
Chapter 37: Eldest Xu goes to town

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Mr. Xu was a classical representation of a man of action.

He immediately called for Eldest Xu and gave him the instructions.

"Wake up earlier tomorrow. Make a trip to the county and visit your brother. On your way back, remember to get a doctor here. Doctor Zhong from before should be fine. Don't forget!"

"Yes, father. Don't worry." Eldest Xu was on the verge of rolling his eyes after hearing his father nag. "Father, I'm not as old as you. My ears are fine."

"You brute! Get lost!" Mr. Xu raised his leg and gave a strong, hard kick. He definitely didn't look like someone who had injured his back.


The next day, Eldest Xu woke up early in the morning. Zhou prepared buns and gave him eggs to eat on the way to the county. Then, she stood by the door and sent her husband off in the cold morning breeze.

Winter was coming, and the weather was getting chilly.

Poor Eldest Xu kept his hands in his pocket and took big steps to resist the cold breeze.

Luckily, the roads in Spirit Water Village were almost done and he no longer had to worry about stepping into holes on this newly built flat road.

With his huge steps, his body felt warmer as well.

Soon, Eldest Xu could see the tall walls of the county.

The gates were already open. When the soldiers guarding the gates noticed him, they immediately recognised who he was.

Since they managed to find the lost tribute that had been stolen twenty years ago, not just the country magistrate were rewarded—these soldiers were as well.

Therefore, when they saw Eldest Xu, all of them welcomed him with enthusiasm.

Since it was about time that the soldiers got their breakfast, Eldest Xu was offered to join, and he managed to enjoy a meal with them.

After bidding farewell to the warm soldiers, Eldest Xu found Youngest Xu's school. After he greeted the old man by the door, he soon found his brother. 

"Big brother, why are you here?" Youngest Xu was quite surprised upon seeing his big brother here. "I was going to return home in two days after finishing my food."

"Nothing much. I just came to town to buy some things, and father told me to pay you a visit while I was at it."

When Youngest Xu heard that his big brother needed to run errands, he passionately offered to help. "What do you need to buy? Do you need help?"

"Just clothes and cotton. Nothing heavy. You should concentrate on your studies. I'm glad that you're doing fine."

As for suggesting that Youngest Xu come home with him? This thought didn't even cross his mind.

"Big brother… did… my wife tell you to bring me anything?"

"Third sister-in-law? No, she didn't."

It was already late at night when Mr. Xu told him to make a trip to the county, as it was an impromptu idea. By then, Wang had already returned to her own room.

Furthermore, Eldest Xu left the house early in the morning when she was still happily sleeping. She had no idea that Eldest Xu was heading to the county today.

After hearing what his brother said, Youngest Xu despaired.

These days, whenever he was free, he just waited for the news.

When he'd seen his big brother, he thought that there was good news.

"Oh, by the way, your wife seems to be pregnant."

Just when Youngest Xu's heart had turned cold, Eldest Xu suddenly poured a bucket of warm water over his head. Shocked, his eyes widened.

"Father told me to get a doctor to come by the house so that he could check on her. We will know by then."

His big brother had already delivered him the news that he had been waiting for. Youngest Xu couldn't wait any longer!

"Big brother, give me a minute. I'll take a leave of absence and return home with you at once!"

Youngest Xu was extremely excited!