
The new world

It was a Sunday morning and after today it's a week left for her summer break to end. She called her friends and talked to them for a while explaining how she wanted to do something memorable and thrilling this time. She wanted to experience something different this time but her friends way too into shopping and going around doing nothing that they disagreed instead they made a plan to go for shopping again. "Seriously guys it's the 4th time this week" Ivy said frustrated "Just join us if you want to or you can skip this time" Said Amber "I will rather come with you all then getting bored *alone* in my house" Replied Ivy "Okay then let's meet at 5:00 I will come to pick you all up" Said Flora after a while they went for shopping and Ivy was intrested in nothing so she didn't bother look at the store's but one of them caught her attention the board of the store said "A tour to another world" Ivy just chuckled at it thinking it's a game for lil kids but something made her try it once she entered the sees an old creepy man snoring she gently pats his back to wake him up and when he finally woke up he gives her 10 tickets and one device which looked like it was made in 35th century the mad said "I am giving these to you for free enjoy the world of creepy creatures full of zombies you can take 10 people with you and once you start the game you can't get out of it until you survive till the end" with that old man smirks and goes back to his sleep. It all happened so quick that it took her some times to process and then she squealed in excitement and decided to leave but as soon as she left that store the words of the old man echoed in her ears "Once you start the game you can't get out until you survive till the end" Wait does this mean we can get killed for real in this game!!!! She unknowingly shouted and ran back to the store to return the tickets but it was no where to be found the store, the old man, everything had disappeared.....