
Their Protectors, More Then Meets The Eye Book I

Adrian and Alexander Maxwell are soul twin brothers. They have just had their twenty-seventh birthday however due to not being any part mortal they are older than their mortal shell. They are one-third angel, one-third witch, and one-third cheetah shifter. They, however, do not believe that they are the sons of an Archangel. Alexander is co owner with his mother Chloe of Sugar Bliss. He is bi sexual though he leans more towards men due to being hurt to many times. He has many sketches and drawings of the same five people. Adrian is a cop and Owner of Adrian's Bar & Grill. He has many sketches and paintings of the same five people. Now the time for change has come their angels are becoming active and they are going into Angelic transition which is basically Angelic puberty. At the same time they find their mates because they literally save the twins from hunters also known as hunter angels and shortly after their mothers house is claimed as sanctuary two mysterious girls show up on their doorstep who turn out to be two more mates who are fay halflings. Mikey isn't sure what to do with the two new additions but he feels a connection to them along with fellow angel warriors and protectors. He feels a need to protect them as well. Yuri i off looking for something to help protect his charges so that they can still have a somewhat normal life. When he finally finds something he speeds off to tell his fellow angels but he isn't prepared for what he sets off unknowingly. The twins must bound themselves to their Angelic protectors to be safe. Now its a race against time to save their charges from dying from their mating heat.

Lexie_Black_2990 · Fantasy
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Chapter One

He woke in a cold sweat with a raging hard on the dream he had, it hadn't necessarily been scary but it had been very erotic. He wondered about who the seven people that were in his dreams were with his brother and himself. Two of the people had been women, and they all had some type of wings. The girls looked like they could maybe be Fae. They had these long beautify glittering wings.

One of the girls had long reddish-blonde hair and blue-green eyes. The other girl had long raven and red hair and Sapphire eyes. They had been two beautiful women but he hadn't been very interested in girls due to being hurt a few too many times. He had been leaning more towards men since then but those two girls had him thinking about giving one final chance with girls but only with those two dream girls.

Then there had been the five men who had been sexy beings. They also had wings but their wings had looked feathery instead of glittery. Their wings did look so soft and fluffy though. Their wings were all different colors.

Sighing he looked at the clock and saw that it was five-thirty in the morning he had to be up at six to be on time to open the bakery at eight so it would be useless to try and get more sleep and his raging hard-on wouldn't let him get any more sleep anyway. His hardness was almost close to painful, the things those winged people had done to him, his brother and each other had been so damn hot to see and feel groaning as he got out of the bed.

He banished his soiled blankets to his small laundry room and went into the bathroom that was on the side of his room.

He turned on the waterfall shower head on warm then went back into his bedroom and went to his dresser and grabbed a pair of his black satin boxers, a pair of black skinny jeans and a band tee and set them on his bed before going back to the shower.

He looked down at his problem debating on what he should do about it. He had time but did he want to let the dream come to the front of his mind. Did he want to get off on a dream even if it was a mate dream which was in a sense a shared dream with your future mate or mates in this sense. When a witch hit their hundredth year they started sharing dreams with their mates.

His human body only looked twenty-six; he had his twenty-seventh birthday coming up in just a few short days. His human shell aged slower than his witch's soul. His brother and he are one-third witch, one-third leopard, and one-third angel. Though they don't really believe that their daddy's an angel.


I looked back down at my problem and decided not to get off on the dream this time. I was waking up constantly like this lately and my buddy was a little sore. Sighing I flipped the water to cold standing under it for a bit to cool my body down.

After a few minutes, I got out of the shower and magically dried myself. I went back into my room and got into the clothes I had pulled out.

I went to my kitchen and made myself an egg and sausage sandwich. After eating my small breakfast I went into my drawing room to my desk. I grabbed my sketchbook and once more sketched the people I'd seen in my dreams.

The seven people had been in my dreams ever since I hit the witching age of a hundred. Our minds age much faster than our bodies do and I had the bonus of shifter genes.

Anyway, I had sketched them many times. I had books full of their sketches. Yeah, I had sketched them every day since the first time I had seen them in my dreams.

I smiled looking down at my new sketch for a few minutes before softly petting it and then gently closing the sketch pad and putting it in my messenger bag.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was seven so I went downstairs and walked across to the bakery and used my key to get in once I was in, I relocked the door. I went to the back and started turning the lights and ovens on.

Grabbing a few mixing bowls I started putting ingredients in for the different muffins we served. I started all the covered mixers and got the muffin pans out and sprayed them with nonstick spray.

After mixing the ingredients for the appropriate amount of time I put the batter into the muffin pans and put them in the oven and let them bake. I then started cleaning up the messes and washing out the mixers and mixing bowls.

After all that was done I started brewing the different coffees we sold and setting up the displays. After all the preparation was done and everything was set up I finally opened the doors. It was time for the day to begin.

I pulled away from my mother as she licked her two fingers to clean up whatever surgery concoction that was on my cheek. "Mom could you please just not do that please." I groaned.

I pulled away from my mother as she licked her two fingers to clean up whatever surgery concoction that was on my cheek. "Mom could you please just not do that please." I groaned.

"Mother, do you really have to do that? I'm a grown man, for Christ's sake." She clucked at me like an irritated hen.

"If you wouldn't insist on wearing your work all over your face, your apron, and my counter tops, I wouldn't feel the need to bathe you like a five-year-old who has been out playing in the yard.

"Mom, I wasn't making mud pies. I was making Apple, Cherry and Blueberry pies, Please stop." I whined.

Usually, working with his mother at Sugar Bliss was great. When they were busy, they worked really well together. However when they had a slow day, his mother insisted on driving him crazy with her hovering. He always "needed" something in her eyes.


Adrian woke gasping for breath in the throes of a terrific orgasm. He bit into his pillow as it went on and on.

He thought the throbbing in his cock was never going to stop. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, his cock gave up a final spurt of pleasure and was content to ache pleasantly.

He sighed. He'd never had wet dreams as a kid, and now he was having them every damn night! He briefly considered making himself a doctor's appointment. It was getting out of hand. He'd always been a take-it-or-leave-it kind of guy, and now…Now he was thinking about sex all the time.

What was worse was that his dreams were escalating into orgies nightly. It was like his unconscious mind had taken up the attitude that the more the merrier applied to his sex life.

"I'm turning into some kind of sex addict, and I'm only Twenty-Six," he muttered to himself in the darkness of his bedroom. He glanced at the clock and groaned. Five thirty. He had to be up by six.

He sighed and rolled out of bed, banishing the sheets to the small laundry room off to the side of his bathroom.