

What would a man who loves his family do to get back to them after being transported to another world. Will he sacrifice what he holds dear for the greater good or forsake the world to get back home.

Digighosty · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Where am I?

John approached the wooden door, The wood itself looked ordinary, but there was something about it that sent a shiver down his spine. It was as if the door had a life of its own, and it was watching him with an unsettling intensity. The faint sound of a lock being turned added to the growing sense of dread that was building in John's chest. He hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should proceed, but his curiosity got the better of him. Little did he know as he reached his hand out to the doorknob.

When he regained consciousness, he found himself in a strange, unfamiliar world. The air was thick with the scent of pine, and the ground beneath his feet was soft and mossy. He looked around in confusion, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

The first thing John did was reach for his phone. But to his dismay, he found that there was no signal. Panic rising in his chest, he tried to call his wife, but there was no answer. The realization that he was completely alone in this strange place hit him like a ton of bricks. It was as if he had been cast adrift in an endless sea of unknown possibilities.

As John continued to survey his new surroundings, he couldn't help but feel a sense of otherworldliness that pervaded the entire area. The trees towered above him, their branches stretching upwards towards the sky, as if reaching for some unseen force. The underbrush was so thick that he could barely make out what lay beyond it, and the sound of rushing water seemed to be coming from all directions at once.

It was as if the very air was imbued with a sense of mystery and intrigue, and John found himself drawn in by the allure of this strange place. The soft, mossy ground beneath his feet felt spongy and damp, like he was walking on a living, breathing entity. As he looked around, he couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden in the depths of these ancient woods.

But his attention was soon drawn to the figure lying under the nearby tree. At first, John couldn't tell whether it was a person or simply a pile of discarded clothing. But as he drew closer, he could see that it was, in fact, a woman. She was dressed in a tattered gown, the fabric worn thin and frayed with age. Her hair was long and matted, and her skin was as white as alabaster.

Despite her ragged appearance, John couldn't help but be struck by the beauty of the woman. She seemed almost ethereal, as if she were not quite of this world. He approached her slowly, not wanting to startle her in case she was simply sleeping. But as he got closer, he could see that she was not breathing, and her skin was cold to the touch.

A sense of unease washed over John as he realized that he was completely alone in this strange place with a woman who appeared to be dead. He wondered if he should try to revive her or if he should try to find help. But he couldn't shake the feeling that something was not quite right about the situation. And as he looked around at the ancient trees and tangled underbrush, he couldn't help but wonder what other mysteries this place held.

As John contemplated his situation, he couldn't help but notice the peculiar sight of the woman lying under the tree. Her garments appeared to be from a bygone era, and her flesh was icy to the touch. Yet, there were no signs of decay or decomposition. It was as if she had been suspended in time, frozen for centuries.

A torrent of questions rushed through John's mind. Why was he here? Who was this woman? What had befallen her? Was he in peril? He knew he needed answers, but where should he begin?

Overwhelmed with uncertainty, John sank to the ground and pondered a plan that would return him home. Yet, as he entertained the thought, the creeping tendrils of doubt slithered into his mind.

"Why did I go to work today?" he mused, succumbing to despair.

Abruptly, a woman's voice whispered in his ear, but her words were unintelligible. John swiveled around to face the source of the sound, but no one was there. The whisper persisted, growing louder and more insistent by the second.

In an instant, John was bathed in a radiant glow, lifted off the ground, and propelled towards a mysterious force. The whisper grew even more urgent, driving him to the brink of unconsciousness. With a final thought of "Not again!" darkness enveloped him.

As John opened his eyes, he was greeted with an otherworldly sight. The vast, open field stretched out before him, and above him, the sky erupted with swirling colors, never had he seen what looked like two universes colliding. The vibrant hues seemed to pulse and dance with a life of their own, and John could feel the energy emanating from them, filling him with a sense of wonder and awe.

Beneath his feet, the ground was soft and pliable, as if made of a delicate material he had never encountered before. It hummed with a subtle, yet powerful energy, and John could feel it vibrating through his entire being.

Looking around, he realized that he was standing on a circular floating island that seemed to be suspended in a vast expanse of space. The island itself was a marvel to behold, with intricate patterns etched into its surface that shimmered in the multicolored light. The air around him was clear and pure, and he could see for what felt like an eternity, with no visible end in sight.

The land was bare save for in the distance, he could see a figure approaching. As it drew nearer, John could see that it was a woman, the same woman he had seen lying under the tree. Her dress in tatters and still looking as if she was closer to death than living but still, she wore a gentle smile on her face that would make anyone feel safe.

"Welcome," she said, her voice echoing through the space. "I am sorry that you have been taken from your world, but you are needed to help save all worlds from a great evil."