

In 2056, trapped in an unending darkness, Hee-jae embarks on a quest to find her missing friend, Sun-woo, who is entangled in accusations and secrets. Pursuing Sun-woo, Hee-jae uncovers hidden truths. On the brink of earthly despair and cosmic possibilities, this novel captures a journey filled with shocking narratives and astonishing discoveries.

Yunaa12 · Sci-fi
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37 Chs

5. The People with Nowhere to Return (3) The Secret

"Finish the darkness? Any other words? Can't think of anything more specific?"

"Um... that's all."

It was disappointing. To finish the darkness? Where to? The whole world was trapped in darkness, so where was he supposed to have gone? I didn't want to linger any longer, so I got up.

"Is there anyone else in this building who might know Wes? In his dormitory?"

I asked Thomson, who had also stood up, one last question.

"There's no one else in this building. And the dormitories have all burned down, as I said."

"There's nothing we can do then. Thank you for your help. If I ever meet Wes, I'll be sure to tell him I met Mr. Thomson."

"That's fine. But leave after the siren ends."

"Don't worry. I'll look around the building a bit more, then leave when it's safe."

I offered Thomson the model I was carrying. However, he refused with a palm gesture and instead put the cola he had on the side table into my jacket pocket.

"Take this. You need it more than I do. Give the cola to someone you want to give it to. It's my gift. I still have a few left. And, if you meet Wes, just tell him that Professor John Knox died before me."

Thomson put both his hands in his coat pockets. Unlike when we first met, it didn't seem aggressive. Rather, it was the opposite.

"I will. Thank you."

"That's okay. I won't ask how you got into this building. Take care."

"Yes. Stay healthy."

I left Thomson's place. It was a relief in many ways that he hadn't asked me too many questions. Also, my imagination had its limits when it came to lying.

It felt colder in the hallway after leaving the relatively warm place. I held the model Sun-woo had made like a trophy salvaged from the flames, heading towards a dark corner of the assembly hall. Even knowing there was no one to see me, I checked my surroundings once more, following the manual I had set for myself. Then, I used the teleporter.


I arrived in my bedroom at home. It felt gratefully less cold than Chicago. Yet, it was dawn in Korea, and I've never felt more desperate for my blanket. Where should I go next to find Sun-woo? Having used the teleporter three times, I wonder what form my three misfortunes will take. As I tried to lie down on the bed, I felt something rough at the bottom of Sun-woo's model. 

Flipping it over, I found small letters embossed on it. Bringing the model under the ceiling light, I read the letters.

"Valkama Research Foundation"

It matched the English name of the Valkama Research Foundation I knew.

Why? Why is this written here? Does Sun-woo have some connection to Valkama? Was Sun-woo also supported by Valkama like me? Thinking about it, I realized I knew nothing about Valkama. Who runs the foundation, which country it belongs to, or even why they support my research.

A loudspeaker's voice came from outside. Someone seemed to be driving past the front of the house with speakers attached to their car.

"You have to demolish to rebuild. You have to die to live again. The constructive destroyer! The one who chooses death first will save humanity from suffering. Join Sed. Everyone."

The same message repeated as the sound faded away. The person who broke my car window must have considered it a constructive destruction. I laid my throbbing head on the pillow.

I woke up in the afternoon. I took the cola from my jumper and put it in the kitchen fridge. I brought Sun-woo's model to the lab and placed it on the desk. Choosing green tea flavor ice cream Do-hyeon had bought, I started my snack, then sat in front of my laptop. I planned to write an email to Valkama.

Pulling on my glasses and rolling up my sleeves, I took a deep breath when my phone vibrated.

"Hello, this is Kim Sun-tak. I was wondering if you had found Sun-woo."

It was a message from Sun-woo's brother.

"Not yet."

I replied briefly.

"My mother is very ill. It seems she may not last a few more days. She's been looking for Sun-woo all day, to the point where she struggles to breathe even with an oxygen tank. I've been trying to find Sun-woo too, but it's tough with having to take care of my mother. If you find Sun-woo before I do, could you please contact me first?"

It was a dense message, scrolling several times to read it all. Perhaps the desire to find Sun-woo was more desperate for his brother and mother than for me. They probably had more regrets regarding things they should or shouldn't have done to Sun-woo.

"Yes, I'm looking for him and will contact you soon."

After replying to Sun-woo's brother, I started drafting an email to Kate.

Hello, this is Hee-jae Yu.

I'm writing today because I have something to ask.Do you know a person named Sun-woo Kim or Wes Miller?He attended Homewood University in the USA, majoring in aerospace engineering at graduate school.I'm wondering if he is affiliated with or has been a supported researcher by your foundation.I would appreciate it if you could let me know.Best, Hee-jae Yu.

After sending the email, a reply came in 10 minutes.

Dr. Hee-jae Yu, this is Kate.

I'm sorry, but we cannot provide information about individuals or researchers associated with our foundation.Thank you.From Kate at the Valkama Research Foundation.

The refusal was more definitive than expected. I sent another email.

Understood. Thank you for the clarification.

I have attached a list of chemicals, including becquerelium, needed for my experiments.

I would appreciate it if you could prepare them for me.Also, unrelated to my research, could you possibly source protionamide for me? It's an anti-tuberculosis drug.I am willing to pay for it separately.Additionally, I plan to send a sample from my last experiment to the foundation.Could you please provide the address?Looking forward to your response.Best, Hee-jae Yu.

I hoped to get their address, planning to visit them using the teleporter immediately, holding Sun-woo's model, to ask why their name was engraved on it and what connection Sun-woo had to them. An email notification popped up on the bottom of my laptop screen.

We have reviewed the list, Dr. Yu.

We will prepare and deliver them to your address by tomorrow.We can also include protionamide.You do not need to send the experimental sample.Just share the new experiment results within the next two months as agreed.Thank you.From Kate at the Valkama Research Foundation.

Thinking they would easily give me their address was a mistake. Now, I had no choice but to find out on my own how Valkama and I were connected. The foundation deposited money into my bank, emails... But with this information, I couldn't find out anything. The only other connection was the delivery of drugs and equipment through courier... Wait, why hadn't I thought of that before? It's been over a year since the courier companies went on strike. So, they must have used a different method for delivery. Every time I heard the doorbell and went outside, there was just a box left at the door. If I could meet the person who delivers the boxes, maybe I could find out about Valkama. I decided to wait until tomorrow for that.

Today, I had to spend time in the lab. I planned to experiment with a cooling fluid that could circulate cold blood during hibernation. Using external devices wasn't what Valkama preferred, but if I could extend the hibernation period with minimal equipment, convincing them wouldn't be a problem.

As I was putting on my lab coat, Do-hyeon called. It seemed I had forgotten about my swimming lesson again. I should have called him earlier...

"Coach, I'm sorry."

I apologized first. Do-hyeon chuckled softly in his low voice.

"It's okay, Hee-jae. If you're calling because you can't come today, you don't have to apologize. Our pool has received an indefinite suspension order. It seems all leisure sports industries are facing the same issue. So..."

He hesitated like a lover about to suggest breaking up, struggling to finish his sentence. I wanted to help him complete his thought.

"Then, I'll have to take the remaining lessons later."

There was no promise of when. But I was Do-hyeon's only student, and although the swimming pool had been struggling for a long time, I wanted to let him know there was someone waiting for the next opportunity.

"Yes, later. But, Hee-jae... did you manage to meet Sun-woo?"

"No, I didn't. Chicago is in a worse state than here. I did meet someone who remembers Sun-woo..."

"Did you hear anything about Sun-woo?"

"They said Sun-woo went to finish the darkness. That was before the darkness came, but I don't understand what it means."

"To finish the darkness sounds like entering into the darkness itself."

Hearing Do-hyeon's words, a frightening image formed in my mind: Sun-woo's back as he entered a dark cave. I shook my head to clear the thought.

Switching the call to speakerphone, I looked out the lab window at the yard. The snow hadn't melted at all, drifting like dust on the ground. The yellow flashing light on the road in front of the house had stopped working at some point. The darkness seemed a bit deeper than yesterday.I spoke to Do-hyeon again, who had been waiting for me.

"Coach, have you ever felt like the more you try to get close to something, the more it seems to drift away?"

I was right in the middle of that feeling.

"I know it well. Actually, I've felt that way ever since I came here."

Where was "here" for him?

"Here? Are you talking about Yeongin-dong?"

There was a long pause before his answer came. I waited for him as well.

"Suppose you could say that, Yeongin-dong... But, Hee-jae. When trying to get close to something, I think what matters isn't the physical distance. Everyone says there's a right time for everything. Even if something seems close enough to touch, if the timing isn't right, it's like reaching into a mirror. Conversely, something far away can be reached quickly when the time is right. It could be tomorrow or the day after. So, don't be disappointed. We just need to keep moving towards that something. The right time will definitely come."

I sat back down, leaning my arms on the desk.

"Coach, have you found your something yet?"

"Not yet... but I think the time is almost right."

"Can I ask what it is you want to find?"

"No, I'll keep that a secret."