
Chapter 77

"Penny, honey, what's wrong?" she questioned while reaching across the counter to cup my cheek in her warm hand. I cleared my throat to try and ease the tension there at her worried expression. Sensing the shift in the atmosphere, Ken mumbled that he was going to use the restroom quickly. I was thankful for him allowing her and I a moment alone while things got intense; just knowing he was here was all I needed to gather the courage to tell her.

"Mom, I need to talk to you about something serious," I spoke, my voice quivering ever so slightly. Her forehead scrunched quizzically before she nodded in understanding. She came around the counter and pulled out the seat next to me, sliding onto it. She gathered both of my hands into her own, stroking her thumbs over my knuckles as her eyes grew increasingly worried. That was, until her thumb hit my new ring.