
Chapter 3

The night went on as the town folk was having a blast at this function even had a play room set up for the younger children with toys and bouncy houses along with all sorts of food like candy,pizza,burgers and snacks you'd find at a carnival.

They also had a room for the younger teens with karaoke, games along with a D.J. for music while the art was on the other side of the building so the other rooms wouldn't have the separate music interfering with the adults.

Riley was watching Alexis and Blair's reaction to the portraits of themselves which she knows the bodies isn't 100% to what the two women possess but she's knows that it's close from her observation.

" so you and your other isn't dating anymore, what happen last week you all was so in love " Alexis said as she was looking at a drawing of some black and white picture that sorta reminds her of a beast like humanoid shape but it has no profound features.

" well it's really none of your business anyway" Blair hisses out trying to not draw attention to the two, Alexis chuckles then shakes her head.

" well I'm sure even if your interested in someone new you'll end up just hurting them once your popularity gets in the way and you'll end up back with the jock" Alexis said with a sneer as Blair huffs then walks away heading over to where Riley is, Rae was listening to their Convo and when Blair leaves she walks over to Alexis.

" oh so that was the fling you had six months ago, well you are only twenty years old and both of us having our high school degrees at fourteen...well we already finished several of our college degrees, hell even having a couple PhDs under us. Some of these small minded people here will harbor grievances against us even though we are only two years older than these girls oh plus them being girls they'll hate us even more..ha ha " Rae said as Alexis takes her wine glass away finishing the drink off for Rae while she watches Blair's hand holding onto Riley's arm while speaking to a group of people.

A woman with black hair walks past them staring at the picture that also caught Alexis and Rae's attention of the creature like black and white as a man in his sixties walks over putting a sold sign below the picture. He then walks two pictures down to another one that is similar to this picture but it seems to be a winged humanoid creature flying above a decrepted large house but like the same with the other the creatures features was all shadowed.

" hey that house isn't that the old Mayweather manor on top of the mountain...Lord it's been years since I've thought about that place, the stories the old folks use to tell us growing up..lol" Rae said laughing about how scared the girls use to be but would still ride their ATVs or horses to go up there to only quickly leave because of it's eariness.

" I remember that we was wanting to solve the old murders that happened hundred years ago there, your grandpa said it was a bear that killed the family and workers....I still wonder what happened to the wealthy family daughter her body was the only one not found and your great great grandpa was the mayor back then" Rae said

Alexis's face lit up thinking about the story, she remembers her father told her when she was older he'd give her the things that was kept about the case so she made a mental note to ask him tonight.

Riley walks back over with Blair still clinging onto her, she had a smile on her face until she looks at the womans back with long black hair coming to her waist. Rae thought of how the woman reminds her of an old group from Korea called black pink she looked like the Lisa girl, she could feel how Riley's demeanor changed and so could the others.

" Riley can we look at the photos you took" Alexis said as both Blair and Rae agreed with her, she leads us to another room that had hundreds of pictures of different sizes but the large one of the Mayweather's house caught all three of our attention.

" I love that place even though it's sorta creepy all the flowers and greenery makes it beautiful" Riley said as she scans her eyes over the photo, Alexis was on her other side and decides to intertwine their hands together as she smiles when Riley gently squeezes her hand back.

The night was getting late as all the younger children with their parents have left leaving a couple dozen people still chatting while looking over the art.

All of the pictures with the Mayweather's house or drawings of it along with the black and white creature art has sold signs on them, Alexis notices the woman from earlier has kept her eyes on Riley not loosing her for a moment.

" you girls ready to go home, we got a busy day tomorrow" Sheriff Monroe said walking over to his daughter and her friend who is like a daughter to him, she has those bodies to still work on to find anything useful to see if the ones that look like an animal attack is actually what it is but the blood missing means that it can't possibly be that.

" oh dad you remember when we were twelve you promised to give me your grandpa's things on the Mayweather's" Alexis said as her father's face went pale alarming all of them.

" D-Dad what's wrong " Alexis said as she quickly steadies her father who gives her a weak smile as he shakes his head.

" just a bit tired...I might take tomorrow off and get Leon to cover for me" Sheriff Monroe said as Alexis made a face scrunching her nose up in distaste, Leon was six years older than her and he would basically harass her everyday for a date. One day she did accept a dinner since her father said it wouldn't hurt to at least be friends with the guy since he was her father's right hand man possibly the one who would take the sheriff position if someone who was better didn't come along.

The man had to much to drink and had wondering hands, he also forced a kiss on her which ended him having Alexis's knee meet his nuts and he has layed off somewhat but still sends her flowers among other gifts to the school.

" yeah when we get home I'll give it to you and Rae make sure you help her check the things out since you have the lab" Sheriff Monroe said as his eyes looked hazy as if he is in deep thought.

(" I never thought how these cases remind me of the stories back when my grandpa was the mayor, it wasn't just the Mayweather's who died those few years but over thirty people lost their lives....it sounds connected because of the bodies but hell my grandpa was in his forties when these cases happened.") Sheriff Monroe thought to himself as ridiculous as it sounds it wouldn't hurt to check the only lead they have since the bodies have the same wound patterns as they did back then.

Riley heard what they spoke about and she got excited when hearing this, Alexis smiles at her and looks around not seeing that woman any longer also how the place only had one or two people around.

" hey girls let's go, your two friends said they'd call you later since their sitters were only able to stay til eleven tonight and those two are good together " Sheriff Monroe said with a small laugh, Riley was happy hearing that the two guys the girls came with was a couple.

" Blair do you want us to drop you off " Sheriff Monroe said as Alexis smiles at the girl to let her know it was fine, Blair looks over to Riley with a shy smile.

" umm I was hoping that Riley could see me home " Blair said, Alexis's smile falters when she furrows her brows and Rae pinches her side making Alexis yelp.

" ahh you ass !!" Alexis shouts out as the others laugh while she rubs her side glaring at Rae when a voice interrupts them, Connor walks over draping his arm around Riley's shoulder.

" Riley Tai " Connor said as everyone looked at him with confusion as to the second name he said, Riley was glaring at him.

" it's her middle name but I'm sorry Blair right? well there is someone who bought all of her art that needs to speak with her since it's also a investor in the company, there is a problem that has to be dealt with" Connor said with a serious face, Sheriff Monroe nods in understanding while Blair looks pissed.

" well Blair I'll take your number I'd like for them to drop you off so I'll know that you get home safe, I know the curfew was suspended for tonight and I do appreciate it Sheriff." Riley said as Blair smiles at her with her hand out for Riley's phone she even sent a text to her own phone so she could have Riley's number, when she was handing the phone back Rae grabs it doing the same thing putting hers and Alexis's in it.

" well let's go" Rae said kissing Riley on the cheek then pushes Alexis over to her where Alexis does the same thing, Blair smirks at them and pulls Riley in for a gentle kiss on her lips.

" ok we're going come on girls" Sheriff Monroe said pulling all three of them along side him as he waves good bye and stops to tell the deputies what to do along with the volunteers.

" Connor watch them all four, send two to follow the Monroe's along with Rae I believe she's staying with them, I want you to sit on Blair's place" Riley said as she walks to a set of steps that lead to her upstairs office where she knows Emilia is waiting as she watches Connor leave with the two other men to protect her new friends.

When she enters her office she finds Emilia sitting on top of her desk with her legs crossed while holding two glasses of wine and also smirking at Riley.

" oh how I've missed you " Emilia said while uncrossing her legs, Riley walks up to her and takes the wine glass from her and takes a large drink.

" I've missed you too but don't even think about touching them or their families, don't piss me off Emilia" Riley said grabbing Emilias jaw harshly while staring into her eyes.

" you know I only hurt the guilty" Emilia said as she leans in trailing kisses from Riley's lips down to her neck, she softly sucks on her neck as a knock interrupts them making Emilia groan.

" come inside" Riley said making her way to her chair in front of her desk as Emilia hops off the desk walking over to refill her glass with a bottle that was made of white jade.

A woman with red hair and hazel eyes walks in wearing a a white button up long sleeve shirt with a tight fitting pencil skirt with four inch heels on.

" oh wth are you doing here" Emilia said chugging down the wine, well it is wine with something else added to it.

" well you know where Tai goes I will go " Lillian said with a smile and Emilia rolling her eyes at the girl, these women including Riley (Tai) all look like goddesses so does the other three women that Riley is interested in.

For Riley there's no point getting jealous for she likes to have several lovers some isn't to serious while others are, she also hates for someone else to touch one unless she is with them and they all sleep together.

" you know that if you buy all of her work no one else will be able to and it kind of defeats the purpose of us making more money if you use it to buy things we already own" Lillian said sitting down on Riley's lap and Emilia rolls her eyes, she loves her girlfriends work also to fill up their places with it.

" Connor said that some of our people had spotted something coming from Blair's back yard near the forest line, it could be nothing but I've sent two more people to patrol her street which also has the Monroe's house on the same block ....Those two girls are geniuses so I recommend all of us to be careful, we don't know how excepting they'll be of us or having to share you with us" Lillian said pulling out a tablet showing right screens where they have drones covering the town, the wall slides open where a large screen shows over twenty slots with different places they have cameras and drones at even the Mayweather house has several inside and out of it.

" the workers will be arriving from our company in the city to start renovations on the place, I have also sent them work showing what it originally looked like inside and out. If there's something else you two want to add then send it to my email so I can forward it.... Another question honey if that Blair girl decides that she still wants her boy toy, will you leave her alone, persuade or lose your temper " Lillian said dragging her fingers through This hair, Riley leans forward keeping her eyes on the screens on the wall squinting her eyes when she notices movement near Blair's house.