
Their Human Goddess

[Mature Content] Jennifer is the human daughter of the Blue Alpha, a brutal and cruel alpha who was mated to a beautiful human woman. She found herself working in a high class strip club called Cool Sex, a club for the rich men of NYC and surrounding areas. She was carefree until the night she was told to work the VIP section. Hilton and Hanson are identical twins alphas who were getting older and wondering if they would ever find their mate. Until their Beta Derek took them to his favorite club, Cool Sex for them to relax. There they ran into Jennifer. Will she give up her freedom for love or will she let her traumas make her reject them? Book Four of the a series I am writing but I'm not sure what to name it. ********************************************************************** “Beautiful view.” Hilton said. I didn’t even look back. When I looked towards them, I saw they had pulled out a bottle of red wine, a bottle opener, and three glasses. I watched Hanson open the bottle and pour a glass for each one of us. “Red wine to get me drunk?” I asked as I put the roses in the middle of my kitchen counter. “No, just to relax.” Hilton said. “Bullshit. I can smell your arousals through your expensive ass jeans.” I said to them. They both smiled as I sat in between them again. “We won’t make you do something you don’t want to do.” Hanson said to me. “Honestly, I feel like I should just fuck you both now so that way you can leave me alone and move on to your real mate.” I said before taking the whole drink to the face. “But we did find her. It’s you but if you want to skip the courting and go right to the sex we won’t mind. Just don’t get mad when you end up pregnant.” Hilton said smiling. “Don’t you feel the sparks when we touch you?” Hanson asked me as he placed his hand on my thigh. “No.” I said lying. They both started laughing as they could tell I was lying. “You want to know how we feel deep inside of you as you moan our names? How our lips taste your skin, how you will cum harder than any time in your life when we mark you, making you our mate for life?” Hilton whispered in my ear as he rubbed my other thigh. They were making me so wet but I didn’t want them to think otherwise. “Mark me? Why would I let you bite me? This is just us having sex. Nothing else.” I said as I untied my robe. I took a deep breath as I stood up to remove it completely. Letting the robe hit the ground. I stood before them completely naked. I could smell their pre-cum as they adjusted their erections.

Bronx_Lyran718 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 4

Hanson P.O.V.

They sat in our mom's truck talking until her train arrived. Before she got in, she blew two kisses at us, one for each. My heart melted and I wanted to follow her. "Go to her now!" my wolf Andrew said.

"She needs her space." I said to him as we followed our mom back to the pack lands.

"I'm disappointed in you guys. Why would you do that to her? She has a hard time trusting wolves and now this shit! You guys are better than this." Our mom said to us.

"We panicked mom!" Hilton said with tears in his eyes.

"Do fucking better! She has been through a lot! You have to give her space for her to come to you. So send her some apologize flowers and gifts!" mom said. She was right, but all we wanted was to be in her embrace.

Our phones went off and it was our mom, she texted us Jennifer's cell number. I saved it along with her picture from last night. I took a picture of her gorgeous face when she was dancing.

"Hello! Hey Tony, I just wanted to let you know that Jennifer won't be working there anymore." Hilton said over the phone. Tony knew what we were, he had a more than a few rich werewolves come through his club.

"Now what to get our Goddess." I said to myself as I scrolled through my phone.

Jennifer's P.O.V.

"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you can't dance for us anymore. You mates have forbidden it." Tony said through the phone.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I said.

"Yeah. Sorry." He said before hanging up. I was so fucking pissed!

Then a text message came through.

"Hey beautiful." I saw from an unknown number.

"Who the fuck is this?!" I said angrily.

"Hanson Hills. Your future husband." He responded. I wanted to block the number.

"So are ya going to pay my rent and my other bills since I can't dance?!" I texted back.

"Of course! That's nothing. How much?" he asked.

"$5,000 rent and $1000 for everything else plus groceries, and shopping for me." I said. I sent him my cash app information as well.

"Okay but I want a kiss when I see you." He said.

"Fuck you. You get nothing until I say so." I said before putting my music on and ignoring his messages.

When I got home, I looked at my phone to see that he sent me four $5000 to my cash app. I couldn't help but smile as I put my phone back in silent.

"Thank you." I said to him. I lived in a one bed room apartment in a new building that was built on Southern Blvd in the Bronx. I lived here my whole life. My aunt raised me here after my mother dropped me off with her.

I loved my second-floor apartment with big windows that faced the cross road between southern Blvd. and third ave. The walls were white, the kitchen was brand new and I loved how big and spacious my room was. My closet could be bigger but I didn't really complain. I was always giving away clothes to the salvation army.

I took my clothes off and walked into my bathroom to turn on the hot water. When I look at my phone, I see I have a message from my ex, Trent. He was a gorgeous white hood boy from Queens I met after my aunt passed away. Light skin with strawberry blonde hair, green eyes, a gold grill, muscular and 6'5 with tattoos. I ran into him when I was in Coney Island with Gigi. He was with his crew of friends that range from Puerto Rican, Dominican and Morenos. Trent caught my eye because he was the tallest.

"I miss you. Can I come over?" he texted me. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the shower. Even though Trent was my first sexual experience, I wasn't in love with him. He played too many games, meaning he cheated a lot. It has been three months since the last time I heard from him.

Forty-five minutes went by when I finally got out of the shower. Then there was a knock on the door. I found my robe and walked over to the door to see it was Trent. Fucking aye!

"What the fuck do you want Trent?" I said through the door.

"To see you Goddess." He said.

"I broke your arm and almost your spine Trent. Go back to your hoes." I said before walking away from the door.

"I forgive you baby." He said. I walked over to my light grey couch and sat down. I could smell him; he had not left.

"Open the door Jennifer! You fucking need me! You think another man will love you like me?! You are a fucking whore who dances for money!" he screamed through the door.

"So why are you on my dick if I'm such a whore?!" I said to him as I opened the door. Then the smell of cedar and juniper hit my nose again. There they stood both fighting their wolves, trying not to kill Trent. One was holding a dozen red and white roses while the other was holding shopping bags.

"Get the fuck out Trent!" I said to Trent. He was afraid and I was happy he was. The last time I broke his arm was because he slapped me.

"She belongs to us you piece of shit! If you ever come around here, we will kill you." Hanson said. I was a bit turned on. I watched Trent run down the stairs, never to return.

"Beautiful." Hilton said as they turn to look at me. I was still in my robe.

"Hello stalkers." I said to them.

"Can we come in?" Hanson asked with a smile.

"As long as you promise not to drug me again." I said to them.

"We promise." They said in unison. I opened the door and they followed me in.

"Should I ask how ya got my address?" I said to them as I walked over to my couch.

"Nice place." Hilton said as he sat next to me. Hanson sat on the other side.

"These are for you gorgeous." Hilton said as he handed me the flowers. Hanson placed the bags in front of me.

"Thank you." I said to them.

"Did we interrupt your shower?" Hanson asked smiling.

"No but thank you for getting rid of that asshole. He was my ex-boyfriend." I said to them.

"What did he want?" Hilton asked.

"To play emotional games." I said to them. I could hear them growl.

"I broke it off with him three months ago after I broke his arm. He slapped me after I caught him fucking another girl. He's lucky I didn't snap his spine." I said.

"Beautiful and deadly. I'm turned on." Hanson said to me. I couldn't help but smile.

"Please don't start. So what is with the pop up?" I asked them.

"We wanted to give you beautiful things. To show you how much we love you." Hilton said.

"Thank you for getting me fired from the club." I said to them as I got up to put the roses in water. I forgot my robe was short and I could feel their eyes travel up to my naked behind.

"Beautiful view." Hilton said. I didn't even look back. When I looked towards them, I saw they had pulled out a bottle of red wine, a bottle opener, and three glasses. I watched Hanson open the bottle and pour a glass for each one of us.

"Red wine to get me drunk?" I asked as I put the roses in the middle of my kitchen counter.

"No, just to relax." Hilton said.

"Bullshit. I can smell your arousals through your expensive ass jeans." I said to them. They both smiled as I sat in between them again.

"We won't make you do something you don't want to do." Hanson said to me.

"Honestly, I feel like I should just fuck you both now so that way you can leave me alone and move on to your real mate." I said before taking the whole drink to the face.

"But we did find her. It's you but if you want to skip the courting and go right to the sex we won't mind. Just don't get mad when you end up pregnant." Hilton said smiling.

"Don't you feel the sparks when we touch you?" Hanson asked me as he placed his hand on my thigh.

"No." I said lying. They both started laughing as they could tell I was lying.

"You want to know how we feel deep inside of you as you moan our names? How our lips taste your skin, how you will cum harder than any time in your life when we mark you, making you our mate for life?" Hilton whispered in my ear as he rubbed my other thigh. They were making me so wet but I didn't want them to think otherwise.

"Mark me? Why would I let you bite me? This is just us having sex. Nothing else." I said as I untied my robe. I took a deep breath as I stood up to remove it completely. Letting the robe hit the ground. I stood before them completely naked. I could smell their pre-cum as they adjusted their erections.

I didn't say anything as I walked to my bedroom. I crawled to the center of the bed and laid down on my back, waiting for them to come join me. It didn't take long for them to find their way to me.

Hilton was on my right and Hanson on my left. They were admiring my body. I closed my eyes as I got anxious, waiting for them to touch or kiss my skin. Then I felt a pair of lips against mine. By the scent, I could tell it was Hanson. He kissed me so hard, I thought he was going to devour my mouth. Then I felt Hilton's mouth on my breast. The way he sucked on my nipple, made me so wet.

"Our Goddess is turned on." Hanson said as he pulled away from me. I couldn't help but blush. Before tonight, the only man I had been with was Trent. I know wolves were known for their thick, long cocks but I was a bit afraid to take two at the same time.

Hanson's hand found its way down to my most private spot. I was so wet and he could tell as he traced his fingers softly across my vulva. He kissed me again as he inserted his fingers inside of me.

"You are so fucking wet." Hanson said pulling away from me. Then he thrusted his fingers fast into me. Moans escaped my lips as Hilton massaged my breasts. I could feel the intensity of my orgasm building within me. Before I knew it, I was squirting my juices onto his fingers and my bed. I didn't think I could cum like that. I opened my eyes to find him looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes. I wanted him inside of me so badly. He traced the fingers he had inside of me on my lips. I opened my mouth to received them. He watched me suck them dry as he flashed me a smile.

"You are a naughty girl." Hanson whispered to me before he kissed me passionately again. Then I felt Hilton kiss his way down to between my legs. Immediately he dived into my wetness with his tongue. Hanson put his hands on my breasts and massaged them. He proceeded to softly rub my hard nipples in between his fingers. Hilton pulled his tongue out and replaced it with his fingers.

"I'm gonna cum!" I moaned as I came on Hilton's fingers. He continued to suck on my clit and finger fuck me until I came for him again.

"I wanna feel you inside of me." I moaned. Hanson smiled at my request.

"Sorry beautiful. Maybe another time." Hanson said. They both kissed me passionately and then walked out of my room. I watched them as they walked out of my apartment.

I didn't know how to feel, I was in shock and also upset. I wanted to fuck them! I wasn't playing. I laid in my bed crying as I tried to make sense of what happened. Is this what being in heat was? An overwhelming desire to be fucked and sucked until you were too tired to cum?!