
Chapter 45

I bent down, budding my lips right up against the sensitive flesh just beneath her ear that I'd been sucking on just an hour ago. "I saw you and wanted to come say hi to my girl at work. I asked to be sat in your section, but the lady said it was full. Apparently you're a very popular waitress with the regulars." I breathed out, slight annoyance in my tone. I seen her visibly tremble and smirked, loving the effect I had on her.

"You could have said hi to me without the physical contact." She stated somewhat breathlessly, yet also managing to sound annoyed. I chuckled at the attitude in her reply.

"Oh, but I like touching you - very much, in fact." I teased, giving her side a playful squeeze. She opened her mouth, no doubt ready to tell me off, but I swiftly cut her off.