
Chapter 99

"Yesterday," I said breathily, trying to keep my emotions in check. "I wanted to surprise you so I made an extra appointment with Dr. Anderson. There's one last thing at the bottom of the bag," I murmured, pointing towards said bag eagerly. He reached in and pulled out one of the ultrasound pictures I brought home yesterday. He covered his chest with one hand as the other that was holding the picture lightly shook, a huge smile taking over his face.

"We're having little girls?" he asked rhetorically. I just nodded as a giggle of pure happiness escaped my lips.

"Tanya, Penny's having two little girls for you to play with! " my mom shouted excitedly, tears welling up in her own eyes as she leaned over to pull me into a tight hug all the white Ken continued to weep silently over the photo of our girls.

Penny's POV