
Chapter 16

"No, she and I are both fine. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she replied sheepishly before righting herself. I realized that I was still holding her in my arms as our eyes met and our gazes locked. The same awkward tension quickly returned as we both clearly thought about the incident from this morning that we'd yet to discuss. I quickly jerked my hands away from her body and avoided eye contact as I took a large step backwards and made my way to the kitchen. I could smell whatever she'd made from down the hall, the aroma making my mouth water.

Grabbing a plate, I dished out a large helping of the pasta dish she'd made, surprised she was able to throw it together with what I had available in my pantry. She did the same and we settled down at my table across from each other. I instantly dug in before moaning in appreciation. It had been a really long time since I'd had a good home-cooked meal that didn't follow my strict diet regimen.