
Chapter 14

"...Yes," she squeaked out, clearly sensing that my anger was at a dangerous level. I clenched my jaw as I sat back in my seat, silently fuming.

"If it makes you feel better, I didn't tell her your name," she whispered, trying to diffuse the situation. I refused to look at her, cuing her into the fact that no, it didn't make me feel better.

"Miss Woodman?" the nurse called from the entrance of the back hallway. We both stood up and made our way back to the designated room. The nurse quietly did her job of taking Dani's vitals, asked a few questions about how she'd been feeling since she'd last been in a week ago, and typed a few things into the computer before she left.

The minutes seemed to tick by agonizingly slow as we waited for the doctor to make her appearance. When she finally did, I felt all the color leave my face as my stomach churned.