
Theory Collection

Don't read my theories if you don't want to read nonsense.

RolerCoaster · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Intelligence x Emotions

 Intelligence is an important part of a human's life, especially in this day and age, we've come so far that your intelligence is more important than physical strength since it's the only way to move humanity forward and we've come into possession of such powerful weapons like guns and nukes, we really need to be smart to not cause chaos. Intelligent people are also more likely to be in control of their lives and what happens around them.

 Emotions are also a huge part of us, since without them, we would've gone extinct long ago. We react to different information through our emotions, no matter what the information is, you still feel something, even if it's minuscule. Also, different people have different reactions to things.

 In trying to chase higher levels of knowledge, it's necessary to know where you're going, otherwise you will just get lost, or find your way out if you're really lucky. I want to connect these 2 things to figure out how we work and operate and observe others and what they're doing.

 We know that people have different reactions to different information, so let me ask you a question: Do people see the same thing? The answer is: no, they don't. Let's take a chess player as an example:

let's pick up one average person and make him play chess, let's say he makes a move, but he's still looking at the board intensely. After that, his enemy makes a move and takes advantage of the move they just made and wins. Soon after, the guy's reaction changes, which means he sees that his piece got taken. Alright, now let's just move back to where he made the mistake, and the guy knows that he will lose, but the move was already made, he will have a different reaction after he made the move. So in a sense, he had 2 different reactions to the same chess move, he's the same guy but has higher intelligence.

 Here's the kicker now, if someone can't change what emotions they feel when they take in information, but after a while the way they react to information changes, wouldn't that mean that what they see changed?

 How do we apply this information to real life? With this knowledge, you can figure out someone's intelligence or at least, what they see. Everything I've said up till now is basically common knowledge, or at least we know this subconsciously.

 Next chapter, I'll probably talk about how to raise intelligence if I feel like it.