

"What the hell happened to you both?"

I stared at the appearances of my best friends, Paige and Jamie. They looked trashed. Like they went into war or something.

"Okay, so we heard a news." Jamie started. "We would have a new classmate and he is totally hot."

"He's totally hot! I assure you. I saw him earlier in the Dean's office. Trust me, Geiyianne! Plus, he's from Denmark!" Paige said excitedly.

"Hot his face!" I rolled my eyes. Both of them, haggard and head over heels to that transferee. "Wait, have you seen him? Clearly did?"

They paused and nodded to me chorally. Argh, they probably fell easily to that guy. Dane, huh? `Kay.

"Are you interested?" Paige asked while raising an eyebrow at me.

I shook my head. "No. He's all yours, mind you, I don't want to enter a relationship again, he might leave like what my ex did. One question, how the hell did you know that he is our classmate and he's from Denmark?"

"Oh, darling Geiyianne, we have connections from inside the office especially for hot men like that cute transferee. Ehem. Can't forget Erol?"

That name gave me the nerves. I don't even want to hear that name or any name who ghosted some girl in one point of their pitiful lives. "Oh, shut up. I'll make you eat the cadaver we'll be dissecting later."

"Ewwww!" They both made funny disgusted faces and I laughed at them.

So yeah, this is pretty much us in college. Me being the medial and both of my crazy friends are gluteus maximus. It's up to you to look up what I meant there.

I study here in Seattle. I study my pre-medicine major, a Biology major. I dreamed to be a doctor so this is the best that you get from me.

I'm just a simple kid trying to earn my college diploma and college is hell. Super. I'm already in my fourth year, ready to graduate but it seemed like I'm near not graduating because it got very tougher and I curse my college.

My friends and I were walking towards the entrance of the school cafeteria to get some lunch. Having known that we have a three-hour vacant for the whole day, all we do is grub and stroll around the campus if the time permits us to. We all got our foods and was on our table when a commotion started just right outside the cafeteria. Paige and Jamie are natural nosy girls so their necks are starting to break now trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening outside.

I continued on my food but I did try to get something from the crowd outside. Three suited men were standing like statues outside the cafeteria doors and a tall guy went in. He was very tall, probably more than six feet. His body was toned and perfectly built. Youth was flashed on his face but a hint of maturity is mixed with the aura he was giving off. His face was serious and proud. From afar, you can see his sculpted jawline and nose. He was an example of the clean-cut type guy but I think it made him hotter that way. Not the usual type for girls but my type. I'm just awed with his appearance like he stepped out of a magazine.

Right in front of me was Paige and Jamie with mouth flew open with the sight of the Greek god entering the area. Their eyes followed the guy and their faces red when he sat on the table next to ours. I looked at him and he nodded to me. Paige and Jamie returned looking at me.

"He's really hot," said Jamie.

"He's really not," I deny. If I found someone attractive and they knew, they would ship it and they would do the magic.

"It's written all over your face, Geiyianne, you were staring at him and he looked at you. He noticed you!"

I raised an eyebrow. "Your conclusions are pretty creepy, you know?"

"Just tell us. We will do the rest!" Paige excitedly muttered.

I slowly shook my head and just disappointed my friends. Well that's better for me. More silenced environment than a ruckus with a man in it, right? I continued with my food. Paige and Jamie got up and they went to get more food. Such hungry boars.

From the right side, I can see the instant famous guy through my peripheral vision. He was silently eating alone and from time to time, I can see him glance at my direction. I just play innocent like I don't notice and just ate my food. When Paige and Jamie got back, we left the cafeteria and I saw him watch us leave. His gaze was familiar. Like he knew me. Does he know me?

The class was waiting for the professor for this anatomy and physiology class. Paige and Jamie were busy rewriting their notes for another class and I was just staring at the realistic anatomic model in front of me. The whole classroom was noisy with their own business and I was busy contemplating whether I would talk to Mr. Muscle in front of me or not. I would be creepy if I did so I just buried my face between my folded arms on the table.

Moments later, the whole classroom went silent so my head automatically jolted up because it might be our teacher but it was just the goody new student from the cafeteria. He was looking for an empty seat but the seat on my right was the only empty seat since I was in front. Whoever occupies the front row?

He immediately went next to me and settled himself there. Okay, so I now I have the excuse to talk to him but I still stared at Mr. Muscle in front of me. Paige was poking my waist and I glared at her.

"What the hell?" I mouthed at her.

The devil just smiled and returned on writing. After some moments, I buried my face again between my arms and after some seconds, I heard him greet me or was it someone?

"Hi!" I heard him say.

I moved my head sideways until I see him with my head still rested on my arms. He was looking at me. I just noticed the blue-green color of his eyes. They hold a wonder. They were magnificent. My eyes were just plain clear sky blue that complemented my pale skin and chocolate colored hair.

"Uhm… hi?" I muttered.

"I'm Victor. You are?" His accent was different. It was a mix of British and east part of Europe accent.

I can't find my tongue but the pen poking on my waist from Paige was annoying so I squeak, "I'm Geiyianne. Where are you from?" Duh, Geiyianne, playing dead? Paige and Jamie already told you where he came from earlier.

"I'm from Denmark." Now his accent is clearly British.

I nodded. With respect, I pulled my head upwards and smiled at him. "Well, I'm from Seattle!"

He chuckled, and his eyes were shining. It was like I stared at his eyes for so long. It's like I knew him before. "Obvious, isn't it, Geiyianne?" he said and the way he said my name was like he was used to calling me.

Oh, my thoughts never really do me good.

"It is obvious. Why did you transfer here in the States though?"

"I needed a new environment and it is like a training ground outside my norm."

I nodded. At least there's one who went out of his comfort zone and was adventurous enough to be here in my country. His gaze was my melting point like it turned on hidden switches that I myself don't know existed. There was something in his eyes that I want to know what it was hiding or the stories they could tell.

I smiled like a fool in front of him. "Bear with me, I suffer from a retrograde amnesia and it would likely not be treated with the years I've had it. I don't know who is who, which is which and etcetera."

"Oh, no worries. You're safe with me."

He smiled and I felt a nerve snap in my head and I saw an image flash in my head where I hear a boy wiping my tears.

"You're safe with me…" His face was blurred out and I felt the hard throbbing of my head. It was painful but bearable. Fudge. I held my head and pressed it hard. I can see that Victor was panicking.

"Geiyianne, are you okay?" he asked. I nodded and I tried calming my system down. It was still throbbing but after pressing my temples hard, it was slowly fading away. I shook my head when I felt the throbbing lessen and gave Victor a thrifted smile.

"I'm okay. I told you, bear with me if you'll be my seatmate for the rest of the year."

After Victor tried calming my system down, the professor for this laboratory class arrived and he was obviously late and not even a hint of apology was traced on his face. Professors in college are a pain in the ass especially those who don't even teach well.

"Good morning, class. So today is our second meeting. Today, we will talk about the course proper and we will be meeting a new student from overseas. Come in front Mr. Crisford so you can introduce yourself to everybody."

I smiled at him and he stood up. All eyes were focused on him. Paige and Jamie stopped writing to pay attention to the newbie in front of us all.

"Hi! I'm Victor Crisford, originally from Copenhagen, Denmark but now from Bellevue, Seattle. I'm glad to be of acquaintance to all of you and to you, Mr. Brown." He nodded to our professor. "I hope to unleash all what this school and major has to offer. Thank you."

His voice was like sent from heaven. We were all ears and eyes on him and everyone just fell silent when he spoke. His accent was sexy and he was very masculine. Only the girls in the back were silent, I was expecting them purring or whatsoever with them drooling with the sight of the Greek god who just sat beside me.

"Okay, moving on. Welcome to the family, Victor. You wouldn't regret choosing the university." Victor smiled and we all listened to Mr. Brown. "Today, we will be choosing partners for this class. Now, please choose whoever you would want to hate until this semester is over."

I looked at Paige and Jamie and the devils are already paired. They stuck their tongues out to me and I sniggered at them. I looked at Victor, he smiled but three girls approached him already.

"Oh, Victor, can we be partners? I wouldn't hate you for the rest of my life."

"Victor, I will give you straight A's if I'll be your partner."

"Hey, hottie, I can be your partner here in class and outside."

Victor seemed confused so I just looked around, finding someone sitting alone and maybe try to recruit them in the nerd world. Someone I can literally hate for the rest of the semester. I saw one girl alone in the corner, who looks like the world is her burden with her dark eyes and black clothing. I gulped and when I was about to stand to walk to her for recruitment, I felt an arm wrapped around my shoulder.

I looked and it was Victor's. "Sorry girls, but I already have a partner in crime."

With awe, I stared at him. I mean not awe. Disbelief. I saw the girls' disappointment with Victor's chosen partner. I know this will be dirty with the girls. Oh well, automatic partner. Victor then just smiled and winked at me while the girls just marched back to their seats with frustration and disappointment.

Victor smiled wider and he removed his arm from my shoulder. "I apologize for making such a haste decision but I'm more comfortable with you than to anyone else."

"Uhm… oh. But they're good."

He panicked, seemed alarmed. "Save me," he whispered.

I just stared at him. Oh, well. A soul that needs some saving. I agreed to be his laboratory partner and he smiled like a child just given a treat. Mr. Brown continued discussing about the course proper and we all were given lists of what we need for this class. Victor easily complied to everything I say and he had no disagreement with me, like a dog tamed.

I shook my head and while he writes, I stare at him, wondering the sentence he muttered earlier that made my head snap. Was that one of my many memories I lost? I bit my lip and paid attention to Victor. He really seemed familiar or was it just me? I guess to someone who is suffering from the same condition, everybody is familiar to them. I just hope to hell whoever was in that fragment of the lost memoirs show and help me retrieve it all back.