
To see the Moon Elf Lord (1)

Since the moon elves living in the Immortal Glade felt the pulsating energy of the Moon Elf Lord, they felt an intense want to meet the Moon Elf Lord. They don't know what happened in the Amber Forest, but all they are certain about is that this desire to meet the Moon Elf Lord was engraved in their soul.

For this reason, they braved the dangerous wilderness of Immortal Glades.

Piero is one of the moon elves trying to meet the Moon Elf Lord. He came from the clan that utilizes the fury of the sky, the Kaldini lightning clan. Under normal circumstances, they would not leave the lightning-prone summit of Kaldini Mountain, the highest peak of the Thilbi Mountain Ranges, but since it is because of the extraordinary existence of the Moon Elf Lord, they enthusiastically went down their homeland to head south where the Amber Forest is located. From the elderly to the youngest, none of them agreed to be left behind.