
Theirs To Reclaim

Not all arranged marriages end up having a perfect happily ever after. Riley Blake discovered this harsh reality firsthand when, just after finding out about a possible pregnancy, she faced divorce and abuse from her husbands. Cutting all ties, she started a new life in a city. Now, five years later, Riley has returned to her former pack. But this time she's disguised as the male forensic pathologist Cole Blake, investigating a spreading disease. What happens when a gust of wind blows off course and her scent is revealed? Will her ex-husbands be the parachute she needs or will they question their sexuality when they find out that the male scientist is their mate? This is my first story guys, please do support me and I promise to write you all a story you will enjoy. This book is participating for the 2024 WSA. Thanks for your support in advance!

Yule_Teller · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Chapter 3



My Tummy growled with hunger as I turned the pages of the file, my eyes scanning the details of our latest client. 

The man had died of a rare disease. It was said he fought more than five men alone, succeeding in killing two and leaving the other three in a very severe state. 

The symptoms here were said to be irritation and anger, coupled with epistaxis which instantly led to his death. 

As I began to type in the data into my laptop, my phone started to ring, breaking my concentration. I was tempted to ignore the call and return it later, as I dislike being distracted while working.

But on second thought, I decided to answer it. A soft smile made its way to my lips at the sight of the caller ID. It was Clinton, Alpha of the Moon Stone Pack. Clinton has been like a brother to me since he took me in five years ago, after my mates rejected me. He provided for me and my children, and supported me as I went back to school to become a forensic pathologist. I will forever be grateful to him. 

"Hello love, good afternoon." His voice was warm and inviting, with a friendly and cheerful tone. 

I couldn't help but smile as I heard the Alpha's familiar hum, basking in his good spirit. "Good afternoon, Alpha," I said, twirling in my chair. There was something comforting about the way he hummed, and I always felt more cheerful and optimistic when I was around him.

"I called to ask you if you have any appointments now? It's your break time and we both could use the time and grab lunch together. What do you say?"

I glanced at the clock on the left side of my office, noting that I had just forty three minutes left before my break was over. 

I was about to decline, but my grumbling stomach made me reconsider. "Sure, I have 43 minutes left before I have to go back to work. That should be enough for a quick bite or two."


"So shall I come and get you or will you come with your car?" 

"I will meet you there to save time." I stated firmly. 

"I'll send you the details now," he said before hanging up. I made sure to save the data on my laptop before shutting it down. Running a hand through my burgundy hair, I smoothed out my dress, relieved that it was suitable for a lunch outing. I reached for my handbag and crutch just as a notification chimed on my phone.

I quickly scanned the details and a smile spread across my face. Without wasting a moment, I dashed out of my office. As I reached my car, a stunning Red Bugatti Chiron, a lavish birthday gift from Clinton four months ago, I hopped in and sped down the road towards the Elites Golden Restaurant.

Like the name says, it's a restaurant with VIPs . I had begged him to stop taking me there, knowing there were other places that sold even better foods than there. 

I didn't like how he spent his money on me, almost as though I was leading him on when I knew there would never be anything between us. 

Although he hasn't made advances at me, I couldn't pass the looks he threw my way as friendly. 

If there was any man that I'd like to come into my life and those of my children, that would be Clinton. He was what every woman would want in a man. He was handsome, caring and kind. It doesn't help that he took care of my children like his own. But for a reason, the thought of having a relationship with him or any other man didn't sit well with me. 

I found solace in the three angels bestowed upon me by the moon goddess. Sean and Sierra were a bundle of energy, keeping me on my toes, while Shane, like me, possessed a quiet nature. The mere thought of them filled me with a comforting warmth, serving as the pillars of my happiness. They were the reason I found strength after all I've been through in the hands of their fathers. 

Soon I sighted the restaurant Clinton was waiting for me in and I stopped my car in front of it, before climbing down and walking inside. 

It was not hard to search for Alpha Clinton Joshua. His beauty was undeniable, as he always stood out from the rest. 

He waved at me and I carefully made my way towards him, while plastering a smile on my face. Clinton stood up and pushed out a chair for me, watching as I settled into it before returning to his seat. 

"You look gorgeous like always." He winked at me while he took me in.

I took in his appearance as a soft chuckle escaped my lips. "You don't look too bad yourself, Alpha." He was dressed in a dark blue shirt and blank pants, his black suit resting on the arm of his seat. 

His smile quickly dissolved, replaced by a frown. "It's Clinton to you, Riley. I don't understand why you insist on formalities." His tone was bitter. 

I shrugged, "That's because you are Alpha, Clinton. We are in a public place and it'll be disrespectful to address you by your name." 

He watched me for a while before he shook his head and called out to a waiter. A waiter arrived and took our orders. 

"So where do you plan on taking the kids? It's their birthday tomorrow." He probed, his expression serious. 

Inhaling and exhaling, I knotted my fingers and fluttered my lashes. "I'm still thinking about it. I had a list written down but I'm rather confused at which one to pick from." 

The waiter arrived with our orders and I dug into my roll of shawarma and ice cream while Clinton munched his steak, which was his favorite. 

"I was thinking, maybe after the kids finish celebrating with their friends, we could take them for a swim. It would be a great way for us all to enjoy ourselves, and it would give you some time to take a break."

I almost jumped in my seat in excitement, pleased with the idea. "That's a superb idea, let's do this."

I brought up the subject of his mate but he refused to take a chosen mate, hinting that the one person whom he had an eye for was in love with someone else. I didn't ask him who that person was, knowing I was the one. 

After we had lunch, I drove back to the hospital, eager to finish my work and hand it over to my boss. 

It was half an hour later when I was ready to submit my work. With all the details of Late Charles safely inputted in the system, I printed it out and dashed towards my boss's office. 

I knocked once and was immediately ushered in. Dr. Chase was pulling up the sleeve of his shirt just as I shut the door behind me. After exchanging greetings, he offered me a seat. 

"I have something to discuss with you, Dr Blake." He began, his lips pressed into a thin line as he held my gaze. I tipped my head into a frown, wondering what this was all about. Whenever he was nervous about something, he always addressed me formally. 

"Before we begin, may I have the file I asked you to prepare?" He requested, and I handed him the file. 

"I received a letter from another pack today, requesting for the service of a pathologist." I nodded, wondering where this was heading to. "A very influential man died in their pack and his sons are head bent on finding out the source of his death, and currently, their pathologist recently died and they had not been able to get a replacement." A brief silence issued between us as we stared at each other. Coughing slightly, he continued, "and from what I've heard, it's the same rare disease with this Mr Charles. And I'd be needing my best staff, so that's where you come in."

I sat quiet for an instant before realization dawned on me. I was supposed to leave my home for the supposed pack. What about my safety and those of my children? I had been targeted twice and we believed it was connected to this case. Whoever it was that was killing people with this dangerous disease that we were yet to uncover was behind my stalking and an attempt on my life. That was why he and Clinton made sure I always returned home in time, so that I'd be in the safety of my house.

As though reading my thoughts, he grabbed my hands, but I was quick to swat them away. 

"If it's about your safety, the pack has promised to protect you with their lives." He paused and looked everywhere but my face. "But you won't be leaving with the triplets."

"Why not?" I was instantly on my feet, glaring daggers at him, not minding whether he was my boss or not. Anyone who would try to come between my children and I would be certain to have a death wish. 

"Why won't I be leaving with my children, that is, if I'd be leaving at all?" I shrieked, a loud sound echoing in the office as my right palm made contacts with his desk. 

"That's because you will be returning to the Crimson Shadow Pack. Your ex-husbands are the only ones who are in dire need of your services." 

I felt like someone squeezed my throat, as I stumbled back on my seat, just as everything suddenly went still. 

I didn't know how much time had passed, but when I came to, I found Alex watching me with a mild expression. He pointed to a file in front of me, giving me a quick nod. Taking it up, I heard him say, "This is the letter that was sent. I believe you'll want to go through it yourself."

"Why?" I inquired dryly. "Why are you doing this to me, Alex?"

"That's because the dead man in question is the late King Amos Cedric." 

Two seconds. 

That was all it took for a terrorizing scream to leave my mouth. 

This is my first book ever, and I'm just exploring. If you like my work so far, kindly sit tight and grab a popcorn. Love you!!

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