
Chapter 60

"How did this happen?" I asked in shock. Her gut wrenching sobs died down as her face morphed into one of pure anger.

"Really? How did this happen? I don't know, maybe I was stupid enough to let him fuck me without a Goddamn condom!" She shrieked hysterically before bursting into another fit of tears. I blinked rapidly trying to understand the full extent of the situation before me. Swallowing deeply, I ignored Ellie's subtle jab and pulled her into a hug. Rubbing her back up and down, I continued to murmur calming words into her ear. When her tears had finally vanished for good, she backed out of my hug and wiped at her eyes.

"I'm s-sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you I'm j-just freaking out. If my parents find out they'll kill me." She rasped before cradling her head in her hands.