Even if it was the Monster Lord herself doing the awakening, the Garuda needs the imprint of two people, two monsters with the ability to control dark energy, to truly awaken.

It might sound surprising, but the Garuda Girl can spit fire like Phoenixes do, although their fire doesn't have any dark energy within. It is purely concentrated electric-fire. They are also able to move at warping speeds with their magical energy.

Another trivia: Garuda Girls are unable to understand human language and their intellect is comparable to that of an actual bird. If she starts to caw at you, don't be offended, she merely can't speak human words.

Yes, she won't care if you decide to get a titjob from her large breasts.

Yes, she will bite your dick if you go for a blowjob.

Please, don't try to see it by yourself.

No, there is no human vagina. If you want to knock her up, you have to go for the rear like centaurs.

And for the last time, no! I am not going to impregnate her just so that you can get more eggs from her. If you want her family tree to expand, get someone who has an actual fetish for fucking giant birds.

Next chapter