
The Zombie Destroyer

Kane falls into insanity from craving purpose in his life. He becomes a violent schizophrenic and loses everything, but he can't decipher whether what happens is reality or not. He has no one and lives on the streets until his violent tendencies affect the public. He gets sentenced to life in prison and the decision to whether he gets transferred to a psych ward is interrupted by the apocalypse. A zombie virus spreads through the globe quickly and the remaining humans alive get desperate. Morals and ethics become non-existent, and high security prisons become testing labs for the remaining scientists looking to test their antidotes. It wasn't easy to find rats anymore, so human scum was the next best thing. Soon the prison gets raided by zombies, but not before Kane gets injected with the one and only dose of the antidote. But he comes to find that it isn't just an antidote.

siethmaster666 · Horror
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23 Chs

Chapter 4: Zombie Destroyer

I laughed despite the fact that zombies were closing in on me. I wasn't afraid of them even though I knew they were real, and I pulled my arms and legs out of the straps with no effort at all. I sat up and looked down at the torn buckles of leather that I had ripped without even trying. I raised an eyebrow and suspected there must've been more to that antidote than I previously thought. I couldn't wait to see if my hunch was correct and punched a zombie that grabbed my arm and leaned over to take a bite of me.

I stared in shock as its head fucking exploded upon barely touching my fist. Its body flung back into some other zombies, knocking over the corpses like bowling pins. I smiled again and punched another. The same thing happened and I laughed as I felt more powerful than I ever had. Those scientists had unwittingly created a super serum, and I was the one who got the only dose in existence. This was much better than death. I might be the only one to survive the apocalypse. I stood up to stand on the floor and hit each zombie, but this time harder. 

Their whole bodies exploded and chunks of guts went flying everywhere. I made my way to the door and absolutely destroyed every zombie in my path until I was running down the hallway like a human wrecking ball. "THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!" As I made my way to the base floor, the hoard became thicker and they were all heading for me. One of them managed to bite me but I didn't get infected and crushed in its skull. I continued to laugh as I obliterated all of them, using nothing but my fists. 

Soon there weren't any zombies left in the prison and I stood in front of a pile of gore and guts while catching my breath. I no longer heard growling and the silence made me notice the darkness of the hall. I made my way to the exit while continuing to smile, impatient to start my freedom. The door to the exit required a code so I punched the metal, and the door came flying off. Light came into the doorway and it was so bright I had to cover my eyes. I walked outside and once my eyes adjusted, I removed my hand to see the landscape of an abandoned city before me. 

I stared in surprise at the sun and the blue sky that I thought I would never see again. The city was broken down and looked so much different than I remembered, although I expected that after it had been years since I had last seen it. I looked around me and saw spare parts and makeshift walls around the jail, and yellow grass in patches around the main cement wall. I started walking to the entrance and once I was outside I started to run. I knew there was nothing left to hurt me in there, but I wanted to be free of that place once and for all. I ran so much faster than I thought I could go, and I shouted for joy as I felt like I was flying. 

I jumped over cars and spare tires on the streets, and even climbed onto houses and jumped between them. I never imagined feeling this good ever again, but somehow I was here on the outskirts of an abandoned city, feeling like nothing could stop me. Once I ran out of adrenaline, the prison was nowhere in sight and I was walking on a sidewalk in a peaceful neighborhood, enjoying the breeze. Being trapped in such a cramped box for so long really made me appreciate having space. I spread my arms wide and stretched for the first time in years. 

Suddenly, I stopped walking to a realization. Am I taller? It could've been because I was hunched over for so long, but I seriously didn't remember ever seeing from this height before. It was a slight difference by only a few inches, but it sure showed. I then started to wonder if the serum changed my appearance in any other ways and looked around for a mirror. I went up to one of the houses to find that it was unlocked, and went inside. There was a long mirror in the hallway next to the living room and I hesitantly went over to it. 

Once I saw my reflection I jumped. I looked the same, but I was right about being taller and my body was different as well. I used to be a skeleton from starvation, but now I was the type of slender that had something to show off. I flexed my arm and there was actual muscle there. I then hurriedly took off my shirt and my mouth dropped to see that I had grown a fucking six-pack. I had never been so in shape in my life and I would've gone to the gym more if I had known that I would look this good. "Holy shit," I whispered to myself. After the shock wore off I noticed that I was not the cleanest, and I definitely could use soap and a razor. 

I then went upstairs and couldn't wait to feel clean again. I went into the bathroom which had everything I needed to get fresh. I shaved and gave myself a haircut which was long enough in the front to fall over my forehead, and short in the back. While I was in the shower I was so happy that I could understand what taking care of myself meant and felt so relieved that I was sane again. 'Not completely buddy.' I stopped in my tracks by the sudden voice and looked behind the shower curtain to see no one there. 'You can't look for what's inside your head Kane. Haha.' 

I raised an eyebrow. "You're... One of the voices that was in my head?" The voice laughed. 'Don't you remember me? I was the guy who told you to bang your head against the wall.' My eyes narrowed. "Oh yeah..." The voice had a smirk to him as he continued to speak. 'I never got the chance to introduce myself. I'm Erin. I would say that I'm your impulsive side. Back when you were crazy you did everything I said and it was hilarious!' I nodded. "So you're my intrusive thoughts." Erin gasped in offense. 'Hey!' Suddenly another voice came after him. 'You are correct Sir. He is very intrusive.' I was so confused. "Who are you?" This voice had more of an English twist on him. 'I'm John. It's a pleasure.' 

I sighed. "Just how many of you are there?" Another chimed in. 'As far as I know, there are four. Erin, John, Penelope, and myself, Mary. And if Erin is your intrusive thoughts, I would say I am your emotional thoughts, and Penelope is your truthful thoughts. She doesn't... Talk much...' I tried to process what was happening here. "Then what is John?" Mary hesitated. 'Uh, I think John's just a regular guy.' Erin agreed with her. 'No one knows why he's here. We just go with it.' I nodded in thought. "While I was completely insane I only recall hearing whispers, were they you guys this whole time?" Mary gave me an approving 'Yep,' and I became curious to hear what Penelope sounded like.