
Chapter 8

"Ken? What are you doing here?" I demanded, silently cursing my voice for coming out weak merely from his presence. His smirk grew bigger as his chest rumbled with quiet laughter.

"Hi, Flower. Did you miss me?" He asked. His voice was so rich and deep that it almost distracted me from the fiery hot anger I felt swarm through my body at what he had called me. I couldn't believe I'd forgotten about that. It was the stupid nickname he'd given me when I was four-years-old. I would never forget how he went around telling everyone that Penny was a stupid name and that I should just go by flower instead. I'd gone home crying to my mom from the park that day. Like I said, kids can stink sometimes.

"Dang it, Ken! You know I hate it when you call me that!" I hissed at him, flustered beyond belief. This is exactly what I needed to remind myself that I don't like him anymore...