
The Past

"As far as I can tell, he simply fainted from too much stress. A little rest and he'll be fine."

Theo grumbled and tossed his body when he heard the unfamiliar voice speaking, and the emperor Darius jumped to his side.

"Theo! Oh, my boy, I'm so sorry! Are you awake now?"

Theo grumbled some more then tried to open his eyes. When he finally managed to look around at his surroundings, he was shocked to find himself lying down in a bed of what felt like clouds. Right next to him was the emperor, holding his hand. And behind him was Theodore's father, looking worried, and as though he was about to scold Darius. On the other side of the bed, the empress was standing with a look of motherly concern. And in front of her, a strange old man was crouching down observing him.

"Darius!" Benedict called, "You're just going to cause him to faint again!"

The emperor let go of Theodore's hand and jumped up, "Oh you're right! I'm sorry Theodore!" He seemed genuinely apologetic.

Theodore was still trying to absorb the situation, and his father noticed.

"You fainted in the ballroom, Theo. The emperor and empress and I brought you here to rest, and then called a doctor to check on your condition. You are alright, just a little exhausted."

"Exactly," The doctor chimed in, "You just need to make sure to avoid anything too stressful or shocking for now."

"So, I have to avoid the emperor and empress?" Theodore looked scared, then realizing what had just come out of his mouth, slapped his hands over his lips.

Benedict frowned for a second, almost confused, then burst into laughter.

The emperor looked ready to cry, "Theo… my boy, how could you say such a thing."

Benedict kept laughing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry your imperial majesty! I didn't mean it really!" Theodore was trying to get out of the bed to apologize, but the empress stepped in and stopped him.

"Alright that's enough everyone," she seemed to be suppressing a laugh as well, "How we all take a seat, and then we can calmly explain to Theodore what is happening, so that he understands."

There was a general nod of agreement around the room, and the doctor was dismissed.

Theodore turned to his father first, "So… how do you know the emperor, father?"

"Well, Theo, it's a long story, but here's the short version. Darius and I went to school together for four years. After he was made crown prince, I was enlisted in the imperial magician knightage."

"What is that?" Theodore already had a million questions.

"Ah, that's the group of people who work for the imperial family using their magic to fight and protect us," Darius told Theodore. He was no longer on the verge of tears.

Theodore nodded.

Benedict continued, "We were very close, even when our busy schedules kept us separated, and people didn't like Darius coveting with someone so below him," Theodore watched his father scowl at foul memories, then continue, "And then one day, someone stole away my best friend's heart."

Benedict glanced at the empress in mock hatred, and she giggled. Theodore almost laughed himself.

"Hera was a princess who had come from a far away country, and she was visiting our kingdom on official business. But that didn't stop Darius from courting her. The officials here looked favorably on the idea of marriage between the two, as it would be a political gain for our country. But Hera's country had different opinions." Benedict fell off the story, seeming even more pained than when he had begun.

Hera started it up again, "My father didn't approve of the idea, he considered it a loss to his kingdom. He didn't want to lose more influence when our power was already dwindling. I tried to convince him that Darius and I were in love, and my beloved would do anything to help our country, but he did not believe me. He thought Magadha was only after our knowledge and resources and would use the marriage as an excuse to take everything belonging to us. I should have walked away and gone home. But Darius and I really were madly in love," Hera's voice became desperate as she continued, "And I never should have dragged you into our mess Benedict, but we had no one else to turn to."

The empress was crying. Theodore was concerned now; afraid he'd brought up a subject to sacred a topic to talk so casually about. He felt guilty for making such a caring woman cry.

"No, Hera. I wanted to help." Benedict reached for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Yes," the emperor continued, "Benedict did us a grand favor, and helped us to insinuate a war."

Theodore gasped.

The emperor smiled, "While my father thought the marriage would be advantageous, he didn't want to go so far as to start a war over Hera, and there was nothing I could do. But the more I got to know my wife, the more she told me about her country, and I was horrified to hear of the corruption rooted so deeply in her people's lives. She carried a burden of guilt with her every day, feeling as though she was a failure of a princess, being unable to help her people more. And then, it was about more than our love for each other, it was our love for the common good. I went to my father one last time and explained the situation. He was still unconvinced. That was when we went to Benedict."

The emperor glanced at his old friend, and the magician smiled, "Darius asked me to go investigate Hera's country and collect evidence of the corruption there. And so I did, and Darius was right. The people of that country were suffering terribly, and suddenly it became all of our missions to help. I went to the emperor and showed him my findings. And finally, with both the support of the palace magicians, and the faction of the crown prince, the emperor was convinced, and a war was instigated."

Benedict stopped then, not wanting to continue.

"The rest is pretty much history, and I think one day your father will tell you the details," Darius looked at Theodore, "But for now all you need to know is we went through some tough times together, and oh! After the war was over, I granted your father the title of Duke!"

Theodore's eyes widened, "You never told me I was heir to a duchy!"

Benedict's frown vanished and suddenly he was laughing again, "Sorry, Theo. I had almost forgotten myself."

"But Charles told me the Gonidium house has been around for centuries."

"Charles didn't lie, but we weren't always a duchy. Before the war we were simple Viscounts."

"I see…" Theodore was too lost in thought to ramble off the thousands of questions he had swarming around in his head.

"Well!" The empress Hera clapped her hands together, "I think that's enough for today! Why don't we go back and enjoy my son's party?"

"Yes, my dear, that sounds like a lovely idea!"

Benedict nodded agreement, and everyone stood to leave.

"Um, u-uncle?"

Darius whipped his head around.

"Can I still call you that?"

Everyone stared at the emperor, and he suddenly burst into tears.

"Of course, Theo! Of course!"