"Jack! Please, don't leave me!"
"I... can't honey... this world needs heroes... heroes like me."
"Jack... you... you better come back safely, you hear me! Promise me!"
"Don't worry. I will, honey."
/And with that heart-wrenching goodbye, Jack jumped into the portal and Sarah got teleported back to earth. Years went by, but Jack never returne-/
10 years ago when I was still 7, me and my grandpa were watching TV.
/Although there were no signs of Jack coming back to her even after years, Sarah never gave up the hope that one day he will return to her side, will hold her in his warm embrace again. But 5 years after Jack's disappearence she found out she had terminal cancer-/
Why do I remember something so insignificant to this date, you ask?
/And without Jack's support and her hopes getting dimmer and dimmer every passing day, she died 2 months after the discover-/
Well, it truly was insignificant.
"Wowowow, easy there old man! Hey, eyes on me! Look here, deep breaths, you hear me? Deep breaths, breathing i~n, breathing o~ut."
But everytime I think about the shit I'm in, now. I can't help it but think about this day.
"Is he relapsing again?"
My big brother was coming out of the shower as he had just come back that day from overseas.
"Yeah, he's not young anymore, his recovery's not as strong as back in the days."
"Don't strain yourself old man, talk to me only once the risk that you're suddenly gonna die off, is less."
"Why's he relapsing though? When did he strain himself?"
Now that I think about it, wasn't it actually much more comfortable when that old man couldn't talk shit nonstop?
"Well, he's been laughing his ass off at shitty indian dramas the whole day already, I would be more surprised if he actually DIDN'T relapse."
"Everthing alright again, old man? So, what did you want to tell me?"
"*huff*...oh nothing, just that you should SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU LIL SHIT! Dammit! I had a great time there until YOU FUCKER ruined it all!"
In hindsight, he should have taken my age more into consideration there. I mean, he always had a foul mouth, but dammit gramps I was 7!
"Hey grandpa, long time no see."
"...Who're you, punk?"
Yeaaaaaah, he was always a li~ttle bit forgetful.
"...AH! First mistake! Is that you?!"
...and he had a hobby of being an ass.
/And now an interview with the author of 'Revelations: Death Flag':
"Hello! I am your reporter Gabriella Fraser and next to me sits Reyansh Anand, the author of the new trending drama 'Revelations: Death Flag'. Mr. Anand, what inspired you to write this masterpiece?"
"Ah, ello missis Fraiser, id is en onor do bi ir dodey. As for the inspiration, when I as a lidl boi I always red comic buks abot parallel iuniverses. So when I gru ap, I wanted to sher mai drims with the whole world."
"I see, well then-/
"Fantastic isn't it?"
I remember being dazed and only coming out of it when my big brother suddenly said that.
"Whaddya mean first mistake?"
"... I'm just gonna ignore that. I meant parallel universes or the likes. Just imagine how fantastic it would be, for another world to exist parallel to ours, or even within ours. So close to us, yet so far away at the same time."
He had no fucking idea how close he was to the real deal at that time and fuck that's not fantastic, more like fucktastic or, a shituation to be in.
"Shut it, you're making my head spin with your weird ass sudden philosophical remarks. Get yer ass over here so I can beat the shit out of you."
"Wha- No! Stop grandpa- I just came out of the showe- UGH!"
"HAHAHAHA! Suffer!"
Like I said, at the beginning, it was an insignificant day, nothing really special happened.
But when I think back to it,
I always wanna beat my brother's ass for raising that death flag higher than the Mount Everest.
Sup guys.
Your man is back after a few days and I know that I said I'd post new chapters ASAP, but you see, I wasn't sure if I should post the prologue I had prepared, so I made another one and this is it.
I hope ya'll like it so far and if some of you are disappointed with the length(~700 words, not very long), don't be, cuz guys, this is the PROLOGUE, ya'll know what that means? Yeah right, Papa Parktos won't disappoint ya'all with the length of the next chapters, hehe.
Apart from that if any of you have something to say or to tell me, just express yourself, there ain't a comment section for nothing after all.
Well, hope to have you next time reading too,
Peace out.