
Chapter 119 Already Encountered


The middle-aged man's complexion changed, he looked at the mustache beside him, and whispered, "Silly boy, what are you doing?"

An Yan grinned at the middle-aged man when he heard the words. This smile was simple and honest, but for some reason, it gave the middle-aged man an indescribable chill.

Blocking the door, the A-level combat members wearing cat masks obviously sensed something was wrong.

He subconsciously took a step back.


The sound of the body being pierced suddenly sounded, and the man in the cat mask looked at the arm in front of his chest, his eyes belatedly showing fear, but it was already too late.

This terrifying scene caused the middle-aged man to stand there in a daze.

As the arm was pulled out, the blood spurted out immediately, and it flowed all over the ground in a blink of an eye. The man in the cat mask lost his vitality and fell to the ground powerlessly.

An Yan ignored the standing middle-aged man, but stepped on the dead body of the man in the cat mask and stepped into the room.

The death of the man in the cat mask has already made the rest of the people in the room react.

"It's the enemy!"

"Captain Protection."


After the initial confusion, those people in the room quickly prepared for the battle, blocking Polly who was originally sitting in the base commander's position.

This scene caused a flash of surprise in An Yan's eyes.

Originally, he thought that these people and Polly were just related to a small team, but now it seems...

These people are not so much teammates, but more like a team pulled together by Polly, and they are very loyal to Polly, the small captain.

But thinking about it carefully, An Yan was no longer surprised.

Because Polly ten years ago had a charm that could make people obey. During the three years in Italy, she established an underground consortium in a playful mood. As a result, she fled to Bingsheng City, but there were quite a few people in the consortium. They all followed.

three people?

In the huge room, besides Polly, there were actually only three people.

An Yan frowned, where did the others go?

He clearly remembered that there were about 30 people around Polly at first, even if he killed 13 of them... no, now there are 14 people, there are at least a dozen more.

Polly behind the desk raised her head, and she had already taken off the ghost mask on her face.

She has short blond hair, and her face is more mature than Polly's ten years ago. The only fly in the ointment is that on that beautiful cheek, there is a hideous scar extending from the left forehead to the chin. .

She looked at An Yan at the door, a stern look flashed in her blue eyes, but there was a slight smile on her face.

"Hehehe~~ I haven't seen you for a few days, my little brother has changed a lot."

There was a faint hint of charm in the hoarse and harsh voice, but whether it was the smile under the scar or the hoarse voice, she looked cold and terrifying.

"Have no idea."

An Yan stroked his beard and said with a smile: "For an invitation from a beautiful mature woman, of course I have to dress up and come to the appointment, not to mention..." He raised his hand and shook the Taku ring on his hand: "I You're here to pay back something."


"Though not now."

After An Yan finished speaking, his eyes fell on the three people in front of Polly, and a murderous intent flashed in his orange eyes.

The upper body bent slightly, and the soles of his feet suddenly stepped on the ground, An Yan rushed out! !

But as if anticipating that An Yan would do something, Polly behind the desk, before An Yan rushed out, got up, and at the same time, the desk in front of her slammed down on An Yan.

This scene made An Yan's eyes flash with surprise.

In just three short contacts, Polly seemed to have figured out her personality. Obviously, she was not idle these days, but was analyzing herself.

While the thoughts in his mind were spinning rapidly, An Yan punched the flying desk.


As the sawdust flew, An Yan's blocked vision was restored again.


It was no longer those three people who caught his eyes, but Polly with a strange smile on his face.


This scene immediately made An Yan frowned.

Although he had expected that Polly would use this method to block him, after all, he had shown too clearly the previous few times, but when Polly really did this...

After using himself as a shield to stop his actions, An Yan couldn't help but curse inwardly.

Crazy woman!

Because if she guessed wrong and An Yan would not show mercy to her, then she would be giving her life to others.

In the end, the crazy woman did so without hesitation.


The fist suddenly stopped in the air, blowing Polly's short blond hair dancing wildly. An Yan looked at Polly with gloomy eyes: "Aren't you afraid that I will really kill you?"

Polly didn't answer, but asked instead: "Is it useful to hide behind them?"

As for An Yan's strength, she who has been watching her fight with Lord Kikyo knows better than anyone else.

It's almost impossible to win!

This young man not only has a mysterious origin, but also what kind of purpose he has is extremely mysterious.

But judging from the previous two confrontations, the other party gave her the feeling that they were taking the team members around her... More strictly speaking, they were targeting the A-level members of the Mirufiore family.

Even sneaked into this base for this reason.

If this is really the case, then the other party will definitely come again, and the result is just like what she thought, the boy came again, and directly stared at the three people beside her.

In a head-to-head confrontation, there is no chance of winning!

But for some reason, the other party seemed to know her, and never did anything to her, and even let Aknos, who was robbed, protect him in the battle with Kikyo-sama.


No need to know why.

Just know that for yourself, this is the only advantage you have when facing the opponent.

Since it is an advantage, it must be used.

In order to win, do whatever it takes.

There is absolutely no escape from fear, only by giving everything including one's own life can victory be possible.

As it turned out, she won this time.

"If only I could have met someone like you thirteen years ago."

Looking at the immature face in front of her, Polly murmured to herself in an inaudible voice.


The murmuring sound was covered by the sound of the explosion in the next second. The walls around the room collapsed, and the flames of various attributes seemed to have been gathering momentum for a long time, covering both An Yan and Polly in the center of the room. among.

"No, I met you thirteen years ago!"

At the moment when the flames were about to fall, a gentle voice reached Polly's ears, making her startled.

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Amidst the huge explosion, the third floor of the castle, centered on the room where An Yan was located, exploded as if hit by a missile!

Shards of glass and concrete were flying, and smoke and dust rose into the sky.