
Chapter 19

"So that when we get back, and I put my head between those mouth watering thighs, you'll know it's not a one time thing." I replied confidently before capturing her lips in a searing kiss. Her mouth dropped open, instantly allowing me the access I wanted. I could've come from the way she whined when I pulled away and ended the kiss.

Reaching into my wallet, I threw three twenties onto the table before pulling her from the booth and plastering her to my side. She wore a dazed look upon her face as we left the restaurant.

Finally hitting a red light, I leaned over to nip at her lips some more. Digging my fingers into her hips, I sucked on her tongue while blazing a heated path with my fingers around her hipbones and to her back. Just as she wound her arms around my neck, a blaring honk sounding from behind us snapped me out of my desire-induced phase. I romped on the gas while trying to get my breathing under control.