
Staying Hidden

 "We're going to a party? Really?" Theodore's eyes were sparkling.

            "Yes, Theo. An incredibly special party." Benedict smiled at his son's enthusiasm.

            "Will I get to wear fancy clothes?"

            "Yes, and eat lots of good food."

            "That's even better!"

            Theodore bounced around the sitting room, full of excitement. On a whim he created an air current and sent it rushing after his father. Suddenly, Benedict was in the air, floating off the coach.

            "Oh-ho!" Benedict exclaimed, "So you can even lift me now!"


            Laughter filled the room, "Alright Theo, you can put me down now. I'm too old for this."


            Benedict was gently set back down on the sofa, and he beamed with pride for his ever-improving magical son. It had been difficult even for him to lift people at such an age. Theodore really was a genius. And suddenly the old magician took on a much more serious tone.

            "Now Theo," Benedict started, and his son paid rapt attention, "This might be hard for you to understand, but I want you to keep your magic hidden outside of the house."

            "Really? Why?" Theo was not questioning his father's judgement but showing his natural curiosity.

            "Well Theo, you are very special, and that will attract a lot of attention. Sometimes, unwanted attention. Bad people might come after you because of your skill in performing magic, and I want you to be safe." Benedict explained.

            "Bad people?" Theodore looked at his father, "Like the ones you tell me about in stories?"

            "Yes, Theo, exactly like them."

            "Okay, I will hide my magic." And suddenly the little boy appeared very determined and dramatic. His father couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm.

            "So, Father, when do we leave?" Theodore's eyes were sparkling.

            "The party will be held in a week's time, and while we're waiting, you'll have to take some special lessons on etiquette." Benedict's tone had an amused shade to it.

            "Etiquette?" Theodore didn't really like the sound of that word.

            "Yes, how to behave properly."

            Theodore really didn't like the sound of that. And then, Benedict couldn't hold it in anymore, and he burst into unrestrained laughter. His son's expressions were just too much for the old man. Theodore was confused at first, but then joined in, unable to resist the charismatic quality of his father's laughter. The room was filled with love that day.

            One week until the party.